chapter 15

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a couple months went by the guys where getting ready for their next tour for next month.i was bigger now well thats because i was 6 months into this pregnacy i wanted this child out of me i was fat and swollen well my ankles were.louis didnt mind how i looked he smiled at me everytime we woke up in the morning."heyy i was wondering if you were comming with us on tour in america i dont know how long we will  be there and i really want you to come just in case so i wont miss it,,"louis asked.i wasnt sure what to say i mean of course i didnt want him to miss the babys birth and i wanted maryk to be there she was there for me every time i needed her."louis is maryk comming?"i asked."i can go ask niall im sure she is comming because maryk wanted to get married back in south carolina but to make sure i will ask niall,"he said with a smile.he went out and asked niall i could hear their conversation through the walls because his room was right beside me and louis's room.he said yes maryk was with him to so i could hear her voice getting louder with excitment. when he came in he asked,"well are you comming?" when he asked i noded. i went into the kitchen to get something to eat because i was starving i saw harry  cooking diner he turns around from hearing the fridge open and says,"you better not get any food out of the fridge." "why not im hungry you try keeping a human being inside you taking nutrition out of you,"i said. he turns around and laughs."hey its not funny it is tiering i have to do this for 9 months its not fair that i cant eat when i need to,"i said."well your eating more than niall is and nobody eats more than niall,"harry said i looked at him and gave him the evil look finally he gave up and let me get something to eat of course i didnt eat anything that was junk i usually try to sneek some carrots but sometimes i get caught from louis. when i opened back up the fridge i saw the carrots for some reason my cravings were usually carrots, bacon sometimes, and grapes. harry went back to what he was doing so i grabed a carrot while he wasnt looking because i knew he would tell louis if i was eating his carrots.right when i shut the fridge door harry turns around and sat the food down and looks at me i gave him that if you tell i will kill you look so he didnt tell. but when i turned around louis was behind me."oh no," harry said sarcasticly "you better but that carrot back cheyenne,"louis said i shook my head no and took a bite out of the carrot louis looked at me than came up and took the carrot then took a bite."hey thats my carrot,"i said "not anymore its mine,'he said then walked off. harry laughed so hard that he forgot what he was doing. for being my little twit self i took anther carrot and ate it really fast so louis wouldnt know.i went into the living room and sat down and watched some tv then all of the sudden i hear liam screaming twitcam and runs into the living room and sits by me on purpose just to bother me. i look at him "what i cant do twitcam,"he asked."yes you can do twitcam but why why right now,"i asked "so i could tell the fans how beautiful you are,"liam said then louis comes marching into the living room where me and liam where and yells,"SHE'S MINE!" i started to laugh because it reminded me a video diary they did for the x-factor."ok,ok im sorry i cant say shes beautiful to?"liam asked."no she's mine,'he says this time a little quieter. i looked at him and walked up to him and said,"and your mine." while i said that i huged and kissed him."hey guys how are you doing any quetions?" liam asked the fans."where is louis, harry,niall,zayn and cheyenne." liam reading out loud."harry is in the kitchen making dinner, louis is right here with cheyenne, niall is in his room with his fiance' and zayn is with his girlfriend lauren,'he said louis and i sat right next to him and said at the same time,"hey guys." "any questions for louis and cheyenne while they are here they have to go in a few minutes to go see the doctor,"liam says."how far along is cheyenne?"liam reads out loud."she is 6 months"louis said."is she haveing a boy or a girl?"louis reads outloud."we dont know thats why we are going to the doctors,"i said,"we should be going we're almst late for it," me and louis say our goodbyes to the fans and head off to the doctors.when we got there we signed in and the other wemen who were there had their children there because they didnt have anyone to watch them. the little children ran up to louis when they saw him."what are you doing here?" one of the little children asked."well my wife here is gonna have a baby in a little while and we are gonna see if it is a boy or a girl,"louis says i could tell right there and then that he was gonna be a good dad.the kids wanted to take pictures with him and me right when the chidren got there pictures the nurse came out saying,"mrs.tomlinson," that moment i had to get up and get going on the doctors appointment.when we where done we went home  we wernt even through the door when the boys come runnig in askingme,"are you having a boy or girl?" i looked at louis with that should tell them look he noded then i looked back at the boy and said,"we are having a boy," they all looked at me and screamed then went outside while dragging me and louis out with them and they take out a wrapped up gift."guys that was suppose to be cheyenne's birthday prestent ,"louis said. it was a big present."i agree with louis my birthday isnt until three months,"i said then i look at him,"what ohh you will be in the 9 months by the time your birthday,"he said i couldnt handle that i had mine, my brother's birthday because we have it on the same day and i usually call him and tell happy birthday but i couldnt do that this year i was gonna have a baby. i go back inside and look on the calender to see the baby's dew date is and it was my birthday louis comes in and i sit down on the bed."hey whats wrong?"louis asked while comming towards the bed to sit down."the dew date is on my birthday."i said while leaning my head on his month later we woke up early so we can catch our flight to la then to alanta where we would be the first concert when we got off the plane and to the airport there were a ton of fans outside we had the bodygaurds around the boys and me and maryk.At first the bodygaurds almost got tricked because one of the fans said that his shoe was untied when he looked down he quickly looked back up and said,"nice try now get out of our way cheyenne louis's wife cant stand or walk for very long." i looked at the bodygaurd i knew that louis knew what i was thinking i was thinking that its ok just becaus im pregnat doesnt mean i should be treated like royalty so he spoke up and said,"hey she's fine we can take a couple of picture with the fans," he kissed him after he said that."ok guys one at a time,'the bodygaurd said.we took pictures with all of the fans then headed to the hotel. we got to the hotel louis got seprate rooms from the guys so did niall and maryk. when louis and i got into our room i laid on the bed a fortunitly i fell asleep louis woke me up a couple hours later so i could get ready for the concert. i was ready in thirty minutes then when i was done we headed off to the concert with the guys and maryk.when we got there the people who stood there and told the people who could and could not come in said to me and maryk,"sorry ladies no fans allowed."i looked at him confused then it hit me he doesnt know who we are."sorry i dont think you know who we are i mean of course we are fans of them but we are more than fans i am louis's wife and she is niall's fiance',"i said the y gave me a weird look as i was stupid than finnally louis and niall showed up."there you guys are we were worried sick,"louis said he didnt really like leaving my side."well tell that to him he wouldnt allow me and maryk through,'i said with an attidude."sir they are with me,"louis said. they let me and maryk in and the guys went on stage and peformed after we were done we went back to the hotel room and went to bed.

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