chapter six

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well a couple of days later it was the day i was leaving the hospital louis never left my side and never got any sleep the past two days because he was worried. "you should really go home and get some sleep," i said. "i will when i drop you off at your house you cant drive because of your wrist,"he he took me home when we got there to my house he staid there with me for a little while then i invited morgan and harry because i wanted them to meet. half an hour later i find me and louis asleep on the couch i woke him up and told him to go home and that i can take care of myself and stuff.he got up and kissed me on the forehead and said, " see you later call me." right after louis left harry came in to see how i was doing cause he had just heard that i was in a car acident. " what happened,?" harry asked. i looked at him and took a deep breaththen said " well i was listening to the radio singing your solo in what makes you beautiful then all of the sudden a cat come out of nowhere i swivered so i wouldnt hit it and the next thing i knew i was into a lightpole." he look at me in a strang way like i was a cat hater because he loves cats. "was the cat okay what did it look like?"he asked. "black and white why,"i said cirously. he looked at me and yelled, "YOU ALMOST HIT DUSTY MY CAT!!!!" i looked at him and yelled back," I DIDNT KNOW THAT WAS YOUR CAT YOU SHOULD BE GLAD THAT I DIDNT HIT THAT STUPID CAT!" he looked at me i got up cause i heard the door bell  ring it was morgan. "finally you get here i have someone here that i want you to meet,"i said. morgan came in and screamed when she saw harry. i ran out because i was getting a headache and i called louis to tell him that me and harry got in a fight because i almost hit his cat. when i was dine talking to louis i went back inside and talked to harry and morgan. 30 min. later morgan and harry left it was now 8:00 and i was tired before i went to bed i texed louis saying," goodnight love you." he replyied," love you to sweetie good night.

The next morning i got a texted from my old friend lauren that i really dont talk to anymore saying she moving here to london and she really needs a place to stay she gonna be here tonight right after i got a text from lauren i got a text from louis saying that he wanted me and a friend over to his house he has all the boys living with him. i got out of bed then went to make me breakfeast.then i went to the petstore to go get me a pet cause i was getting lonely. when i got there i saw this beutiful black rabbit "how much for this black rabbit?"i asked one of the workers "$12.00."siad the worker i baught it a hutch for indoors and some rabbit food the the rabbit. i named him midnight. midnight was house trained so that was a good thing. After i got everthing done i had to get ready for work. I am a waitress at nandos. when i got in ther i saw maryk and niall sitting there waiting for someone to get the somefood so i put my apron on and took their orders. "wow she really taking this job seriousely," said niall,"i never seen her work here bfore and i have been going here all my life." maryk told him i just got the job here. when i got out there to give them their food and niall looked at me and iknew what he was gonna do for maryk he was gonna purpose . he looked back at maryk and said with a smile, "i know we have been seeing each other for a while now and i actually think this is right." he got down on one knee and said,"mary kathryn would you please do me the honor of marrying me." marryk looked at me and i nodded my head then shee looked back and said " yes." niall got up and kissed her for five min. then i said," your food is getting cold you might want to eat it.

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