chapter 3: the wizard in armor and the ice dragon slayer

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It was just the average day in the guild hall, nothing of extreme importance really occurred. Lathaniel found out Lucy now has a house that is actually on the same street as his, which was surprising at first. Lathaniel also found out that, while he and Ren were relaxing back in Magnolia, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy went on a job together to some maid mansion. It ended with them getting no money, which was surprising to the Lathaniel and Ren, and Natsu explained about how they fought a giant maid.

Natsu: "... So I grabbed on to the maid, and all of the sudden I ended up in some sewers where Lucy was. Afterwards I ended up beating the maid into the ground and saving the day."

Lathaniel: "And Lucy's upset about it since you guys couldn't get the reward?"

Natsu: "Yeah... though, now that I'm thinking about it, we should have taken the reward. We need money right now..."

As Lathaniel and Natsu continued to chat in the guild hall, with Lucy sitting off to the side. Lucy then got up and took a look at the Job Board.

Lucy: "Finding a magic bracelet, breaking the curse on a cursed staff, telling someone's fortune... hunting a volcano demon?! There's a huge range of jobs for wizards..."

Mirajane then walks up to Lucy

Mirajane: "If you find a job you're interested in, go ahead and let me know. Right now, Master is at a conference."

Lucy: "What kind of conference?"

Mirajane: "One for guild masters. Every once in a while guild masters meet up to talk about the state of things. It's kind of like the Magic Council, but different. Reedus, can I borrow a magic pen?"

Reedus, a very..."large" wizard, agreed and give Mirajane a magic pen, which she proceeded to use to explain and draw in the air the hiearchy of the society in Fiore, with the Government having the most power, leading to the Magic Council, and then the Local Guild Master Leagues, then the individual Guilds.

Lou: "Wow, I didn't realize all of the guilds were connected like that."

Mirajane: "It's important that all of the guilds cooperate with each other, otherwise the whole system would just fall apart."

Natsu then suddenly appeared behind Lucy with some fire in his hand

Natsu: "And then the guys in black would show up!"

Lucy then shrieked, not realizing that Natsu was behind her. Natsu then burst into a fit of laughter.

Natsu: "Aww man, you made that too easy!"

Lucy: "Were you trying to scare me?"

Lathaniel suddenly came up to the three as well.

Lathaniel: "Natsu isn't lying though, those 'guys in black he's talking about are Dark Guilds."

Mira then drew a circle separate from the rest that said Dark Guild in it.

Lathaniel: "Dark Guilds are guilds that choose not to be a part of the League, and are mostly made up of the bad eggs. Most of the time, they're involved in Magic Crimes."

Natsu: "Can you hurry up and pick a job Lucy?"

This angered Lucy slightly and she and Natsu went back and forth about how their status as a team, which Lathaniel simply ignored, until he heard Gray say something. Gray continued on until someone told him he had stripped again, and Natsu said something towards Gray, which ended with the two of them getting into a huge argument. Meanwhile, Loke started to flirt with Lucy to persuade her into joining his team. That is, until he realized Lucy was a Celestial Wizard and ran off. Suddenly, Gray punched Natsu into Lucy, and Natsu got back up and continued to throw insults back and forth with Gray. Everyone in the hall was laughing at this sight until Loke ran into the hall, saying the words that everyone was afraid of hearing.

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