Awkward Apologies

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AN: I posted the pic of Anna's wedding band (ring)!

I will not be able to update as much when school starts tomorrow, so I wanted to update as much as I could now.

Eventually, Anna had to leave the forest. She didn't want anyone to come looking for her and discover Sirius. So, with the promise to bring food every once in a while, she left.

Now inside the castle, the witch was strolling down a hallway, when Severus came out of a door behind her. As soon as he saw her he opened his mouth to speak, "Anna, I-"

She held up a hand and spun around, stalking away from the him. He followed after, trying to reason with her.

"Anna, stop!"


"I can explain."

"Unless you were under the effects of the imperius curse, I don't think you can."

"Anna, look at me!"

She stopped in her tracks, hearing the pain in his voice. She whipped around, her arms folded and her eyes stern and impatient, "What?" He sighed, at a loss for words. He truly had not expected her to turn around and had not prepared any kind of argument. Just when she had turned around again to continue walking, he spoke, "I'm sorry."
Once again, the witch whipped around to face him, before snapping, "It isn't me you need to apologize to, Severus!"
He winced at both her tone and her words. Severus hated apologizing and, in his mind, nothing was worse than having to apologize to that mutt. But he loved Anna more than he hated him.

The potions master sighed before making his way to Anna and Remus' dorm. He knocked, secretly hoping the werewolf wasn't there. He cursed under his breath when he heard a cheery male voice call, "Come in!" The Slytherin already knew the password so he had no trouble making it through the door.

Remus was sitting in a recliner in the small living room with a cup of tea. He nodded at the taller, darker man, "Hello, Severus." He didn't look angry at all about Severus' actions and while he spoke casually, his looks he gave him as they spoke were meaningful. "My wife is very cross with you." He pointed out.

Snape didn't respond, instead, he eyed the werewolf, "You don't seem as happy as I thought you'd be." The Gryffindor looked at the snake in confusion, "What do you mean?" Severus elaborated, "I thought you'd be glad me and Anna aren't getting along."

Remus nodded in understanding, "Yes, well, I don't like her being cross with anyone." Severus looked at his curiosity, "Not even an enemy?"

Remus took out a gold pocket watch, letting his thumb trace over the engravings, "No, because if she's cross with someone, anyone, it means she isn't happy and I would never wish for her to be unhappy." Severus nodded in agreement, "Nor would I."

There was a moment of silence before the Potion's master spoke again, "I'm sorry." Remus nearly choked on his tea, "What?" Snape gritted his teeth, not angry but frustrated, like the words took a look of effort to say, "I apologize for risking the exposure of your secret."

When Remus was silent, Severus looked at him, only to find the other man gaping. Snape rolled his eyes, "Oh, wipe that ridiculous look off of your face." Remus instantly schooled his expression into a more subtle look of surprise, "Sorry, I just didn't think you were capable of apologizing to anyone but Anna."

"That makes two of us, " stated the other man bluntly, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have papers to grade." Remus nodded and Snape left.

*Time Skip*
That night, Remus looked at Anna, who was preparing for bed. She brushed her hair in front of a mirror, already in her pajamas. He got up and put his arms around her from behind. He kissed her cheek and looked at their reflection, "Severus apologized to me today." She smiled, "Good, I'm glad." He chuckled a little, "You didn't have to do that, you know. Nobody found out I was a werewolf. No damage was done."

She turned around to look at her husband face to face, "It doesn't matter. He shouldn't have tried. He's my best friend, for Merlin's sake! I will not condone him trying to get my husband fired. He betrayed my trust. He should be grateful that didn't I get the Weasley twins to prank him."

He nodded, listening carefully before daring to ask his frustrated wife, "Will you forgive him, now that he as apologized?" The witch sighed, "Yes. I told him I would." Remus smiled and kissed her forehead, "Good." The wizard paused before changing the subject, "Harry and I had an interesting conversation about Dementors after class today." She raised and eyebrow, "Oh? What made it so interesting?"

He sat on the foot of the bed, "He seemed to think that the reason he fainted around the, was because he was weak." The redhead huffed, "It's all because of that Slytherin bully, Draco Malfoy. He's been teasing Harry about it ever since the train." Remus nodded, "I explained to him the real reason he blacked out, but even so, he wanted me to teach him how to fight Dementors off." The fox raised and eyebrow, "Did you accept?" Remus shook his head, "No, not at first. The spell is advanced and Dementors are dangerous creatures. But..."

Anna frowned when her husband looked down with sadness in his eyes. She sat next to him on the bed and took his hand, holding it in hers, "But, what?" Remus her in the eyes, "Anna, he told me that every time those things make him black out he hears Voldemort murdering Lily." Anna gasped, "Poor Harry. No wonder he wants to learn the spell. Listening to his mum die over and over must be absolute torture."

Remus nodded, "After he said that, well, how could I say no?" Anna let out shaken breath, "Why didn't he tell me?" He rubbed circles into her back to comfort her, "He probably didn't want to worry you, love." She put her head on her husband's shoulder as she mumbled, "I'm his aunt, his only blood relative that loves him. It's my job to worry."
Remus sighed, "If it really bothers you, talk to him tomorrow. Right now, you need sleep, love." She kissed him on the lips, "Yes, I do."

They got into bed and Remus wrapped his arm around his wife, like he always did.

As Remus lied there, he began to think about his encounter with Severus from earlier that day. When he and the Slytherin spoke, they had almost seemed to reach an understanding, a truce, if you will.

They didn't like each other and they probably never would, but they both cared for Anna. So, they resolved to stop feuding. If one of them did anything to hurt Anna, the truce would nullified.

It wasn't the most conventional arrangement, but it would do.

He was glad that they got that issue out of the way, so they could focus on a bigger issue, the real enemy.
Sirius Black.

AN: Sorry it's a bit short!

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