Chapter 7- Breathe

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The ambulances sirens blared as it raced down the downtown streets to the hospital. Draco though, couldn't take his eyes off the unconscious Ms. Tate, lying before him.

"What happened?" he asked the man sitting next to him.

The rescue worker lifted his head from the clipboard he was scribbling on and eyed Draco like he had just asked if the grass is blue.

"Um, a tornado hit." He replied holding his pen out to the side of him, like it helped him get his point across.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"I meant to her." he pointed to Ms. Tate.

"Oh." The man let off a light chuckle "we found her under a tree in Malfoy Tech."

Draco wondered why she was even still in his building when he fired her and security was supposed to escort her out.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She'll be fine. Just a few broken bones and some minor internal bleeding that was taken care of at scene."

"She wasn't supposed to be there." Draco muttered.

But even though he said it with sadness, he couldn't bring himself to really care all that much that she was injured. After all, she would have been fine, behind the desk, where she was supposed to be but instead she had to go and get herself fired and then take forever to leave.

It's not like he didn't have a heart though. He sort of cared she was hurt. But she really had no one else to blame but herself. Besides, she insulted Hermione and disrespected him; she was no longer an employee of his. He hoped she pulled through, but it wasn't something that was going to make him lose any sleep, if she didn't.

"What do you mean she wasn't supposed to be there?" the paramedic questioned.

Draco turned his head and looked at the man with his fingers to his lips as he rested his good elbow on his knee.

"She was fired, moments before the tornado hit."

"You know her?" he asked Draco with a raised brow "Because we have no ID on her and she kept screaming about how she was going to sue the company. She refused to give us a name before she passed out."

Draco's stomach dropped but he refused to show his worry.

"Her name is Abby Tate and I know for a fact, she is going to have a hell of a time trying to sue me."

The rescuer expelled a laugh through his nose as he went back to scribbling on his clipboard.

"Well, you said she was fired, so she will have a hard time suing you. But I would be careful if I were you. Lady seems like a nut job if you ask me."

"Thanks." Draco replied rolling his eyes and looking away from both the man and Ms. Tate.

The ambulance suddenly came to a stop and Draco looked up, realizing he made it to the hospital. The passenger in the front got out and walked to the back. Opening the doors, he helped Draco down from the ledge before moving to help roll Ms. Tate out of the vehicle.

Draco looked around at the emergency entrance and came to an understanding. There was no way he was going to be able to find Hermione in this chaos.

It seemed that even the hospital was overfilled. People were lined up out front and tents were set up in the parking lot to treat those with less sever injuries. Hermione though, would not be outside. She was a red tag and he knew she would need what muggles call, surgery; so that would mean she was inside.

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