chapter 14

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Erza: <This isn't right... I've cause all this sorrow for everyone else... I thought sacrificing myself was the right thing to do but...>

Erza covered her face with her hands and started to cry, until the scenery faded back into the white empty space she was in before. Erza felt a presence behind her and she turned, seeing a hand reach out to her.

Erza then awakened to find herself on a beach with nothing but the night sky to see. She then looked to the side to see Nuvi,Gray, lou,Lucy, Juvia, and The rest of her childhood friends running towards her.

Erza: "This doesn't make any sense. Am I still alive?"

Erza then realized that she was in Lathaniel's arms and Natsu was standing right next to them. A tear came out her left eye, yet none fell from the right.

Erza: <Natsu,Nuvi,Lathaniel! You two saved me yet again... I was lost in that sea of magical energy, and you two were still able to find me.>

Lathaniel: "That's right. You're still alive."

Natsu then fell on to his back and let himself float on the water, while Lathaniel fell to his knees.

Lathaniel: "Me, Lathaniel and Natsu feel the same way you do about Fairy Tail..."

Natsu: "And I'm sure everyone else feels the same way."

Nuvi: "So promise us to never do that again!"

Erza: "I won't..."

Lathaniel,Nuvi and Natsu: "Promise!"

Erza then hugged the three DragonSlayers.

Erza: "I promise. Thank you..." <This experience taught me something very important. You don't die for your friends. You live for them! Because the future won't be happy without you in it.>

With that, a single Teardrop fell from Erza's right eye.
Lathaniel, Nuvi and Natsu turned their backs as Erza stood to allow Lucy to hug her, and for Everyone else to check on her.


Natsu was snoring in a bed while the rest of Team Natsu sat on at a table near him. Everyone was covered in bandages.

Nuvi: "Think he's gonna be okay?"

Lucy: "I can't believe he's been sleeping for 3 days straight. It only took Lathaniel one day to recover."

Lathaniel: "The reason for that short recovery time is justified."

Gray: "And what would that reason have to be?"

Lathaniel: "I'm more resilient than Natsu." <Like I'll tell them it's cause I can control three elements. I'll keep that secret between Me and Erza for now.>

Gray: "That's true, although you two are a bit stupid for eating all that ether nano."

Natsu suddenly rose up from bed.

Lathaniel & Nuvi: "I-instant recovery?!"

Natsu: "Say that again and I'll smack ya! ugh..."

Natsu fell right back into bed after finishing his sentence.

Gray: "That punk woke back up just to pick a fight with me!?"

Lucy, Lathaniel, & Nuvi had a quick burst of laughter before quieting down again.

Erza: "I'm really sorry for all the trouble that I caused..."

Lucy: "Aww, you don't have to keep apologizing to us."

Nuvi: "Lathaniel, where's your friend?"

Gray: "Are you talking about Juvia? She left a while ago, said something about going to talk to Gramps about joining Fairy Tail."

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