Chapter 11- Wrong

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Wednesday August 10th, 2005 12:22pm

Draco apparated into his flat, located on the north side of Birmingham, with anger completely overwhelming him. He was pissed at himself for leaving Hermione alone but he was more pissed that she started a fight with him for no reason; especially since he knew he did nothing wrong.

He paced back and forth in front of his massive brick fireplace, cursing himself for how he handled the situation. Picking a vase up off the coffee table, he hurled it at the wall and watched as is shattered into a million pieces. Although, the action made him feel slightly better, it wasn't enough to calm him.

He turned around and at the same time, lifted both of his hands and ran them aggressively over the mantle of the fireplace. Breaking everything that sat upon it and sweeping it to the floor. His anger was getting the better of him, so he sat down on his large sectional couch and put his face into his hands.

Letting out a breath, he ran his hands down his face and thought strongly about going back to collect Hermione and bring her to his flat; but he wouldn't. He was still pissed and he needed to calm down before talking to her again. Only problem was, calming down was going to be hard; he had no one to talk to about it. No one except the two Gryffindor's who had semi befriended him. But he knew they would be at the Burrow where he was not accepted, so he had no choice but to wallow in his misery, alone.

Draco stood up and walking into his kitchen. Opening a cabinet that contain all of his liquor, he pulled out a bottle of fire whiskey and set it on the counter of the large white marble island. He then turned around and opened a second cabinet; pulling out a whiskey glass, he set it down and started opening the bottle. He filled the glass to rim and lifted it to his lips; downing the whole thing in just a few gulps.

He poured himself another glass before picking up the fire whiskey and walking back over to the couch. He sat down and started drinking his second glass but instantly felt bored. He had spent the last week and a half at the hospital, talking to people and playing games. Now that he was home, he felt even more alone. And it wasn't like he could go into work and drown himself in paperwork; his building was no longer standing.

Coming up with an idea to take his mind off of things, Draco set his glass down on the glass coffee table and stood up. He walked down the long hall to his home office and rummaged through a few drawers for some paper and a quill. Once he found what he was looking for, he walked back into the living room and set the items down.

Taking another sip of his fire whiskey he began drawing sketches of what he wanted his new building to look like; leaving small notes on how to improve it and what to add incase another storm, swept across the country.

The next thing Draco knew, he was well over half a bottle deep and his sketches started to look like a kid was drawing them. Three hours had passed by quicker than he thought and he was most definitely drunk. Although, he had to admit, he was feeling a lot better than before.

Draco swayed a little as he tried to stand up and to his surprise, he fell over; crashing in between the couch and coffee table, making a very loud noise he was sure would annoy his neighbors below him. He laughed out loud at himself as he tried to stand back up and between his hiccups and chuckles, he heard a knock at his door.

He tried to stand up again but fell over once more, so he turned himself over and started crawling on his stomach. He heard another knock and he knew he it had to be a neighbor he pissed off.

"I'm cominning-cominnning-coming!" he yelled out as he crawled across the floor.

The knocking grew incisive and it was now starting to irritate him; ruining his good mood. He had crawled about half way to the door and finally managed to stand up with the help of a decorative table against one of the walls. He swayed slightly but he was able to hold himself up. He drunkenly walked to the door and placed his right hand on the frame to steady himself. Letting out a breath, he opened the door and looked straight at the person, who was about to knock again.

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