chapter 8: War

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A few days had passed since Natsu, Gray, Happy,lou and Lucy recieved their punishments (Courtesy of Mirajane) and they are now out on a job with Erza & Nuvi. Lathaniel  on the other hand, decided to stay home and relax.


Lathaniel: "Barely a day even passed since their punishment and they already want to go on a job."

Makarov: "Honestly, it's like they didn't learn anything at all. So why didn't you go?"

Lathaniel: "I've got plenty of money to pay for rent at my home, so I'm taking a rest for now."

Flashback End

It was already nighttime, and Lathaniel was taking a stroll around Magnolia. He decided to go walk past the guild hall, but the sight he saw was, devastating. He saw a shadowy figure, trashing the guild hall with what appeared to be metal rods. Lathaniel instantly took action.

Lathaniel: "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

The figure heard Lathaniel's voice and started to run, his goal already accomplished, Lathaniel gave chase, only to be met with an earth cage. Lathaniel made short work of the cage only to realize that the figure destroying the guild hall was already gone.

Lathaniel: "Damn! He got away. I have to tell Master!"

Lathaniel quickly ran to Makarov's house and began to knock on the door.

Lathaniel: "MASTER! MASTER!"

Makarov then opened the door, wearing his sleeping clothes.

Makarov: "What in the heavens do you want you blithering- oh, it's you Lathaniel. What is it boyo?"

Lathaniel: "No time to explain! Just come and look!"

Lathaniel quickly grabbed Makarov by his hand and rushed to the guild hall, showing the destruction that was caused.

Makarov: "What... happened?" 

Lathaniel: "Someone was trashing it while I was walking around. He tried to get away and I chased after him but failed. My best guess is that it was Phantom Lord."

Makarov: "I see, their Guild Master and I aren't exactly on the best of terms right now. Let it go sonny. There is no point in worrying about a guild that relies on surprise attacks."

Lathaniel: "But-"

Makarov: "Leave. It. Go home for now, and rest. Tomorrow I will have everyone use the basement of the Hall as the base of operations."

Lathaniel: "I... understand."

With that, the two went their separate ways to their homes to rest for the night.


Lathaniel was silently walking down the stairs to the basement of the Guild Hall, and found a place to sit down. The air was quiet, until more footsteps were heard on the stairs. It was the rest of Team Natsu. They slowly walked their way up to where Makarov was.

Makarov: "YO! What's up kids?"

Lucy: "Uh, Hi?"

Nuvi: "I'm sorry we weren't here sooner."

Natsu: "Why in the world are you all just sitting here like this?"

Makarov: "Hoooww did it gooo? Diid you fiinish the job like a good girll?"

Lucy: "Uh, yeah."

Erza: "Do you understand the gravity of the situation right now?"

Lou: "The guild hall just got trashed! Wait, where'e Lathaniel?"

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