Chapter 12- Strong

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Authors note: I want to stop and clear the air for just a minute. I hope you guys don't mind. This rant is mainly for my readers on another site but some parts do apply here. I have had a few reviews from guests over the last two days and two of them I will not allow to be seen on the other site my story is on, since they are rude. But I want to clarify to everyone, that this is a fanfiction. Not everything is going to be accurate and somethings will even be changed in order to fit my story. The one I understand completely and I would have let the review be seen if it was not for the condescending tone they used in their last line. However, I would like to say that I do know that the UK does not have hospital bills. But for my story I added it for the fact that one, I was having writers block and it seemed like a good way to cause some drama, because anyone who has ever received a hospital bill, knows how much drama they can cause. And two, because I needed a legit reason for Hermione to get mad at her friends. No one else has complained about it so I don't see a reason to go back and change multiple chapters because of it. Also for the people who are saying the story now seems like two different ones, I hear you and I understand. The story itself was actually supposed to end at chapter 8/9 but, I have had a lot of requests from readers on multiple fandom sites, to continue the story and add some smut, so I have and I will. Plus, I love to please you guys! (Not in that way, pervs lol). But I can't add more, without changing the story somewhat. Although, I do promise, I have a reason for the story going in the direction it is atm. That is the only reason I am still going on Earth Shattering and even my finished 1912 story. However, my 1912 story was mainly longer, due to tying up loose ends. I have had only two complaints about the stories seeming to change but I wanted to let those people know and future readers, why I have continued. But in the future, if you can't give criticism without being strongly negative, like you are really mad about a fan fiction, then please don't say anything at all or don't read the story. Unless it is that much of a fail that needs to be corrected and in that case, PM me before I post multiple chapters that includes that fail, to help me out. Stay positive, stay happy, and help your fellow authors and readers out! Thank you for your patience! Now on to Chapter 12! PS. I had writers block on this chapter too and just winged it, so I apologize lol. I am basically now just making everything up as I go.

Chapter 12- Strong

Saturday August 13th, 2005 01:43pm

Two days. Two full days that Draco had not spoken to Hermione. It was like she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. It wasn't like they were really together anyway, but he had thought, since the day they were trapped, that they were more than friends.

He apparently thought wrong. She had been hanging out with Ron and completely ignoring himself, Harry, and even Ginny. She was always angry when she saw any of them, but she was only angry when she was around Ron. Ginny had even tried telling her the good news, about her pregnancy, but Hermione wanted nothing to do with it. It wasn't until she showed up to 12 Grimmauld yesterday, before Ron arrived, that she seemed to be her old self. Yet she was forgetting things.

Draco knew then, that the curse she was under was always performed poorly, causing her mind to be addled. He needed to act quickly if he was going to save her, but neither Harry, nor himself, have been able to catch Ronald Weasley using the curse in the act. They had tried keeping a close eye on both Ron and Hermione, whenever they were around them, but nothing ever caught their attention; and Ron had always convinced Hermione to leave as soon as Draco even tried to talk to her. It was suspicious and highly questionable, at best.

"Maybe there is a third person we aren't considering here." Harry stated from Draco's couch; interrupting his thoughts.

"Like who?" Draco asked from behind the island in the kitchen, as he poured himself and Harry a glass of fire whiskey. "The four of us, have been the only ones around Hermione the last few days."

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