chapter 5: hunger

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Team Natsu was currently on their way back to Magnolia after successfully stopping the Dark Guild Eisenwald from using the Lullaby flute at the Guild Master's conference, but they're lost! The group was currently following Happy,tana and Ren around until they stopped at a huge cliff.

Lucy: "Ah JEEZ! Come on Happy don't tell me you got us lost again! We've been walking around for forever and we still haven't even seen Magnolia yet! Why are we even following a cat in the first place?!"

Lathaniel: "Actually, I think this might be Web Valley, so we went deeper into Clover Canyon."

Happy: "Whaddya mean again?! That so rude! I wasn't lost last time, so that makes this the FIRST time I got lost!"

Lou: "Just shut up and make it the last time! I wanna head back to Magnolia already."

Natsu: "Maaan, I want some food right now..."

Gray: "We all do, just talking about it will make us hungrier."

Natsu: "Look, I can't help it if I'm hungry FrostFace."

Gray: "Well maybe it would help if you shut your mouth Fire Idiot!"

Makarov: "ENOUGH! ......We need some food...."

Lathaniel: "We all know that already Master!"

Erza/ Nuvi: "Enough."

At that point, Erza's & Nuvi's stomach growled, which everyone stared very blankly.

Natsu: "I think your stomach is trying to tell you something Erza."

Erza: "No it is not!"

Nuvi:"You're hearing things!"

Gray: "Uuh, suurre, real convincing sis."

Happy then suddenly squealed in joy hurting everyone else's ears.

Tana: "Happy cut it out, your damaging my poor little kitty ears..."

Happy: "There's no time for that! Look down there everyone!"

Team Natsu peered off the cliff to notice that there was a school of flying fish under them.

Tana: "F-food? Alright!"

Ren: "Those are winged fish! Those are a legendary delicacy, and from all of the rumors I heard they're super tasty!"

Happy,tana and Ren begin to drool very heavily at the very imagination of the taste of flying fish.

Nuvi: "A legendary delicacy huh?"

Lathaniel: "It's food! That's all I care about!"

Natsu: "Sounds good to me."

Erza: "Wing Fish huh?"

Makarov: "Well, done Happy *sniffle* you make this old man proud!"

Lucy: "Guys! Enough with the growling stomachs!" *Growl*

Lou: "Oh the irony..."

Lucy: *Blushes* "S-shut up!"

Happy & lou then pulled a fishing rod out of nowhere.

Happy & lou: "Time to fish!"

The entirety of Team Natsu were sitting at the edge of the cliff fishing for some Wing Fish

Lou: "Fish harder people!"

Lucy: "Are you sure these fish will even taste good?"

Nuvi: "At this point I don't care I'll eat it as long as it is edible!"

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