Event chapter: Cana

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Lathaniel watched the door open to reveal Cana, who for once was very sober.

Cana: "Hey..."

Lathaniel: "Well, I most certainly didn't expect to see you here."

Cana: "Wow, I come here out of the goodness of my heart to see you and that's what you have to say?"

Lathaniel: "Wait, no, I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry."

Cana then walked up to Lathaniel's bed and got very close to his face.

Cana: "Then make it up to me. Take me out tomorrow."

Lathaniel couldn't believe what Cana had just said.

Lathaniel: "Wait, what did you just say?"

Cana: "You heard me, take me out on a date tomorrow, I'm sure the Master won't mind me taking a day off."

Lathaniel: "B-but..."

Cana: "You don't like me? Wow, you're so mean..."

Cana then started to cry fake tears and caused Lathaniel to panic

Lathaniel: "Wait! Calm down, I'll take you out tomorrow okay?!"

Cana instantly stopped her crocodile tears and had a big smile on her face.

Cana: "Kay! See you tomorrow at your house then!"

Cana then skipped outside of Lathaniel's room and went home for the day. Dumbfounded, Lathaniel simply laid down and went to bed, as single thought on his mind.

Lathaniel: <Did Cana just trick me?>


It was the morning of the next day and Lathaniel was released from the hospital. He then went home and took a shower, changing into his normal clothes afterward. Just as Lathaniel finished changing there was a knock at the door, and sure enough, when Lathaniel opened the door, there Cana was, in her normal clothes as well. Even if it was just Cana's regular clothing, Lathaniel couldn't help but stare, which Cana noticed.

Cana: "See something you like?"

Lathaniel instantly snapped out of it and retaliated.

Lathaniel: "W-what? Don't be ridiculous! Also, I'm surprised that for once you haven't downed a barrel of alcohol before you came here."

Cana: *Giggle* "Well I couldn't exactly come to meet you on a date smelling like booze now could I?"

Lathaniel: "Fair enough. Where do you want to go?"

Cana: "Let's just go find a bar in Magnolia and stay there for a while."

Lathaniel: "Your call I guess.."

The two then continued off on their date and made their way to a bar that Cana had picked. Their entered and they came up to a set of bar stools and sat.

Bartender: "Oh, hey Cana, I see you came back with a date."

Cana: "That's right, this is Lathaniel."

Lathaniel: "N-nice to meet you."

Bartender: "The feeling is the same buddy! What'll ya have today Cana?"

At that moment one of the people in the bar came up to Lathaniel and Cana.

Bar person: "Hey, Cana, want to match mugs again?"

Cana: "Are you sure? It's not gonna end up with me on the floor."

Bar Person: "Only one way to find out right?"

Cana: "Maybe next time alright? I'm on a date right now with someone."

Bar Person: "Oh, Alright then, maybe another time."

Lathaniel watched as the two went back and forth with their conversation, and oddly enough, he was getting irritated, which he took notice of.

Lathaniel: <Am I... getting jealous?>

Cana then turned back to face Lathaniel and then asked him a question.

Cana: "So... want to explain to me why you suddenly stopped fighting while we were at Phantom Lord?"

Lathaniel: "Ah, That. I'll go ahead and explain then."

Lathaniel then briefly explained what had happened during the Phantom Lord battle and the reasons behind his actions, and then had a sad look on his face after he finished.

Cana: "I'm sorry to have brought that up then. It must have been painful."

Lathaniel: "Don't worry about it, I'm starting to move on now."

Cana: "Alright then. I'll go ahead and start drinking then."

Hours later, it was already night time and Cana had drank a lot more Alcohol as she thought, as she was extremely drunk, which was no surprise to a sober Lathaniel, who was drinking a glass of iced tea the entire time.

Cana: "Thankshh for taking me out laaaaattthaniel I reallly enjoyyed it." *Hic*

Lathaniel: "Alright Cana, I think you've had enough for one night. Come on, let's take you back to Fairy Hills."

Cana then pouted through her drunkeness, which oddly enough, Lathaniel found cute.

Cana: "But I wannna *Hic* stayyy."

Lathaniel: "Nope, come on."

Lathaniel then dragged a hopelessly drunk Cana out of the bar, but, partway across the floor, Cana then fell over, asleep because of all the alcohol she took in, giving Lathaniel no choice but to give Cana a piggyback ride back to Fairy Hills. Lathaniel was walking through the street Cana on his back, until something Cana said made Lathaniel stop.

Cana: "I love you Lathaniel..."

Cana then squeezed Lathaniel, causing her breasts to press against his back, as Lathaniel blushed greatly.

Lathaniel: "C-come on Cana, you're drunk, stop joking around like that."

Cana: "Okay..."

Lathaniel: <She's drunk, there's no way she actually means it...>

Cana then seemed to snuggle up to Lathaniel's back even more as he walked, causing him to blush the entire way to Fairy Hills, Cana, who appeared to be drunk then opened her eyes slightly, and revealed that she wasn't quite as drunk as she seemed.

Cana: <Lathaniel you idiot...>

Silently, the two then continued on their way to Fairy Hills, not realized their feelings for each other had already bloomed.

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