Ask Anna (Part 2)

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Hello, all! Gosh it was so great to hear from you guys! Your enthusiasm for this story is truly inspiring. It makes me a better writer! Consider this Ask Anna my present to you guys!

Be aware: For some of these I altered the question slightly or only took a piece of it to make things easier on me. I hope you guys don't mind! ALSO, I'm sorry if I wasn't able to get to your question! I worked really hard on this though so I hope you all enjoy it, regardless!

Now let's get right to it, shall we?

~Question to the author: Will you consider having Anna help out a ittle little bit Draco in sixth year? I would like to see him warm up to her since she's so friendly.~
From: @Gemidosde_Jungkook

Answer: Oh, believe me, I won't be leaving out Draco! He's gonna get emotional support and validation, whether he wants it or not! Anna may not like his dad, but she doesn't hate Draco. However, Draco needs to show that he has vulnerable side before she can do anything for him. She can't truly help him unless he is ready and willing to accept that help.

Also, I want to say that Anna doesn't hate Slytherins, she just feels a little competitive against them as a Gryffindor. Even McGonagall gets that way sometimes, if you read between the lines. What Anna hates is authority and prejudice. She, of course, has her own biases. She is a bit more attached to the Gryffindors and she has had some bad experiences in the past with Slytherin, BUT she is also best friends with Snape. Snape, as I see him, was a decent man that was drawn in by the wrong crowd (future minions of Voldemort) as a student, which lead him down the wrong path. Anna gave him hope and helped him fight off his... darker inclinations.

I understand if you disagree with those statements but that's how I see it!

~Dear Anna,

How does it feel to have Harry as a nephew?~

From: @0ph3l1a

Anna:  It's nice to have a piece of James and Lily back in my life. It's also a treat to watch him grow as a wizard. Most of all, I hope to keep him safe for at least a little while longer. He deserves to be happy. Children and, yes, even teenagers, need a support system to fall back on. I am thrilled for the chance to provide that for him but I am terrified that I will fail.

Still, when I see his face light up when I walk into the room, those negative thoughts drift away. He is my home away from home. I am extremely proud of Harry. He may not see it, but his heart holds tremendous strength. I cannot wait to see the wizard that he turns out to be. My only hope is that I can help him on the way to becoming the brilliant and compassionate man he is meant to be.

~Dear Anna,
Did you ever have a big fight with Lily for befriending the muararders? If yes then when was the biggest fight and what happened??~

From @SohaliaMohammad8

Anna: Lily...we didn't have shouting matches or anything but we would bicker every once in a while. She was really worried about me being kicked out of school for all of the mischief the boys and I caused. She knew how much I loved magic, so she was well aware of how devastated I'd be if I were expelled. So, she would lecture me some of the time and give me the cold shoulder whenever she felt I did something too risky. However, she saw how happy I was with the boys. At our house in our muggle neighborhood, I didn't have many friends. I never got along with the neighborhood girls. I had insatiable hunger for exploration, learning, and adventure that most muggles steered clear of. Even Lily's few muggle friends didn't seemed a bit put off. Being a marauder made me feel free.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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