chapter 13: Dragon slayers vs jellal

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Erza: "What have you done?"

Jellal then laughed maniacally, and Lathaniel jumped at Jellal.

Lathaniel: "BASTARD!!!"

Lathaniel tried to punch Jellal, but Jellal dodged it, and then grabbed Lathaniel by the face, slamming him down to the ground.

Jellal: "It's here! At long last my moment of glory has arrived!"

Erza: "Glory?"

Lathaniel: "S-so this was the Tower of Heaven's true form... a giant lacrima tower."

Jellal: "Very perceptive Lathaniel. You're smarter than you seem."

Jellal let go of Lathaniel and then stood up straight.

Jellal: "And now, thanks to the Council, it's ready to activate. The etherion's magic energy provided the missing link to the puzzle. The R-System is now complete!"

Erza: "So the documents we had were all wrong? This was the true goal behind the R-System?'

Erza stood up and simply looked at Jellal.

Erza: "So, I was your pawn, the entire time..."

???: "You're expression, is priceless Erza."

Lathaniel and Erza looked in the direction of the voice to see Siegrain.

Siegrain: "He is incapable of using his full power right now. So he HAD to use you so he could save himself."

Lathaniel: "Siegrain? Why?"

Erza: "What are you even doing here?"

Siegrain: "This reminds me of the first time we met Erza. Do you remember?"

Siegrain then walked to Jellal's side.

Jellal: "You went with Makarov to submit a written report for destroyed property."

Siegrain: "She attacked me out of nowhere. Guess she had me mistaken for you."

Jellal: "Can't you blame her. After all, we are identical twins."

Siegrain: "You even refused to let up until I confessed that I was his twin. Didn't change the fact that you were hostile towards me from that day forward."

Erza: "What did you expect, you didn't even bother to try to save your brother. All you did was cover up his tracks. You've even spied on me and reported it back to him."

Siegrain: "That so? That's my fault then. I should have said something that would have convinced you that I was going to find my brother and kill him for what he did. However, it was a mistake in itself to let myself get seen by you. Even after the trouble I went through to become a member of the council."

Jellal: "There's nothing worse than trying to make up an excuse on the spot."

Lathaniel then got up and walked to Erza's side.

Lathaniel: "You two were working together the entire time?"

Jellal: "I wouldn't call it working together per say, it is much more complicated than that."

Siegrain then appeared to fade away, shocking both Lathaniel and Erza.

Siegrain and Jellal: "We are not twins, but two faces of one person. We have been from the start."

Siegrain then faded into Jellal, and the two seemingly fused, allowing Jellal to regain his powers.

Lathaniel: "You were keeping up a projection the entire time? How is that even possible?"

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