Catching a Cold

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AN: Okay, so I know I said I'd put a pic of Anna in this chapter but I found this beautiful wand on deviantart by someone called eclectixx (on deviantart not Wattpad). It's simply beautiful and is called 'Egrette' and I've decided this in Anna's wand. (See pic above, hopefully it'll show) I know it's a bit extravagant for Anna but how could I not make this her wand? It's gorgeous! And I think I have a way to explain why it's more decorative than other wands. I hope you like it. I'll post Anna's pic on the next chapter. This is partly to test how this picture thing works, since I've never used t before. Tell me if it shows please!
Elder wood
10.25 inches long

Also, check out @sophiexrivers new HP story! It's her first and I've been helping her with it, so, if you could, please just give her some friendly encouragement. Thanks!

Anna rushed back to find Remus sitting up in bed, already dressed. He crossed his arms, "You went looking for him, didn't you? You were worried about everyone's safety and went off without telling me! Anna, I don't care if you were patrolling the castle or the forest or where you went, but do you have any idea how stupid that was? Anna, he's not the same Sirius. For all we know, he wouldn't even hesitate to kill you. I love you, Red, and I don't want to loose you, too."
She sighed. She couldn't tell Remus. He was already convinced Sirius was guilty and Anna was really starting to doubt that. She sat on the bed and pure her head on his shoulder, "You're right, I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe that I could save everyone before things got bad. I shouldn't have left you here. I was my nut, I suppose." She kissed him, "I'm so sorry."
And it wasn't really a lie. It had been stupid, going after Sirius without so much as a warning in the middle of the night. Her slightly tired mind hadn't thought it through and, for that, she truly did feel ashamed. But she was almost certain that Sirius had no intent to hurt her. Now, Harry was a different story. It's possible that that Sirius really was a death eater or a servant of Voldemort, but had no desire to kill Anna. It was possible that he just had a soft spot for her and that was why he helped her that night.
She honestly still had many questions about his motivations, but last night's events was at least enough not to kill him on sight.
Remus sighed, "I suppose I can understand why you did it. Just try not to give me a heart attack next time, will ya?" She grinned and pecked his lips, "No promises."

Anna had to go to the girls restroom and take a quick shower to get all of the dirt and sweat out of her fiery mane. Luckily, Moony hadn't seemed to notice the twig that had caught in her orangey tangles.
She changed her clothes into something more suitable for school. So now her black robes billowed behind her sleepy form as she walked into the commons for breakfast. She made her way down the path between the tables and plopped into her chair. She grabbed a ham and cheese croissant, one of her favorite breakfast foods at Hogwarts and sipped her morning tea, letting it relax her. She sighed.
Soon after, Severus came looking even more worn than she felt. The redhead frowned at him with concern in her green eyes, "What happened to you?" The potions master massaged his temples, "You could say I didn't have a very pleasant sleep." Her eyes widened slightly in realization. Right. Of course he didn't sleep. The anniversary of Lily's death was last night.
It was part of the reason she hadn't really tried to go to sleep last night. She always would be attacked with a flurry of merciless nightmares that fed in her fears. She had forgotten Sev was just as bad, if not worse. She cursed under her breath, "I'm so sorry, Sev." He waved her off, "I'm fine." Instead of arguing, she gulped the rest of her tea and stood up. She had to get to the Quidditch field.
On her way, she ran into Minerva, "Good morning, Minnie!" The elder woman looked relieved to see her, "Oh! Anna! Just the person I needed to talk to! I told Harry that he could only practice Quidditch under Supervision. Madam Hooch is busy and I have papers to grade..." The younger witch grinned, "I was already heading over there!" McGonagall smiled in relief, "Good." Anna began to walk away but was called back, "Oh, and Anna?" "Yes?" The older woman's eyes twinkled with mischief, "Tell the team good luck. I'm tired of Severus' gloating." Anna giggled, "Will do, Professor!"

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