Event chapter: mirajane

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The door opened, and Lathaniel recognized the person coming through the door as Mirajane. Mirajane saw where you were at and then almost jumped on to Lathaniel, hugging him.

Lathaniel: "Ouch! Mirajane, I'm glad to see you too, but I'm still recovering."

Mirajane: "O-oh, I'm sorry. I'm just so glad to see you're okay."

Lathaniel: "Don't worry about it, just be a bit more gentle next time."

Mirajane then let go of Lathaniel and found a chair to sit on next to Lathaniel's bed.

Lathaniel: "So, did you only come by to check on me?"

Mirajane: "Yes. I was worried about you so I came to see how you were doing. Is that okay with you?"

Mirajane said her last sentence in such a cute tone that Lathaniel began to blush slightly, but hid it so Mirajane couldn't see it.

Lathaniel: "O-of course it's okay! I'll be out by tomorrow, so everything will be alright."

Mirajane: "That's great! U-umm in that case, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

Lathaniel: "U-uh, you mean like a date?"

Mirajane: "Well, if you want it to be..."

Lathaniel: "What about rebuilding the Guild Hall?"

Mirajane: "Master is giving me the day off tomorrow, and he won't put you to work as soon as you get out the hospital. Or... do you not want to go out on a date with me?"

Mirajane then gave the most adorable look she could possibly give, and Lathaniel struggled not to explode into many shades of red

Lathaniel: "Nononono, it's nothing like that! I would love to go on a date with you tomorrow Mira."

Mirajane: "Kay! Then, see you tomorrow when you get out?"

Lathaniel: "O-of course! Where do you want to meet up?"

Mirajane: "Is your house fine, we'll go in the afternoon."

Lathaniel: "I'm fine with that. See you tomorrow."

Mirajane: "Bye!"

Mirajane left, and as soon as the door closed, Lathaniel could have sworn he heard Mirajane humming out of happiness as she was walking out of the building. Lathaniel then laid down on bed, and wondered what is going to happen tomorrow, his face was still red slightly after being asked out on a date with Mirajane, this thought entering his head as he drifted off to sleep for the day.

Lathaniel: 😀


It was the morning after Lathaniel agreed to go out on a date with Mirajane, the doctors cleared Lathaniel to leave and Lathaniel put his clothes on and left the hospital to go home. After he got home he took a quick shower and got ready for his date with Mirajane. He wore his signature outfit, and began to lay around the house until it was the afternoon, during which he heard a knock on the door. Lathaniel then got up and opened the door, and was met with Mirajane, but in a (F/C) variation of her normal dress. Lathaniel could do nothing but stare in awe at Mirajane's beauty.

Lathaniel: "Hey Mira. Wow... you look great!"

Mirajane: "Thanks! You too."

Lathaniel: "Thank you. Well, uh, let's get going. Is there somewhere in particular you have in mind?"

Mirajane: "Actually, I have this great cafe in mind. Do you want to go there?"

Lathaniel: "Sounds good to me. Shall we?"

Lathaniel then gestured for Mirajane to walk first for him to follow, which Mirajane did. After a few minutes of walking the two of them reached the cafe that Mirajane was talking about. A waiter then came to serve them at the table they were sitting at.

Waiter: "Greetings. What shall I get for you two?"

Mirajane: "I'll just have some tea."

Lathaniel: "I'll have tea as well."

Waiter: "Certainly, I'll be right back with some tea."

The waiter then left, leaving Lathaniel and Mirajane by themselves at the table. Lathaniel then broke the silence first.

Lathaniel: "S-so, uh how was everything today?"

Mirajane: "Things are going really well, especially with the reconstruction of the Guild Hall. We're really making a lot of progress. Are your injuries all healed up?"

Lathaniel: "Yeah, I feel brand new now."

Mirajane giggled slightly at Lathaniel's answer, and then asked another question with a concerned look on her face.

Mirajane: "I heard from the others what happened when you all went to attack Phantom Lord... is everything alright?"

Lathaniel: "Ah, that. Promise you won't tell anyone if I tell you the reason behind why I acted as I did?"

Mirajane: "Cross my heart."

Lathaniel then proceeded to tell Mirajane the story behind why he had froze up, a sad look appearing on his face as the story finished. Lathaniel was looking down at his hands, until he saw Mirajane's hands reaching for his own. Their hands touched and Lathaniel looked up slowly to see Mirajane with a concerned look on her face. The waiter then came by with the tea.

Waiter: "Sorry for the wait, here's your tea."

Their hands then stopped touching as the waiter placed the tray of tea on to the table.

Lathaniel and Mirajane: "Thank you."

The waiter simply bowed and left, and the two continued their conversation.

Mirajane: "I'm so sorry to hear that... Are you doing okay now?"

Lathaniel: "Yes actually, Natsu, and his team helped me move on from that past. Now I'm no longer afraid of using my full power."

The conversation stopped at that and the two then drank their tea, making small conversations with each other until it was almost sunset. Lathaniel then got up to pay the bill, and then walked Mirajane back to her home. They then stopped when they reached Mirajane's house.

Lathaniel: "Looks like this is where it stops. I really enjoyed the time we spent together today."

Mirajane: "I enjoyed it too. We should do it again sometime."

The two then looked at each others eyes for a moment, a blush slowly creeping on to both of their faces. They held each others hands and then slowly leaned in and were about to kiss, until the door to Mirajane's house suddenly burst open, and (Y/N) and Mirajane quickly separated, the blushes were still on their faces.

Elfman: "Mirajane! You're back! Oh, you were out with Lathaniel? I see, well I'll be waiting for you inside."

Elfman then closed the door, and Lathaniel and Mirajane faced each other again.

Lathaniel: "Well, uh, I'll see you tomorrow Mira."

Mirajane: "O-okay, bye Lathaniel."

Mirajane then walked towards the door to her house, and closed it. The door closed and Lathaniel started to walk away, and Mira simply leaned and sat against the wall, the same thought crossing both of their heads as they went their separate ways.

Mirajane and Lathaniel: <Darn it Elfman... I was so close too.>

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