Knight Buses and Death Omens

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AN: Thanks so much for the sweet comments! If you have been reading my Supernatural story "The Winchester Girl" I am working on the next update! I went through a bout of writer's block but I'm working on it! Enjoy this chapter!

Harry ran as far and as fast as he could, even if no one was following after him. Was he a fugitive now? He had used magic outside of school. He didn't really know what the punishment for that was but he'd heard rumors that said everything from expulsion to Azkaban and he wasn't panning to stick around and figure out which one he would get. After a rather frightening run in with a big, black dog, he was picked up by something called "The Knight Bus."

What happened on the bus was a bit of a blur for Harry. Everything went too quickly. One minute he was on the ground outside of the bus, the next, he was standing in front of Cornelius Fudge himself. If Harry hadn't been so disoriented and scared and exhausted , he would've probably glared at the minister and gave him a piece of his mind but right now all he wanted was for his aunt to come in and fix everything so he could just go to bed.

As soon as Fudge sat down across from Harry he began convincing the boy to go back to his aunt and uncle. Harry glared at the man. Didn't he understand how terrible they were to him? Harry finally had enough, "I don't want to go back to Privet Drive! I want my Aunt Anna and my Uncle Remus!" Fudge laughed nervously, "Now, now, I'm sure you'll feel differently once you've calmed down. They are your family, after all, and I'm sure you are fond of each other-er-very deep down." Suddenly, there was a melodious laugh from the doorway, "Have you even met my sister, Fudge? She's the devil. If he shows his face in that house anytime soon, he'll be even more miserable than he was before."

A figure walked out of the shadows and lifted the hood of her cloak. Fudge paled and Harry grinned, "Anna!" The younger wizard leaped from his chair and ran to her. Anna kneeled, catching him into a hug. He whispered, "I can't believe you're here!" She smiled softly and patted his back, "Don't worry, Harry. I'm getting you out of here. Now go out the door, Remus is waiting in the hall. I'll only be a moment."

Harry nodded and ran out, closing the door. Remus was leaning against the wall in the hallway, when he saw Harry and grinned, "Harry! It's good to see you!" Harry returned his grin before nodding his head at the door, "What is she doing?" Remus smirked, "She's just having a little talk with Cornelius. Give her a minute and we'll be in our way."

After hearing a lot of shouting (mostly from Anna) and a few thuds, Anna swiftly stalked out of the room and walked past her husband and nephew, "Come on, Harry, Remus! We're done here!" Harry didn't have to be told twice. He beamed and ran to catch up with her, amazement in his eyes, "What did you say?" She smirked, "Let's just say I convinced him that if he didn't let you come with me, it would be damaging to his health. But enough about me. I heard you blew up Marge!" She wiped a pretend tear from her eye, "I've never been prouder!"

Harry smiled and talked to his aunt, not really paying attention to where they were going. He was just so happy to finally be out of there. His aunt had fixed everything. But he still had questions, "Aren't I in trouble for using magic?" Anna chuckled, "Fudge, may have threatened expulsion last year, but things change and, even so, he wouldn't dare expel you while I'm still breathing. Don't worry, Harry. Your position at Hogwarts is safe."

Suddenly, Remus and Anna stopped at a wooden door with the number eleven painted on it in gold. He blinked. He hadn't even realized they had been walking up a mahogany staircase. Anna opened the door to the room, "I thought you would appreciate a separate room from me and Remus. We'll be next door." She hugged him but he pulled her back to him when she tried to pull away. "I knew you'd come back.", he whispered. She ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead, "Harry, no matter what happens, I will always come back for you."

He nodded and bid them goodnight before pushing the door open. To his surprise, Hedwig was already there, along with all his stuff. He smiled and plopped into his bed and grinned sleepily at his owl, "It's been a weird night, Hedwig. But everything's okay now." He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

*Time Skip*
They were at The Leaky Cauldron for several nights and Harry loved it. For the first time in a while, Harry was aloud to sleep in. He got to eat breakfast with Anna and Remus, which was fun. They told him stories and watched the older, more unusual guests.

His aunt and uncle brought him to Diagon Alley, which had been even better than all the other times he'd went. He got to wear the cloak that Anna had gotten him and, for once, he actually felt like he belonged there. They bought treats from the venders outside the shops and looked at all the neat games and toys and books they sold. They stopped outside the broom shop, so he could gawk with the other wizards boys at the newest model of broom. He didn't ask for it. The older witch and wizard had done too much for him already.

Anna had stepped inside the pet shop with hesitation.

Even if you weren't buying a pet, the pet shop was always one of the best places to stop, because there was always something cool there. Hogwarts only allowed certain pets but there were plenty more pets that wizards could have outside of school. There were bats, doves, purple turtles, miniature sharks the size of goldfish, rabbits, an eagle, salamanders and so much more.

Anna frowned when she saw one animal in particular, a sad looking fox in a cage that was too small for it to run around. Remus dragged her out of the store. He wasn't going to let Anna get them banned from a shop in Diagon Alley. Again. To his surprise, she didn't argue.

The next morning, Remus found in the daily prophet that someone had set the fox free. Sources said they saw two foxes fleeing through the streets. He raised an eyebrow at her but otherwise just chuckled and shook his head, not saying a word. He probably would've done the same.

They had let Harry handle his books by himself, while they roamed the store. The couple stayed away from the monster books. Anna shook her head. Hagrid had a strange love for creatures that had no problem killing him in the spot. The owner of the book store told them that he had bitten five times already and looked terrified just at the thought of the books so she pulled him aside, "Get some calming draught from the potion store to give to them. If that doesn't work, try stroking the spine, calms them down." He smiled, "Thank you! What are you getting? I'm giving you a 50% discount." She gestured to her nephew's books. And the kind man rung them up. Remus wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her, "That right there is why I love you. You just can't help but help others." Harry stuck out his tongue he kissed her cheek.

He was about to follow his aunt and uncle out of the store, but a book caught his eye, 'Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming.' He stared at it for a good minute before scrambling after the redhead end witch and her werewolf, frightened by what he'd seen. On the cover had been a big, black dog. Just like the one he'd seen outside the Knight Bus.

AN: Sorry if it seems rushed! I wanted to get this chapter done before Monday.

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