Chapter 3- Descent

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Draco let out a loud cry of agony as he rolled over bending his right knee. His left leg was in severe pain but he was grateful he was at least alive.

"Oh my God!" Hermione screamed out, kneeling over his leg.

He let out a hiss as he lifted himself up on his elbows to see the damage. He couldn't tell if his leg was broken or not through all the blood that was seeping out of his ripped slacks, on the side of his calf, but it sure felt like it was.

Hermione's hands hovered over the injury as she tried to figure out what to do.

"Your wand, Malfoy give me your wand!" she looked at him and held out her hand.

"My wand?" he asked through gritted teeth as he tried to think of anything other than the pain. "Where is your wand?"

"It fell out of my pocket in the lift shaft."

"Well that is just bloody great!" he stated laying his head back down on the ground.

Hermione however, was impatient and began patting his chest down. When he felt her press on his wand, resting on his left peck, she pulled it out and let out a gasp.

He lifted his head to see what she was so shocked about and he saw his wand in her hand; it was snapped in half.

"Fuck!" he expelled in frustration as he threw his head back again and placed the back of his right hand on his forehead.

"I have to clear the blood away; I can't see how bad the wound is."

Hermione turned and started looking around the hallway. Draco too, began to look around and saw just how much damage was done to his high-rise.

Lights that were once in the ceiling, flickered and dangled from the rafters, letting off electrical sparks as they swung back and forth. Sprinklers had also gone off and drenched the floor and furniture with water. Papers and ceiling titles were scattered all over the place and a small fire was glowing at the end of the hallway to his right.

He turned his head and spotted an unbroken mug lying on the floor to his left, a few feet away from him and he suddenly got an idea.

"Granger, there is a mug over there." he pointed down the hall. "If you can find an unbroken chair you can stand on it and fill the mug with the water coming from the sprinklers."

She looked at where the mug was and moved herself away from him. She ducked when a light suddenly let off a large spark but continued to walk quickly to the mug. Picking it up, she looked around for something to stand on.

Finding an arm chair, lying on its side, in front of an office, she moved to pick it up and placed it under a spraying sprinkler. She stepped up and covered her face as the water sprayed on her but she covered the head and waited for the mug to fill before removing it and stepping down.

She rushed back to him, dodging another few spark and knelt back beside him.

"This is going to sting." She stated in a sad tone.

She was about to start pouring the water on his leg but stopped and looked at him.

"What? Just pour it." he ordered confused.

Hermione however, set the mug down and leaned in, grabbing his shoulders, and tried to lift him.

"What ar-"

"Sit up." She demanded.

He did what she asked but only with her help, did he succeed. He leaned back on his hands and she started to take his jacket off.

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