Sight Seeing

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AN: Are these chapters too short? I can't tell anymore.

There was a feeling of dread in Harry's gut as he was taken into a pit of darkness. He couldn't think straight and all he could hear was a woman begging, pleading, "Not Harry! Please, no, not Harry - I'll do anything!" There was a dark chuckle and the woman screamed.

Harry woke to being slapped in the face. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. Ron and Hermione were kneeling on either side if him. He looked at the seats of the compartment, "Anna?" She looked so worn and tired, not full of energy like she usually was. She smiled weakly, "Harry, I'm glad you're awake." She went to stand up but Remus pushed her down and gave her a stern look, "Oh no you don't! You aren't lifting a finger until we get you into the infirmary!"

Anna hung her head heaving a long sigh. Something in his tone pained her. It sounded like how Sirius and James used to whenever she got hurt. While Remus took care if Harry, she drifted off into the memories of her time as a Marauder.


"You're late." Anna rolled her eyes at James, "So? We sneak around the castle all of the time after dark!" "Not alone, Annabelle! We always stick together!" Exclaimed Sirius. She sighed, "I'm fine, Siri, Prongs." Remus put down his book he was reading on the end table next to the arm chair he was sitting in, "What were you doing?" Had all of the Marauders waited for her? "I was in the library." James snorted, "You snuck out to go to the library? Tsk tsk, Red. Have I taught you nothing?" She punched his arm, "If you must know, I am developing something that will help us on our pranking sprees and midnight kitchen raids." Peter looked up from the couch appearing interested in the conversation for the first time, "What?" She grinned ruefully, "The Marauder's Map."

{End of Flashback}

Anna sighed. Those were the days. She missed them so much.

Everything was a little more simpler back then. If one friend had a problem, they all worked together to fix it. If Sirius was flunking Potions, she and Remus would help him study. When it was the full moon, they all pitched in to help Moony. If she was getting bullied they'd help her. If James needed advice on girls, she and Sirius would help (though this would often end with Sirius getting hit in the back of the head).

Now, Lily, James, and Peter were gone. Remus and Anna were married and trying to take care of Harry and his friends. And Sirius...Sirius was in Azkaban but now he was on the run. They say he was after Harry. Anna couldn't help but worry though. He was alone, cold, probably starving and weak, and driven half insane from his time in Azkaban. Her brain says he's guilty,,but her heart says he's her brother and of course he was innocent. But was this Sirius, the same Sirius? Had he changed?

Her head hurt just thinking about it. This wasn't supposed to be how they turned out.

They were all supposed to become Aurors. Harry was supposed to be raised with a family with the many aunts and uncles. Sirius was supposed to find the one girl he could settle down with. No one could have anticipated that one bad night could mess up their entire future.

*Time Skip*

When the train stopped, the students bustled off the train. Anna turned back to her fox form and Remus picked her up. They went in one of the carriages. Luckily, there had been room in the one Sophia and Neville were riding in. Transforming once again, they had a lovely chat. They were both very interested in her animagus form.

When they stopped she was immediately taken to the infirmary. After she was given some more chocolate, some potion for her leg, and a cup of tea, she felt tremendously better. Her ankle still looked scarred and bruised but it no longer hurt.

The feast was slightly delayed due to the train incident, so Anna proposed they go see Severus. Remus was not a fan of this idea.

He had trusted Anna in the hands of the Slytherin. In the end, she ended up a victim of the heir. He had already kind of disliked the snake, but that was kind of strike three for Remus.

Anna knocked on the door with a smile. Remus moved to the side where he would be seen, deciding he would stay out of this greeting. He knew how much it meant to Anna and he didn't want to spoil it. The potion master opened the door and before he even got the chance to register who was at the door, he was tackled in a great big ginger hug, "Sev!" He quickly got over his shock and softened, "Hello, Anna. I was wondering when you'd get here. You didn't come early this year." The red head laughed as Loki, Severus's cat, mewled and rubbed against her leg before answering her friend , "I rode with Harry. Our train was delayed by those Dementors, though." His face morphed with worry, "What? Are you alright?" She quickly reassured him, "Yes! I ate some chocolate and I was fit as a fiddle!" Severus raised an eyebrow, probably not very familiar with the phrase but he brushed it off, used to her muggle references. He scanned her over and scowled when his eyes reached her leg, "What's that, then? Did the Dementor do that?" Anna adjusted her cloak to hide it, "It's nothing."

His eyes narrowed and he pulled out a chair, "Sit." "Umm...I'd rather no-" "Sit." She sighed and sat. He kneeled, moved the cloak and scowled, "Stupid mutt." The wound was obviously done by a wolf. She shot the taller man a warning glare, "It wasn't his fault, Severus." The man didn't argue but he was still tense. Remus growled with irritation. He took a breath, regaining his composure, before popping his head into the door, "Anna? We've got to go to our room to see if out stuff arrived safely." Snake glared at the werewolf and opened his mouth to protest but his friend was already walking to the door, "Sorry Sev, gotta go! Catch you at the feast!"

-Teacher's Dorms-

The room was a bit different this time. You see, as a teacher, you get the choice of decorating yourself or having the house elves decorate for you based on your request. They really out did themselves.

The walls were red and the curtains were satin gold. The bed was fairly simple. It had white pillows and sheets with a red comforter and a shiny gold blanket draped over the foot of it. There were night stands on either side of the king sized bed that were made of some sort of dark brown colored wood. There were two large bookshelves made of the same wood as the night stands. One already had all of their books on it and the other had all of their little magical knickknacks (Anna's Gryffindor porcelain doll was among them).By the window were two gold owl perches with Arthur and Avalon already there. Anna walked over to her owl and let it nuzzle her hand.

A little ways for, the window was a wooden desk, already stocked with quills and parchment paper. On the desk and decorating the wall were different pictures in frames. One was an image of their quidditch team. Another was from James and Lilly's wedding. There were several more. Some were old and some were much more recent. The majority of the newer photos were of Remus and herself, but she had managed to get a few of Harry.

The living room had a red plush carpet and a mahogany coffee table with Anna's Gryffindor tea set on it. Around the table, there was a red plush couch, a gold bean bag chair, and two or three more chairs.

There was a kitchenette but it was just a plain kitchen, nothing really special. Anna made a mental note to spruce it up a bit, maybe put some pictures on the fridge or something.

It was pretty perfect for them.

They kept the same painting on the door from least year. They thought about changing it to a fox and wolf frolicking after each other or nuzzled under the night sky, but they figured that might make Remus' secret too obvious. Anna already revealed she could turn into a fox. It could raise suspicion. So they kept the picture of the buck and doe. It was better that way.

Anna rested her head on her husband's shoulder, "It's perfect." He smiled down at her, "You're perfect." She smirked, "Since when were you so smooth?" "I have my moments." There flirting was cut off when they heard someone clear their throat. They turned to find a house elf, "Professor Dumbledore has sent me to fetch the Professors for the feast. It'll be starting in three minutes." The elf proofed away and Remus offered her his arm, "Shall we?" She smiled softly and took it. She spoke in a mock queenly voice, "We shall."

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