Final chapter: THUNDER & LIGHTNING!!!: Lathaniel vs Laxus

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Lathaniel was running through Magnolia in search of Laxus, since he was unable to find Laxus by using his sense of smell.

Lathaniel: "Where would I be hiding if I were Laxus?"

Just then, Lathaniel felt a large amount of magic energy come from the direction Kardia Cathedral.

Lathaniel: "Found you!"

Lathaniel then used Lightning Body to jump from rooftop to rooftop at a rapid pace towards Kardia Cathedral, arriving just in time to see Erza,Nuvi and Natsu running towards the cathedral as well.

Lathaniel: "Erza! Nuvi! Natsu!"

Erza and Natsu turned their heads and saw Lathaniel.

Natsu: "Bro!"

Erza & Nuvi: "Lathaniel!"

Lathaniel: "No time, let's head in."

Together, the three headed in to see Mystogan fighting Laxus on his own.

Natsu: "Who the heck is that guy?"

Erza: "That's Mystogan..."

Lathaniel: "Sup dude?"

Mystogan turned and his eyes met with Erza, which caused him to turn and hide his face.

Laxus: "Ha! Wide open!"

Laxus fired a wave of Lightning Magic right into Mystogan's face, tearing off his mask and revealing what he looks like. And what everyone saw surprised them, except for Laxus. It was, Jellal's face. Tears came on to Erza's face as she saw Mystogan's face

Erza: "Jellal? How are you alive? I saw you die..."

Lathaniel and Nuvi: "JELLAL!"

Lathaniel, as if on instinct leap right at Mystogan, mistaking him for Jellal and attacking.

Mystogan: "Lathaniel, wait!"

Mystogan used a staff to block a punch from Lathaniel and the two stood in a locked position.

Mystogan: "I know what I look like but I am not Jellal Fernandez, we are two different people!"

Lathaniel: "Cut the crap! How do I know this isn't just another trick or a thought projection!"

Natsu: "I don't understand... so Mystogan, is Jellal?"

Mystogan: "If this were another trick I would have tried to kill you by now idiot!"

Lathaniel realized this, and stopped attacking. This moment of reluctance coming back around to bite him as Laxus suddenly appeared next to Lathaniel and punched him in the face, knocking him down and outside of the cathedral.

Natsu: "Lathaniel!! Erza, I'm going to take Laxus on got it!"

Erza: "Jellal..."

Natsu: "Wake up already!"

Before Erza could respond, Laxus began to shock Erza using his Lightning Magic, causing Erza to scream until he stopped.

Laxus: "That was quite the face you made there girlie!"

Natsu: "Enough! Your opponent is me, Laxus!"

Outside, Lathaniel slowly got up after being punched by Laxus.

Lathaniel: "Cheap shot..."

As he walked back into the cathedral, he saw Natsu and Nuvi engaging Laxus and Erza on the ground near the entrance.

Lathaniel: "Natsu! Me &Nuvi  going to get Erza somewhere safe! You stall him until we get back, got it!?"

Natsu: "Stall him? Ha! I'll do you one better! I'll beat him by the time you get back here!"

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