Event chapter: Lucy

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The door opened to reveal none other than the Lucy, the newest addition to their guild.

Lathaniel: "Hey Lucy, did you need something?"

Lucy: "I just came by to check on you is all."

She would then sit on a chair next to Lathaniel's bed.

Lucy: "I heard what you did to save our Guild."

Lathaniel: "Huh?"

Lucy: "Taking on a Jupiter Cannon, taking out members of Phantom Lord, beating Gajeel, it was all to protect me."

Lathaniel: "Well yeah, of course I would. You're a part of Fairy Tail. Everyone in Fairy Tail is precious to me, even You."

This statement was enough to turn Lucy's face into a blushing mess. Lathaniel simply smiled at her as she blushed.

Lucy: "A-Anyways! I wanted to take you out after you recover as thanks."

Lathaniel: "Well, I should be out by tomorrow so how about then?"

Lucy: "R-Really? Cool! I'll see you then?"

Lathaniel: "Actually, don't you have to help with repairs?"

Lucy: "Master happened to give me a day off tomorrow."

Lathaniel: "Well, alright then. See you tomorrow Lucy."

He laid back in the bed and tried to get some sleep. Lucy got up and left the building with a smile on her face.


Lathaniel had just left the hospital and arrived home to get himself cleaned up for his upcoming... he froze, unsure if he should call it a date or not. As it turned out, Ren was already at the Guild Hall helping out with repairs. A knock could be heard from the door just as he finished dressing. He would open it to see Lucy dressed in her regular outfit.

Lathaniel: "Hey Lucy, you ready for our Date?"

Lucy: "D-Date? This isn't..."

Lathaniel: "I-It isn't? I thought it was considering it's just the two of us going out together."

Lucy: "O-Oh, then I guess it is..."

Lathaniel would hold his hand out for Lucy to hold as he led her to the nearest diner. They had a calming dinner, with Lathaniel taking care not to order large amounts of food and having a large eating session.

Lucy: "So, uh... is there anything you wanted to ask me about?"

Lathaniel: "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Lucy: "I mean about what happened with Phantom Lord."

Lathaniel: "Well, I was curious as to why they wanted to kidnap you so badly."

Lucy: "Well..."

Lucy would explain that Phantom Lord attacked Fairy Tail in order to get at Lucy. Her Father, had paid them off to kidnap Lucy and bring her back to the Heartfilia mansion

Lathaniel: "I see... Well, it's nothing to beat yourself up over."

Lucy: "You don't understand..."

Lathaniel: "I don't need to. All I care about is that you are a part of Fairy Tail, and someone tried to take you when you didn't want to go. We fought back and we won, end of story. Don't do blaming yourself over something like this."

Lucy: "I guess you're right..."

They would finish eating and walked home together after paying the check. They saw that it was night time as they walked out.

Lucy: "Sorry for this. I meant to take you out to thank you and you ended up having to cheer me up instead."

Lathaniel: "No worries. I still had fun being with you."

Lucy blushed at Lathaniel's comment, too nervous to look him in the eye.

Lucy: <It's weird, being with him makes me feel all jittery for some reason... why..?>

Lathaniel: <D-did I say something wrong? She's blushing like crazy! Why did I even think about saying something like that?>

Lathaniel was busy freaking out internally while Lucy was blushing like crazy. They were nearing their houses when some guys on a boat on the river in front of their houses suddenly yelled out at them.

Boat Guy 1: "Hey! Lucy has a man now!"

Boat Guy 2: "What a lucky guy!"


She would blurt out at the guys on the boat. Lathaniel had a big blush on his face. They then stopped in front of Lucy's house.

Lathaniel: "Thanks for taking me out today Lucy."

Lucy: "S-Sure, no problem..."

Lathaniel: "Maybe we can do this again another time?"

Lucy: "I would like that a lot..."

Lathaniel would lean in to kiss Lucy on the cheek.

Lathaniel: "See you tomorrow."

He said as he walked down to his house. Lucy held her hand on the cheek she was kissed on, a very deep red blush on her face. Lathaniel was blushing while he was walking away and while he was entering his home.

Lathaniel: "That, was way too daring..."

Lucy: <H-He kissed my cheek..?>

They both entered their homes for the night and went to bed. They were think about each other as they went to sleep.

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