Event chapter: Mirajane

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Mirajane: "Lathaniel!"

Lathaniel looked up and saw Mirajane.

Lathaniel: "What's up Mira?"

Mirajane: "Let's go on a date around the town!"

Lathaniel: "A-a date?! Wait, what about yours and Elfman's float?"

Mirajane: "Elfman can finish the rest on his own, or do you not want to go with me?"

Lathaniel: "N-no no, I'd love to go."

Mirajane: "Great! Then let's go right now. Let's go check out the stands for the festival before the parade starts."

Lathaniel: "Ok."

Lathaniel got up and held out his hand for Mirajane to take, which she did so with a slight blush. As the two walked out for their date, Macao and Wakaba started to speak.

Wakaba: "Man, do I wish I was Lathaniel right now..."

Macao: "You said it..."

Lathaniel and Mirajane walked through the town, looking at all the stalls until one caught Mirajane's eye. 

Mirajane: "Hey, look! A ball game!"

Stall Person: "Hey, young man, why don't you try to win a prize for the pretty lady there?"

Lathaniel: "Sure, why not?"

Stall Person: "It's simple, knock the tower of bottles over and you win a prize! You get three shots."

Lathaniel: "Alright, I'll give it a try."

Lathaniel paid for the game and got three balls to throw at the tower.

Stall Person: <Heh, such an easy scam, the tower has been glued together using magic, I'd like to see them knock it over now!>

Lathaniel: <Considering none of the prizes have been taken I'll just assume it's a scam and I'll throw a tiny bit of magic in the mix.>

Lathaniel winded up his arm and charged a minimal amount of lightning into the ball before throwing it at the tower of bottles with pinpoint accuracy. Sure enough, the lightning Lathaniel charged broke through the bottles and the tower fell over.

Stall Person: "I-impossible, no one should have been able to knock those bottles over!"

Lathaniel: "So I was right about it being a scam at least. Mira, which prize do you want?"

Mirajane: "I'll take the stuffed baby dragon."

Stall Person: "S-sure thing."

The Stall Person grabbed the plushy of an (blue) hedgehog at had (Green) eyes and gave it to Mirajane. As Lathaniel and Mirajane walked away from the stall, Mirajane started to hug the dragon plushy.

Lathaniel: "I'll assume you like it then?"

Mirajane: "Of course! *quietly* it's because it reminds me of you..."

Lathaniel: "What was that last part Mira?"

Mirajane: *blush* "Huh? O-oh, nothing, just mumbling to myself that's all!"

The two continued through the town until Elfman came running towards them.

Elfman: "Sis! Lathaniel! Come on! We gotta go get ready for the parade!"

Mirajane: "Sure! We'll catch up in a minute."

Elfman nodded and went back to the Guild Hall. Lathaniel started to walk back to the Guild Hall as well.

Mirajane: "Ah, Lathaniel!"

Lathaniel: "Yeah Mira?"

Lathaniel turned to face Mirajane.

Mirajane: "If you don't mind, can you meet me on the bridge near your house after the parade?"

Lathaniel: "I don't mind, but why?"

Mirajane: "Because I have something I want to tell you, but you have to wait until after the parade, alright?"

Lathaniel: "Uh, sure."


Lathaniel had gone home after cleaning up the parade to meet Mirajane on the bridge near his house. As he approached the bridge, he noticed Mirajane was already there, leaning over the railing. Lathanielsilently snuck up behind Mirajane, before grabbing her and yelling.

Lathaniel: "Boo!"

Mirajane: "Kyaa! Lathaniel! Don't do that!"

Lathaniel: *laugh* "Sorry, I just had to. Anyway, how are you doing? Considering what happened I figured you might have remembered what happened all those years ago."

Mirajane: "Oh... don't worry about me, it's fine."

Lathaniel suddenly hugged Mirajane, which shocked her, but she slowly returned the hug.

Lathaniel: "Don't hold back your tears Mira, just let it go right now."

Mirajane listened to Lathaniel and she slowly started to sob into Lathaniel's embrace.

Mirajane: "I miss her so much..."

Lathaniel: "We all do Mira, we all miss her."

Mirajane continued to cry for a while until she then calmed down and looked at Lathaniel.

Mirajane: "Thank you Lathaniel..."

Lathaniel: "No problem. You can always look to me if you need someone to cry on."

Mirajane then looked away from Lathaniel and blushed slightly.

Mirajane: "Umm, is it alright if I tell you what I wanted to now?"

Lathaniel: "Go ahead."

Mirajane then used her hands to caress Lathaniel's face slightly. A blush creeping on to both of their faces.

Mirajane: "I love you. Please, never leave me."

Lathaniel then leaned in to kiss Mirajane in response, and Mirajane mirrored his actions. The townspeople, had set up fireworks without any of the Fairy Tail Wizards knowing and started to fire them off into the sky. Lathaniel and Mirajane kissed under the firework lit night sky. They separated from their kiss. 

Lathaniel: "I love you too Mira, and I won't I promise."

They continued to watch the fireworks show from their spot on their bridge, their hands intertwined to show their newfound love for eachother.

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