chapter 12: The Game of heaven

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Natsu and Lathaniel were dashing through the halls in hopes of finding Happy and Ren, who we kidnapped while everyone was at the resort.

Lathaniel: "Happy! Ren! Shout if you can hear us!"

Natsu: "Don't worry little buddies we're coming to rescue ya!"

Lathaniel: "They should be in one of the rooms up ahead, let's go!"

Natsu: "Right!"

The came up to an open door and looked inside, only to find that is was decorated in nothing but cat themed stuff.

Lathaniel: "What's with all of the cat stuff?"

Natsu: "Hey! Look at that! I'm gonna try that on!"

Natsu then ran to a nearby shelf that had two large cat masks on them, Natsu grabbed a green one and put it on his head, and then struck a cat pose.

Natsu: "I like this mask! Hee hee, raaawr!"

Lathaniel burst out into a fit of laughter at Natsu.

Lathaniel: "Hahahaa! That's great! Come on, put it back, we gotta find Happy and Ren."

Natsu: "Awww don't be such a downer! You put one on too!"

Natsu then picked up that other cat mask, this one being (F/C) and forced it onto Lathaniel's head.

Lathaniel: "Hey! Natsu! What the hell?!"

Natsu: "Ha! Now you're a cat too!"

Lathaniel decided to start playing along.

Lathaniel: "Alright alright, come on now, let's take these off, even if we do make good looking cats."

Natsu: "Kay!"

The two Dragonslayers tried to take off the masks, but it appeared to have gotten stuck on both of them.

Lathaniel: "Great! Look at what you did you idiot!"

Natsu: "Shut up! It was worth it!"

Lathaniel: "You're lucky we actually look good with these masks on us."

Little to their knowledge, they didn't realized that Wally was behind them, with his arm transformed into a cannon

Natsu: "Hey! I just got an idea! We can go scare Erza with these on!"

Lathaniel: "No,no Lucy is the better idea... plus Erza would probably beat us down if we scared her like this."

Natsu: "You right... Achoo! Aww gross, I can't wipe my face!"

Lathaniel: "Hahaha! That's what you get for... Achoo! Aww man..."

Natsu: "Whatever, let's try pulling these off again!"

Lathaniel and Natsu tried to pull the masks off their head, not realized Wally was about to fire his gun at them. Wally fired, but missed because Milliana came up from behind him and pushed his gun to the side. The bullet left a square hole in the wall Natsu and Lathaniel were facing.

Wally: "Oi, what the hell do you think you're doing Milliana!?"

Milliana: "Don't play dumb with me, you were about to shoot the kitty kitties!"

Wally: "That's not even a real cat you dumb broad!"

Lathaniel: *whisper* "Quick, start meowing."

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