Utterly Ridikulus

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AN: Phew! I'm so glad I got this done before the weekend ended! Hope you like it!

Anna never liked reading the newspaper in the morning. What worse way to start the day than to read a bunch of depressing stories? But teachers always got the daily prophet delivered and she'd rather get her info from the articles than from secondhand gossip.

So she got up early that Thursday morning, fixed her some tea and sat down in a chair in the living room when Avalon dropped the prophet on the coffee table. She had shrugged, set down her teacup, and picked it up...only to drop it when she saw the face of her old friend and brother, Sirius, on the cover. She read the article carefully.

He was last seen heading for Hogwarts. What if he was here? What if he really was with Voldemort? What if he isn't and he's out there all alone?

She set the paper back on the table and quickly dressed before heading out. She knew Remus would understand after reading the Prophet. She wandered around the castle for while until, suddenly, an elf appeared before her.

She looked delicate and had light violet eyes, very close to grey but not quite. Anna kneeled, "Why hello there! What's your name?" The house elf blushed, "Ludnix, ma'am. The headmaster wishes to speak to you over tea, if you would." Anna nodded graciously, "Yes, thank you!"

Ludnix smiled tentatively at her before bowing her head, "Always a pleasure to serve the great Anna Lupin. Friend Dobby has told many good things of you. I must confess I doubted your kindness until this moment." Anna was taken aback, though she supposed she should've been used to the reactions of house elves. She'd forgotten that even the smallest kindness was something most of them could only dream of. The witch stretched out her arms and hugged the elf. Ludnix looked and felt very unsure but within a few moments of the embrace, the hug was returned. Anna broke the hug and the small creature looked sad at first but beamed at the redhead, "Thank you, Mistress! No words can convey my gratitude!" Anna nodded with a small smile, "Just do me a favor and take good care of yourself."

Anna walked away, she looked back and, sure enough, the strange pale creature was gone.

-Dumbledore's office-

Anna poked her head into Dumbledore's office and was met with e headmaster's smiling face, "Ah, yes! Anna! Do come in. Take a seat." She sat and he smiled, "Once again, I'm seeing immense improvement in Harry's self-esteem. All thanks to you of course." She blushed, "You probably did just as good of a job in his first year." Albus shook his head, "I kept an eye on him but he was still so shy and sad. I caught him sitting in front of the mirror of Erised several times before I moved it."

Anna sighed softly, "Oh, Harry. I'm glad you relocated it. Even I would've gone mad looking at that thing, dreaming of our school days and how thing would've been if they had not died." He reached over and took her hand, "They would be so proud of what you have accomplished! You have more experience and wisdom than some wizards twice your age." He paused, "That is partly why I brought you here. I have a proposition." She raised an eyebrow but nodded, "I'm listening." "Hagrid has been suspended from his position and I think you would be the best substitute I could hope for." The witch was suddenly torn, "I don't know Albus...I was really hoping to teach with Remy." The headmaster smiled reassuringly, "It would only be for a little while, my dear. You are wonderful with animals. I will supply any creatures you want to show the students but dragons."

Anna frowned, disappointed, "What? Why not?" His old eyes glittered with amusement, "I'm afraid it's a little out of my price range." She sighed, but relented after a stopping to think, "Alright, I'll do it. But you owe me one Albus Dumbledore." After a few more minutes of polite conversation, Anna took her leave.

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