Chapter 50 - Will, once more.

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Breathe by Taylor Swift fits this chapter very well (:


It's strangely surreal when I get back to my house, to see all the boxes under the stairs instead of the shoes and catalogues. I trudge up to my room with a clear head, staring around at the now bare walls, and storage boxes that are piled in the corners. The only thing that's the same is the bed, because my sheets are still on it as I have one night left here. The desk is cleared of all the books and stationary and my tv and Xbox and laptop have been packed away. All the clothes are gone from my drawers and the rugs from the carpet.

I sit down heavily on my bed, and look through my messages.


Niall Langley - Text Message (3) :

1 - Man, where are you?

2 - Are you really moving?

3 - Palmer, what the hell

Lewis Cruise - Text Message

Fuck you, dude. Fuck you. Taio told me what happened, who the hell do you think you are? Do you realise how much you're going to be ruining everything? I thought you wanted to get Alyssa back, you idiot. Pull yourself together. You can't leave.

Evan Reese - Text Message

Wat da fuck

Avril Oriton - Text Message (4)

1 - OMG, Will! Don't leave! I can't believe this is happening, everyone is going crazy! Oh my god! Is it actually true? xxx

2 - Will Palmer! Answer meeeee xxxx

3 - I'm gonna miss you xxxx

4 - Can you call me? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jordon Walker - Text Message

Hey r u actually moving?


Then there are four missed calls from Katy. I notice there is nothing from Tai. I pick up the phone and call Katy. I'm sorry I kissed her, sorry I treated her like she was nothing, when really she's been a perfect friend. I should be freaked out that she likes me, but right now I just have to talk to her.

She picks up on the third ring. She sounds breathless. "Will?"

"Hi, Katy."

I hear her give a soft sigh, and I can just imagine her holding the phone to her ear with both hands, staring at the floor in that way she does. "I guess I'll miss you."

I just nod, then remember she can't see me. It takes me a few seconds to find my voice, before I mutter hoarsely, "Yeah. It's not gonna be right without you and Niall. I'll miss you too."

"Why do Niall and I have to be included in the same sentence all the time?"

I just smile to myself sadly and shake my head. "I don't know . . . I just . . . You guys are my best friends."

She stays silent for a while. I wonder what's she's thinking, and if she's curled up on her bed with her legs crossed as she stares out the window towards my house. Then suddenly, "I'll keep in touch with you, Will. But I don't know if I'll forgive you."

"That's okay."

"It shouldn't be okay!" she's suddenly shouting. Then, "Just don't forget me and Niall . . . Don't forget Alyssa, either. Do you hear me, Will?" she's suddenly whispering, and her voice is desperate.

It feels like I'm detached from the world, when I whisper, "Yeah. I hear you, Katy. I'm sorry."

Then the line goes dead.

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