chapter 2: dragon,monkey,& bull

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The Magic Council, Era

There is a large room with a magic circle in the center, 9 figures standing above the circle with their own, smaller magic circle.

Councilman 1: "They've gone and done it again! That Fairy Tail guild, this time they destroyed a port town!"

Councilman 2: "Honestly! What is up with that guild!"

A Brown haired councilwoman among them speaks up: "To be honest, I'm actually quite fond of those idiots and their carefree attitudes.
An old man among the councilman spoke up.

Old Councilman: "Hmm, it may be true that they are destructive, but we can't forget that they are also an extremely capable group."

Councilman 2: "That is true, they do have a large amount of spirit."

Blue-Haired Councilman: "I say we let them be for now, after all, if it weren't for those fools, I'd say this world would be pretty boring."

The scene shifts back to Natsu, Lathaniel and the gang in front of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

The scene shifts back to Natsu, Lathaniel and the gang in front of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

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Ren and Happy: "Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

Lucy simply looked up at the building at the guild emblem and a smile sprouted from her face.

Lathaniel and Natsu walked up to the door.

Lathaniel: "Same time?"

Lathaniel and Natsu both nodded at each other and kicked the door open in unison


Lathaniel: "We've come back!"

Happy: "We're Home!"

Ren: "Hey everyone!"

Some of the guild members proceeded to welcome back Lathaniel and Natsu, until a man with buckteeth decided to speak up.

Bucktoothed Mage: "Hey Natsu, Lathaniel! I heard you guys raised some hell down at Hargeon Port! Had to go star-

Before the mage spoke any further his face was met with a kick from Natsu, sending him into another table, and shocking Lucy

Lucy: "Why would you do that?!"

Natsu: "You lied about that Salamander! Now I'm gonna kick your butt!"

Bucktoothed Mage: "Don't get mad at me! I was simple passing along a rumor I heard!"


Bucktoothed Mage: "You wanna fight?! LETS GO!"

Before people even realized a brawl broke out in the Guild Hall, which Lathaniel sweatdropped at.

Happy: "Now, now, Natsu, you should probably calm do-

Happy was interrupted with a random body that flew at him, knocking him into Ren and the two flew off and ricocheted off of a few cups on a table before landing on the ground.

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