chapter 10

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Lathaniel was laying down on the ground, smiling because of his triumph over Gajeel, and destroying the Phantom's Giant, and Natsu,Nuvi was currently being carried by Happy,tana and Lucy was being carried by Ren as they were flying over where Gajeel and Lathaniel lay. Natsu was cheering very loudly, in a bragging tone.


Gajeel: "I-Impossible... I... can't... lose..."

Lathaniel: "I... hate to be the bearer... of bad news... but I think you just lost."

Lucy: "Lathaniel won, but... he's down!"

Ren: "Nah, this is Lathaniel we're talking about, he'll be up and running in a few minutes."

Lathaniel: "Ren's right, I need to lie down for a bit, although... I... overdid it, didn't I?"

Happy: "Aye..."

Lathaniel: "I still won though, so this is fine with me..."

An ominous energy then began to reveal itself. Lathaniel realized this and looked in the direction of this energy... inside the destroyed Giant.

Lathaniel: <That wasn't there before... Jose must have powered up, but against who? No, Erza! lou! There's nothing any of us can do either. Jose is too strong for us to face.>

The sky then began to gather on top of the giant, and a new source of energy showed up, this one being nothing like Jose, this was warmer, and more light. Lathaniel instantly realized who it was, and smiled, now that Master Makarov has returned.

Lathaniel:why I'm scared feeling I'm being watched?

Juvia: "looks at Lathaniel from afar"💕okami-sama......

Inside the Giant

Jose currently had Erza& lou under the wraps of his spell, until some kind of magic power release Erza from Jose's power. Erza turned to face who freed her, and smiled when she saw Master Makarov, who was currently furious at Jose.

Erza: "Master..."

Lou : DAMN!

Makarov: "You have shed the blood of our children, and that is unforgivable. They are suffering because of the incompetence of their parents. This war has gone on far enough. It's time we end this, here and now!"

Jose then closed his eyes and placed his hand over his face. When he opened his eyes they were pitch black.

Jose: "If we fight then it could create a catastrophe."

Makarov then charged his magical energy into his fingers and prepared to fight.

Makarov: "If it is for the sake of the guild I will gladly take that risk!"

The two then glared at eachother, the Saints ready to settle the scores between eachother. Gray, Mirajane and Elfman, feeling the warmth of Makarov's energy then woke up.

Gray: "This warmth... it reminds me of Gramps."

Gray then realized that Makarov is about to fight with Jose. Jose then launched a wave of shadow magic at Makarov and Erza, and in retaliation, Makarov then summoned a magic shield to guard from Jose's attack.

Makarov: "Children, get out while you still can!"

Gray, lou and Elfman then managed to get up.

Gray: "What?! No way!"

Elfman: "We're gonna stay here with you!"

Erza: "No! It's best that we listen to what he says and leave!"

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