
145 2 0

Imagine: 'mental picture or idea of something'
Wort-Anzahl: 50 bis 150 Wörter

Längeres Imagine: 'mental picture or idea of something'
Wort-Anzahl: 151 bis 500 Wörter

Drabble: 'story with a exact number of words'
Wort-Anzahl: exakt 100 Wörter

Double-Drabble: 'story with an extact number of words'
Wort-Anzahl: exakt 200 Wörter

One Shot: 'story that has only one chapter'
Wort-Anzahl: 501 bis 1.200/1.500 Wörter

Short Stories: 'storys that are shorter than normal ones'
Wort-Anzahl: 1.200/1.500 bis 3.000/3.500 Wörter

Castiel - Short Stories and a lot more // Supernatural StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now