chapter 7:End of the island

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Natsu and lou was nowhere to be found, and the rest of Team Natsu was approaching the ruins and found that it was tilted slightly.

Lucy: "Is it just me or is the ruins not upright?"

Lathaniel: "No, I see it too, if anything it's probably-"

Erza: "Natsu!"

Gray: "I don't know how he did it, but he's the only one that would do something this crazy. This is a pretty great idea if he did it on purpose. "

Nuvi:"With the temple tilted like that the MoonDrip can't be used because the moonlight can't hit Deliora."

Lathaniel: "So Natsu's destruction abilities actually helped us out in the long run?"

Ren: "M-my necks stuck!"

Happy: "M-mine too! We were looking at the temple sideways for too long!"

Their next suddenly snapped to the other side, causing Lucy to get scared and Lathaniel to flinch slightly. Then, out of nowhere a set of blades came from the forest and towards the group. Erza & Nuvi then punched Ren, Lucy, and Happy out of the way.

Erza: "Look out!"

Erza, Lathaniel, Nuvi and Gray were dodging and jumping out of the path of the blades. Lucy flew into a tree and hit her head, Ren and Happy soon following after with the same result.

Lou: "Who's there? Show yourselves!"

A group of priests then emerged from the forest and surrounded everyone.

Priest 1: "We've got you now, Fairy Tail!"

Priest 2: We won't allow you to interfere!"

Gray: "These guys again."

Lathaniel: "Lyon's minions?"

Lucy: "They're all around us!"

Ren: "Aye!"

Erza: "I can handle this by myself."

Nuvi: "Are you sure about this Erza?"

Lathaniel: "Go on ahead Gray. I'll be helping Erza with this."

Lucy then got up with her whip, and Happy and Ren got ready to fight with some half eaten fish.

Lucy: "We'll fight too! You go do what you have to Gray!"

Ren and Happy: "AYE!"

Gray: "Thanks everyone."

Gray & Nuvi ran for the ruins, leaving everyone else to fight the oncoming priests. Lathaniel began to exert a large amount of electricity.

Lathaniel: "Let's Rock!"

Lathaniel vanished in a trace of (blue electric) lightning, appearing in the middle of a crowd of priests.

Priest 3: "What the-oof!"

Priest 4: "When did he-urg!"

Lathaniel landed solid blows on the talking priests, and then continued his work. Erza summoned a large two handed axe and began to swing away. Lucy kept a long distance and attacked the priests using her whip and Happy and Ren... they were just throwing random food at the priests. Suddenly, the ruins shifted back into place, causing them all to look over.

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