The Schoolwide Sleepover

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AN: Hi, guys! So, on the Wattpad app, there has been a new feature added where you can add pictures. I don't use the website so I don't know if they have to there or not but I have a pic or two of what I think Anna would look like. They aren't exactly perfect and I couldn't find more than one or two but would guys be interested in that? And do you have any suggestions for actors for her? I couldn't find any ginger actors that fit the age and personality of Anna. Thanks!

I hope you like this chapter. It's kind of a filler but I felt like we needed a chapter dedicated to a character who is greatly neglected. You'll see who that is when you read! I feel like it's too short but I'm always my own worst critic so I can't really say.

Anna felt sick. "Sirius Black?", She choked. Peeves nodded and dashed off, cackling as he went. Anna looked at her husband and put a hand in his shoulder, "Remus, darling, can you and Minnie gather the other teachers and students in the Great Hall? I need to talk to Albus." He kissed her cheek, "Stay safe." He turned to the Percy, the Head Boy, "Can you escort the Gryffindors to the Great Hall? Me and Minerva will handle everyone else." Percy, who was delighted at his status being acknowledged, nodded proudly and waved for the students to follow him. Hermione gave Anna a concerned look as she passed but remained silent.

The witch waited until everyone was out of earshot before whispering to the headmaster, "He's here Albus. We've heard rumors but I had hoped they were just lies spread by the media." She turned and Albus almost flinched at the fearful, broken look in her green eyes, "What are we going to do, Albus? What if he goes after Harry? I can't loose him, Albus!" He shushed her gently, "Worry not, my dear. We will do everything in our power to keep Harry safe. If you would like, you may sleep in the Great Hall with the students. All of the other teachers will be searching the castle and you have a gift for calming them." She sighed, "Very well, but we should hurry. If Black is still here we don't have much time to waste."

*Time Skip*

After Albus's speech, all of the students began to talk at once. All of the Ravenclaws, Slytherins, and Hufflepuffs wanted to know what was happening and all of the Gryffindors wanted to gossip about what happened. Wincing from the noise, the ginger professor decided this simply wouldn't do. She brought her fingers to her lips and whistled sharply, "Oi! All of you sit down on your sleeping bags and I'll tell you what happened!"

After she explained to everyone, they became much quieter. They settled for whispering in groups as they sat on their sleeping bags. Hermione ran up to her, "Professor!" Anna kneeled and hugged the young Gryffindor, "Hermione, how are you?" Hermione smiled a little, "I'm fine, a little spooked, but fine." Anna grinned and patted her back, "That's my brave girl! Where's Harry?"

Hermione led the elder witch to her friend who perked up when he saw his aunt, "Aunt Anna!" She smiled and made her own sleeping bag appear on the floor next to the trio and their friends, "Hello Harry, are you alright?" He nodded, happy she was there. Anna sat criss-cross-applesauce on her bag and examined all of Harry's friends.

Ron and Hermione seemed okay. Sophia didn't seem very thrilled with having to sleep on the floor but was content with chatting with Hermione and her other friends. She noticed that the Weasleys had placed their sleeping bags fairly close to one another, though not necessarily right beside each other. Ginny and Neville were her main concern. Ginny looked frightened, though Anna was not sure if she was scared for herself or for Harry. Neville looked very jumpy and nervous. Anna frowned, but didn't approach him. She didn't want to embarass him.

Much later in the night, she found herself unable to find sleep. She was too worried about the kids. Neville, she noticed, was also awake. Has sitting in deep thought with his knees hugged close to his chest. She took this opportunity to approach him. She smiled gently and patted the spot next to him, "Is this seat taken?" He looked at her curiously but shook his head.

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