Night Terrors

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AN: Hey, sorry about the delay! I had so much on my plate and writer's block too! Plus, when I was almost done, my chapter deleted itself! You would believe how many times I had to redo this chapter!

I also am really scared no one will like this chapter because it's kind of sad and dark. I'm especially worried about the dream part. I hope it isn't too confusing or anything. Feedback is appreciated!

*Couple weeks later*

Anna was having nightmares again. This happened every once in a while, Remus knew and he should've been used to it by now but it still scared him to see her so vulnerable when she is usually so strong and independent. She tossed and turned and whimpered and muttered, but it soon escalated until she was practically screaming. He furrowed his brow as he scrambled to calm her down. What could she possibly be dreaming about?

~Anna's dream~

Anna struggled with all her might against the Deatheaters' grip but it was no use. She felt tears running down her cheeks as she watched the scene unfold before her. The monster, Voldemort, stood in all his glory, grinning menacingly at the hooded figure kneeled in front of him. The Dark Lord ripped the soiled cloak from the head of the stranger to reveal her nephew sitting there, weak and bruised with bloodshot eyes. She shouted and screamed when the dark wizard lifted his wand, "Crucio!" She sobbed as Harry cried out in agony. He looked at her with eyes begging for her help but she had no way to aid him. She didn't have her wand. She pulled against the large hands that held her in place, wanting with all her being to throw herself in front of her nephew and protect him, but she could not escape them.

In the corner of the dark room, she heard a chuckle. It was a familiar laugh but it was...twisted. It sounded dark and repulsive and nothing like it was supposed to. The stranger stepped out of the darkness and there he stood with a dark mark on his arm and a sinister smile. She gasped, "Padfoot." He kneel in front of her mockingly, "You should've killed me when you had the chance, Red." He pointed his wand at her forehead, "Avad-"

~Dream end~

Anna woke up screaming with tears in her eyes, Remus had her in his arms with eyes wide with worry, trying to calm her. She stopped screaming and settled for weeping into his chest. He whispered comforting words into her ear and stroked her hair. When she finally dried her tears she met his concerned gaze, "You've never reacted that way to a dream before...are you okay?" She wiped her eyes, "Y-yeah, I'm fine...thanks for waking me up." He frowned, "Anna what on Earth did you dream about? You have nightmares from time to time (it's only natural after all you've been through) but, Merlin, I've haven't seen you react like that from a nightmare for years!" She sighed, "Just forget it Remus..." He gently took her hand and looked her in the eyes, "Anna, please, just tell me."

And just like that she told him everything she could remember. The words spilled out of her until there was nothing left to say and he sighed, "Well, I suppose it makes sense you would have a nightmare like that. You worry about Harry constantly and this whole Sirius Black business has put you on edge." He kissed her forehead, "Now try to go back to sleep and, if you can't, you can wake me up and we can stay up together." She smiled gratefully.

Remus knew just how to handle her night terrors because when James and Lily died, she had gotten them practically every night. They were part of the reason they moved in together. They were driving her insane, especially with no one to help her through them and, since they had both needed the support, they moved in. That way, they could help each other. They healed each other and somewhere along the way, they fell in love.

Anna smiled a bit at her husband, "I love you." He kissed her softly, "I love you too, now get some rest." She let him wrap his arm around her and closed her eyes, actually managing to fall back asleep.

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