chapter 18

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After we showed the fans leo i went out and did a little shopping because we were running out of stuff like dipiers, baby suff even though leo was 2 days old he went through a lot of dipiers.When i got back from the store the guys were answering questions i was kind of glad that they werent done yet because i was hungry so i went to see the had brought the food for me and the boys and i see this little girl."hey sweetie what are you doing back here and how did you get back here?"i asked the little girl seemed confused."i lost my mommy we were going to see the boys when i turned around to look at some of the dolls that had the boys faces on them but when i was done she wasnt there anymore,"the little girl said with a tear running down her face.She had to have been 6 years old because she didnt look to old."what is your name?"i asked."my name is melinie,"she said so i texted louis because they were just answering question i texted him saying: louis i have a little girl backstage that has lost her mom can i bring her on stage and ask were her mom is.

and he answerd back saying:Sure thats ok hold on let me get thier attention.

so i waited until he got their attention when he did i went on stage with melinie."hey sweetie whats your name?"asked louis."my name i... melinie,"she said nevously."you dont have to be nervous around us sweetie we are just here to help,"louis said."ok can you help me find my mommy?"she asked."sure is this beautiful little girls mom around here if so please come on up,"louis said finnaly the little girls mom came up to get her i felt bad for that mom if anything had happenend to leo i would just melt.i kissed louis on the cheek and went back to backstage and got leo ready to go back to the hotel.When the boys were done we went back to the hotel and ate dinner then went to bed to wake up early and go to the today show so they can have an interview and perform.The next day we woke up around 4 o'clock in the morning to leo crying which was good because we needed to wake up.i had to feed him and get him ready because he was going just incase they bring the topic up about me and him.When i was done feeding him i got some coffee made for me and louis.I got into the shower and showered before i did anything else and by the time i was done the coffee was done so i blow dryed my hair and straighten it then got dressed i was wearing pink skinny jeans which i had packed just in case i had gave birth so i could wear them instead of the orthers and i was wearing a white tank top with a black sweater over it."wow you look amazing,"Louis said."well thank you you dont look bad your self,"i said jokenly because he was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was messy he laughs.When he was ready he was wearing red skinny jeans a blue stripes shirt with his red suspenders.We meet the boys at the news studio.They were almost up for there interview.It was time for there interview after the comercial "so i am here with one direction how are you guys i heard that niall got married recently and louis to?"the interviewer asked,"and louis your wife she just had a baby didnt she?" "yes she did she had him three days ago,"he said."really three days ago is she here?'asked the inerviewer."yes she is here and so is the baby his name is leo and of course come on out honey,"louis said so i grabed leo out of his stroller and went to him one of the people who wirked there grabed me a chair so i could sit by the boys."so i hear you are on tour with these boys and you just gave birht to a baby boy do you think that is ironic that you leave with all these boys because i saw on twitter a couple of days ago from louis that no matter what we are not moving from the boys is that true?"aske the interviewer."actually yes because we have room for leo in the house over back in london and niall's wife which is my best friend is gonna be moving in as well we were actually talking about her moving in i would think that would be awesome because i am the only girl in the house right now, and no i am actually glad that i have a baby boy and i have my best friend which is niall's wife there to help me with Leo,"i said."well thats great that you are not the only girl on tour with the boys, and i think that is cool that your best friend is niall's wife did she set you and louis up or did you set her and niall up?"the interviewer asked."i set them up because when they meet i was dating harry at the time,"i said."whoa you were dating harry at the time how did you jump from harry to louis?"the interviewer asked."well i had asked her to go on stage with me to sing because she is an amazing singer, When i first met her i was with the guys in the audience at the xfator auditions and she was the first one up she started to sing one of our song i think she sang beautifuly but the judges didnt like her so back to what i was saying she didnt want to emaras her self by singing on stage again so we get in a fight on stage she storms off and the day after i went to her house with the guys and broke up with her and louis decides to blurt out i would date you if you want,"harry said everyone started to laugh including me and louis."so i am guessing she said yes,"the interviewer said."yes i did and since then i have been with him,"i said with a smile on my face."can  we  hear you sing on stage before the guys sing louis can come up there with you,"the interviewer said when she asked that question i just froze and i looked at louis."well who is gonna look after leo when i am on stage?'i asked."maryk can do it i know you trust her with everything after all she is your bestfriend,"niall said.I took a deep breath in and said,"sure i will do it i really havent sing since the xfactor audition which was a year ago," harry had that face that said yeah i did i got her to do it."thats ok i am sure you sound great,"the interviewer said. she asked more question to the guys and for me.It was almost time for me to sing i already knew what i was gonna sing i was gonna sing rolling in the deep by adele."ok guys and cheyenne are you ready to sing?"a girl asked i was soo nervous and louis knew so he huged me tightly and i said,"yes im ready," i got up there to sing and by golly i was pretty good i guess everyone was screaming like a fan when i was singing."good job you were great,"louis and the guys said.the guys went up on the stage and the fans went wild they were gonna sing everything about you.They were great as usual When they were done we went back to the hotel and got everything ready to leave because we are leaving today."louis can you help me folding leo's crib?"i ask louis come really quick i already have leo already to go he is sleeping in his carrier thingy.We got leo's stuff and our stuff all in the tour bus."hey guys sorry we are late leo's crib wouldnt fold,"louis said. i was carrying leo he was still asleep."its ok,"liam said he is so understanding so are the other boys.A month later we are almost to the end of the tour and its almost my birthday and i wasnt to happy about it because that means that i am getting older i am a 22 year old women turning 23 years old tommorrow."hey arent you excited about your birthday?"maryk asked me."no i am not,"i said she looked at me with a confused look on her face."why you are always happy about your birthday?"she asked."well that was when i was a little kid i am not a little kid anymore i am married and i have a wonderful kid,"i said."ok whatever,"she said i laughed and huged her.We were in the tour bus waiting for the boys to get back from the concert because we decided to stay and sleep in the tour bus because i didnt feel like messing with leo's stuff so me and louis are staying at the tour bus in one of the priviate rooms on  there.When they got back from the concert niall,harry,liam,zayn,and maryk decided to hang out in the tour bus for a little while which i think was great because i didnt have to worry about leo because they made me stay with them."well i think we better go because we are leaving early to go to washington tommorrow,"liam says.When he said that tears ran down my face because thats where my brothers and my sister was at and i havent seen them in awhile."whats wrong babe?"louis asked with concerned voice."nothing i just remebered something,"i said."Ok sweetie,"he says while kissing my cheek i went to bed after they left with louis right beside me.The next morning i woke up to they boys in my room singing happy birthday to me."ahhhh stop let me sleep,"i said."ohh come on your ruining the fun,"harry says."GET UP GET UP GET UP,"they all said while jumping on my bed i pushed them all off my bed and they all got hurt."ouch why did you do that?"louis asked."because i love ya,"i said.I got up and went to check on leo "he is fine he is with maryk playing,"louis said i smiled because he was with a caring person."ok sweetie i want to know if you want to stop by one of my bother's house to celebrate he asked because he knows i will be in town and he wanted to know?"i asked louis that because i got a call from him yesterday from him."sure babe we can im sure the guys would like to go if you want them to go,"louis said "yes the guys can come tomy brothers wife would love to meet you before i met you guys i would talk about you guys to her so i am sure that she would be glad to meet you,"i said then i went to louis and kissed his lips.We went in the main part of tour bus and i saw maryk playing with leo and saying,"look whos that is that your mommy," when she said that she turned leo around and he started to laugh."hi baby boy,"i said while walking toward leo and picking him up  and kissed him on the cheek.we finially got to where my brother's town which is burlington, washington."oh i almost forgot we all are going to see my broth-"i said when maryk interupted shouting,"AARON WE ARE GONNA SEE AARON!" i nodded and she started to scream because she loved my brother and she hasnt seen him in a while."yes we are going to see aaron for his birthday and mine,"i said."YEA!!!!"she screamed i tried to get her to be quiet so leo wouldnt cry.We were there in 15 minutesi texted him that we were there.When we got there i ran out of the tour bus and knocked on his door when he answered the door he huged me."heyy i got some people that i want you to meet and i also brought someone here that you havent seen in awhile,"i said."ok where are they?"Aaron asked."hold on,"i said and i went to get them when he saw maryk he ran to her and gave her a big hug."oh how i missed you,"she said."aaron i would like you to meet one direction,"i said he let go of maryk and looked at louis.Louis was carrying leo and aaron asked,"arent you the one that my sister married because i see pictures on face book her with you and kiss you and it says on her status married so are you the one that is married to her?" louis face turned red when he heard aaron ask that quesstion."yes sir  i am we have been married for almost a year now and we have a beautiful son name leo in fact this is him he is a month old,"louis said."aww he is soo cute,"aaron says while getting leo out of louis's arms.We went inside and ate lunch,played with leo and opened some presents.

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