chapter 14

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i walked through the park after that was done i went back home it was 6:00 it was almost time for dinner. i walked in said,"guys im home." louis came up to me and gave me a kiss."where have you been i have been worried sick about you, you cant do this to me babe,"he said in a panic way."didnt you get my text?"i asked. "no i didnt." he said.i looked at my phone it said i sent it then i showed it to louis then he looked at his phone.His phone was off no wonder he didnt get the text when he turned it on it started going off (the ringtone for texts)."oh here it is,"he said with a big smile.his phone also showed him that he had a concert tommorow. he looked at me and said," i forgot about our concert are you comming i am sure the fans would like to meet you," i looked at him and noded and kissed him then went to bed. the next morning i woke up louis wasnt in bed i got up and went looking all around the house noone was there i called louis. he answered,"hey sweetie." "where are you guys?"i asked it was silent for a minute then all of the sudden i hear harry ask,"she will like this wont she louis?". "where are you lou?"i asked again for the second time "we are at the store shopping for your birthday that is comming up,"he said.i laughed because i didnt want him to get me anything."ok you dont have to get me anything though me being with you is all i can ask for,"i said."thank you but i am gonna get you something if you like it or not."he said again i laughed then i hear niall laugh then louis said,"harry but that thing down thats for wemen to see not young boys," that just made me laugh so hard because i know what harry was holding.i hung up a coupel minutes later. i go to nandos to tell my boss that in a couple of months i will be off because of the baby he was fine with that.i went back home i saw louis on the couch with niall and liam doing twitcam."hey babe come here and meet our fans."louis says while motioning my to come sit by him."hi guys,"i said. then they all got questions like is that your girlfriend louis?.louis changed the subject asking,"who is gonna be  at the concert tonight??" alot of fans said that they were comming."then you guys are just have to wait she is comming tonight and you guys will meet her in person."he says while putting his arm around me. i get up to make some lunch but i didnt want niall to know because he loves food i grab a plates trying to be quite then i make a little tiny noise while putting them down then all of the sudden i hear niall yell,"FOOOOOOD!!". louis laughs niall runs into the kitchen and asked,"im hungry what cha making?. i looked at him,"food for me if you want some food ask harry for him to make some food."i said niall looked at me and sighed then walked away.i looked in the fridge to see what else i could eat. i didnt find anything so i finnished what i was doing than sat down at the table and finnished eating.When i was done i sat down on the couch and went on the  computer and went on twitter i usually dont go on twitter as much as i do facebook. when i logged on i had more followers than i did was almost time for the concert so i had to get ready the rest of the boys were already getting ready. i got into me and louis's room to get changed i looked into my closet and found some of the clothes i still can fit into i havent but on to much weight but i couldnt fit into some of my clothing. i picked out some blue jeans and a sweater i was gonna wear my tennis shoes to."are you ready yet love?"asked louis with a big smile on his face. He was wearing red skinny jeans a striped t-shirt and suspendes.I loved the way he dressed it was him it was his style."yes i am." i said while going up to him. the boys and i got into the limousine and headed to the concert.When we got there there were alot of fans we got out and met the fans. we got to the backstage louis had to tell the bodygaurds who i was and stuff.i sat down in a chair in one of the corners waiting for the boys to get out of their dressing rooms.they came out louis kissed my on the forehead and asked,"i got to go on stage do you want me to introduce you now or later?" i looked at him and said,"we can do it now i dont really care if you do it now than i can go get something to eat after you introduce me because i am starving ." he looked at me and kissed my forehead again."wait until i say your name ok,"he said with a smile on his  face."come on louis we need to go."harry said.they all went on stage and started to sing what makes you beautiful.After the song was over louis said,"scream if you watched us do twittcam earlier today." there were a lot of screaming."well do you guys rember the guest that was on there with us?"louis asked again alot of screaming."well we promised to bring her with us and she is excited to see everyone of you,"said harry."here you guys go come on out cheyenne,"louis said i got out there and gave louis a hug."guys i would like you to meet my wife cheyenne if all of you know she was on the x-factor a couple of months ago."louis said then he kissed me this time on the lips everyone said,"aww." including the boys."they have been together now for 6 weeks in their marriage,"said liam."we also have a surprise for you guys when we got back cheyenne wasnt feeling well, she went to the doctor and found out the most amazing thing she is gonna be a mother, she has been pregnat now for two weeks,"louis said everyone in the crowd was silent like they were jelous of me or something.i looked over at louis and he whisperd,"dont worry about them they are in shock.". he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead."i think i should go i am hungry and you guys should be sing so bye,"i said."guys say goodbye to cheyenne."louis said everyone said goodbye they did not seemed mad at me it was just a shock. i got off the stage and went back stage then went to go to nandos to eat real was late afternoon when i got there so there wasnt many people there but when i got there, there was someone there that caught my eye it was a little girl who was in a wheelchair.I walked up to her she was surprised that i was here."youre louis girlfriend,"the little girl said.i looked at her and said,"i am not his girlfriend i am his wife," the little girl looke happy"i always knew that louis would finnaly find that special girl,"the little girl said. right after she said that louis called."hello,"i said "heyy we are done with the concert."louis said."hold on for a sec." i said."hey would you like to meet him he is on the phone right now?"i asked."sure,'said the little girl."heyy meet me at nandos with the boys i got some one here that would like for you to meet,'i said."ok well i better get off the phone so i could get the guys together love ya,'he said."love ya to,"i said."turns out he is gonna bring the guys with him you are a very lucky girl because it turns out that i  have a t-shirt of them guys and they will all sign it for you,"i said to the little girl.her mother looked as like she didnt believe me or something. a couple of inutes  later the guys come in louis sees me first than runs up to kiss me ."hey."he says while looking at the little girl and the mother."heyy this girl wanted to meet you i want you and the guys to sign this t-shirt,"i said while handing him the t-shirt."where did you get this wait isnt this your favorite t-shirt,"louis says while looking at me weird."yes it is but i dont need this i have my favorite person that is on that t-shirt with me."i said."wait whos that there is five people on that t-shirt,' said jokeingly."its harry just kidding its you,"i said. louis looks at the little girl and asked,"hey sweetie what is your name?". the little girl laughs,"my name is ashley,"she said."well nice to meet you ashley i am gonna sign this t-shirt for ya so are niall,harry,liam, and zayn."louis said.they all signed the t-shirt and ate with ashley.After we were done we went back home. by the time we got home it was 8:00. i ywaned then louis said,"well isnt someone sleepy," i looked at him and said,"yes i am tiered you guys wore me out. then i got up and went to bed.

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