Event chapter: Erza

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the door to his room opened he saw the familiar red hair of Erza as she walked in. Erza then saw that Lathaniel was awake, and then walked over and tried to place his head on her chest to comfort him, succeeding in only giving him even more of a headache because she had her armor on.

Erza: "Thank goodness you are alright. I was worried when I saw you collapse at the Guild Hall. I apologize for not being able to visit you until now."

Lathaniel: "Erza, I'm very thankful that you came to see me like this, but can you please let my head go, you're kinda crushing my head on your armor."

Erza: "O-oh, I apologize."

Erza quickly let go of Lathaniel's head and let him lay down on the bed as she found a chair next to the bed to sit on.

Erza: "So, how are you doing? About your memories?"

Lathaniel: "Everything is fine, I've found a reason to move on now."

Erza: "And what reason would that be?"

Lathaniel: "Fairy Tail. From now on, when I use my power, I'll use it not only to remember my sister and make things up to her, but to protect you, Natsu, Master, and everyone else in Fairy Tail too."

Erza: "It makes me happy to hear that Lathaniel."

A moment of silence passed before Lathaniel spoke up.

Lathaniel: "So, uh, you never told me about how you know Siegrain."

A saddened look suddenly crossed Erza's face and Lathaniel panicked slightly.

Lathaniel: "O-oh, you don't have to tell me if you don't need to."

Erza then suddenly leaned in to Lathaniel and whispered to him.

Erza: "Will you go out with me tomorrow?"

Lathaniel had a deep shade of red then crossed on his face and made him back away slightly from Erza, almost causing him to fall off the bed.

Lathaniel: "Go out? Y-you mean, like on a date?"

Erza then realized what she said and blushed as she stood up.

Erza: "N-n-n-no! Not like a date! I meant so I can explain about Siegrain. But... if you want it to be a date, then I don't mind."

Lathaniel responded after a moment of processing what Erza just said, his face still having an deep blush on it.

Lathaniel: "O-oh, okay then. Wait, what about the reconstruction of the guild hall?"

Erza: "I'm sure everyone won't mind me taking a day off. You don't have to worry either since you get out of the hospital that day."

Lathaniel: "A-alright then, l-let's go out tomorrow."

Erza's continued to blush as she had then a gentle smile on her face.

Erza: "Very well, I'll see you tomorrow at your place."

Erza then left the room, the same smile seemed to glue itself to her face knowing that she just agreed to go out with Lathaniel. Lathaniel simply laid down in his bed, his blush was still there and refused to go away. One last thought came across his mind as he fell asleep.

Lathaniel: <Did I just agree to go out on a date with Erza?>

LouTheLucario: 'comes from out of nowhere' YES YA DID!GOOD LUCK!

Lathaniel:😐.................da fuq?


It was morning and Lathaniel was let out of the hospital and went home. After Lathaniel got home he took a quick shower and put on his normal clothes in order to get ready for his date with Erza. He sat in his living room until he heard a knock at the door, Lathaniel got up to answer it and opened the door to see Erza, not in her signature Heart Kreuz Armor, but in a white shirt that was frilled down the center, a blue ribbon at the collar of the shirt. She still had on her blue skirt from her normal armor, but something about seeing Erza without armor on, and in normal clothng made Lathaniel blush.

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