chapter 20

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We got ready for their last concert on tour.When we got there we were mobed by fans.Leo loved the fans and allways tried to be held by one but me and louis wouldnt let before we were getting ready to go to the concert leo started to crawl.when we got backstage we went into louis's dressing room and hung out there for a little while and played with leo until it was time for louis to go out on stage when he left to go on stage i went to the main part backstage and talked to maryk."so can you believe that leo can already start to crawl?"i asked  "no i cant it like just yesterday he was a newborn and now he can crawl,"maryk said."i know it before you know it he would be in preschool,"i said.We kept talking then i got a text from lauren saying she cant wait to see me and leo she went on facebook and looked at my pics to see my update and of course i posted picture of me and louis and leo."heyy lauren cant wait to see leo she is gonna freak when she sees him,"i said "why do you say that?"maryk asked "well i only posted pictures of leo when he was a newborn and not pictures of him now i mean he has changed alot he has more hair alot more chubbier and so on,"i said."thats true he looks so darn cute i say he has his daddy's looks and your eyes,"she said "yea he does,"i said with a smile on my face.The boys were answering questions now so i went to the door that is near the stage i was holding leo because i wanted him near me so he would crawl off."How old is leo now?"liam read one of the questions."leo is now a month old,"louis said."what do you guys do when you have free time?"harry read out loud one of the questions so the fans can hear."i hang out with my wife maryk,"niall said."i go call my girlfriend morgan,"harry said."i play with leo and hangout with my wife cheyenne,"louis said."i do twittcam with zayn,"liam said."if i want to liam,"zayn said.When they were done they came backstage and took us all to dinner at some resturant.When we were done the guys except louis went to their hotel while me and louis staid on the tour bus."hey i need to get leo's stuff together ok sweetie so you need to help me,"i said louis moaned because it was a hassle to get all of his stuff ready.We got it all ready leo wasnt gonna sleep in his foldable crib because we already sent it to our house because we couldnt tke it on the plane with us so we just shiped it instead so he is sleeping in his carrier thingy he likes it in there soo he is pretty and louis went to bed.The next morning we woke up early so we could go to the airport.We got our stuff in the limosouine and the others stuff in there to then we headed off to the airport.When we got there we were 2 hours early so that gave us enough time to get checked into our flight, go through secrety,And calm down leo because he has never been on a plane and he doesnt like it either.When were on the plane leo finnaly calmed down after 20 minutes of crying he fell asleep and so did i because i had a massive headache i fell asleep on louis's shoulder.When the plane landed louis woke me up so we got off the plane and went to the baggage claim and went back home with the guys and maryk."omg your home,"lauren said she was waiting at our house."yes we are home and we braught someone with us,"louis said i was getting leo out of the car."here we go finnally got this stupid carseat out,"i said i turned around with leo in my arms."OMG look at him he is so adorable,"lauren says while running up to me trying to get leo.She gets ahold of leo and plays with him abit while i get his stuff all stituated in his room."ok can i have my baby back please?"i said lauren braught leo back he was very sleepy so i just laid him down in his crib and ate something.

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