chapter 11: the tower

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Over the next few days after Lathaniel's recovery, he found out that Loke had gone missing, only to find out a few days later that he was actually the Zodiac Spirit Leo. Lathaniel then found out about Loke's past, which would explain why Loke was so afraid of Celestial Wizards, before Loke returned to the Spirit World however, he gave tickets to Team Natsu to a resort, Akane Resort to be exact. Akane Resort is a top class resort on a beachside. It has a hotel,and an amusement park. Team Natsu decided to take some time off and go to Akane Resort.

Right now, Lathaniel was simply sitting under the shade of an umbrella as he watched Natsu stupidly got on a surfboard with Lucy and lou and went on to the waters, a large fish of some sort pulling the Lucy and the Surfboard along. Happy was jumping back and forth on the sand, and Gray and Erza were playing volleyball.

Lathaniel: "This is really relaxing for the most part. Hmm?"

Juvia: !!!! ' hides'

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Juvia: !!!! ' hides'

Lathaniel noticed that someone was eyeing him behind a set of Wood Pillars.

Lathaniel: "Probably just some weird girl swooning over  or something."

Lathaniel then laid down for a moment, not realizing that someone sneezed after he finished that sentence. After Lucy was done torturing Natsu with the dragboarding, Lathaniel got up to join them for a game of Volley Ball. Afterwards, they all started to run down the beachside, having an amazing time while they did so. 

Later on, it was already sunset and Team Natsu went back to their hotel room to rest. Erza went out to the balcony to sit and relax, while Lathaniel followed.

Lathaniel: "Did you enjoy today?"

Erza: "Yes, I truly did."

Lathaniel: "That's good. I'll go ahead and get some sleep now..."

Erza: "Ah, Lathaniel wait!"

Lathaniel: "Huh?"

Erza: "Are the others asleep yet?"

Lathaniel: "They should be, why?"

Erza: "I think it's time I tell you about Siegrain."

Lathaniel found a chair and then sat next to Erza. Erza then sat up, and Lathaniel gestured for her to continue.

Erza: "Siegrain, is the twin of someone from my past."

Lathaniel: "Who is this 'someone'?"

Erza: "His name is Jellal, and he... "

Lathaniel: "It's fine, don't go any further if you don't want to. I'll go ahead and go to bed now. Thanks for telling me though Erza."

Erza: "Alright then, have a good rest."

Lathaniel then went to rest, leaving Erza to think and relax on her own. As Lathaniel entered his room, he noticed that there was someone on his balcony. As he went to look, it was revealed to be a large and somewhat muscular person with a jetpack on his back and... an owl head? Lathaniel slowly approached the person.

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