Hermione's Promise

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A/N: Hey guys! I did an exclusive interview with Alphafyers for their book: Behind the Words. If you are interested learning more about me and how I think, go check it out! I had a lot of fun doing it and I wrote a lot so I hope it is enjoyable and maybe even inspiring to those who really like my writing! Consider the interview and this chapter my gift to you guys for being so wonderful since my return to Wattpad!

Link is here: https://my.w.tt/ZlTv8q50s8

-Hermione's POV-
Truthfully, Hermione's mind had been racing ever since Professor Snape had taught them about werewolves when he substituted in their class.

When she had been sitting there in class she could tell that something odd was going on...

She'd heard rumors of a falling out between Anna and Professor Snape some time ago, just after Snape had taken over their class for the day. But it never made sense to her why Anna would be so upset by his actions...unless perhaps there was something going on behind the scenes?

That was when everything started to fall into place.

Remus Lupin must be a werewolf.

Hermione began spending countless more hours in the library pouring over every book she could find about lycanthropy. Everything started making sense immediately: Professor Lupin's habit of calling in sick at around the same time every month, Anna's defensiveness of the rights of magical folk, and the appearance of Professor Lupin's boggart all made perfect sense.

Her mind raced faster and faster. What did this mean? Was Professor Lupin a danger to the school? Were Snape and Anna the only ones that were aware of his condition? Should she tell someone what she discovered?

Why did Anna lie to them? Why didn't she trust them?

'Why didn't she trust me?' Thought a lonely, almost selfish part of Hermione's consciousness.

As irrational as it was. The thought of not being trusted by Anna made her feel...hurt. Anna always made Hermione feel special and important in ways that no adult other than her parents had managed. The fact that Anna was hiding something from them despite promising in the past that she would always be on their side made Hermione doubt her once unshakable trust in the woman.

The books that she had read on the subject of lycanthropy had stated that werewolves were "ugly, possessive, and dangerous creatures." It said that they were as deceptive as a wolf in sheep's clothing. It said that werewolves take on human forms in order to trick humans in to letting down their guard before revealing their aggressive nature.

Was Anna trying to protect them from her husband, perhaps? That would be more in character for Anna.

Hermione shook that thought away, her brow furrowed in thought as she began to make her way to the library's exit with her books. The man that she'd met on the train, the man that she'd come to know as Harry's uncle, had seemed so genuine and kindhearted. And he and Anna loved each other.

They also both clearly cared for Harry. So maybe the information in the library books she had read were just...wrong about the nature of werewolves altogether.

But still...Hermione had a hard time taking her mind away from what she read. Her entire life she has depended on books; as silly as it may sound. When she was lonely or bored or sad, books served as a way for her to either escape from her world or a tool for interpreting and understanding it. When she first discovered that she was a witch, she relied on books to fill in the knowledge that she lacked. It gave her the confidence to navigate this new and strange world she'd been drawn into.

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