chapter 9

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we are almost done packing up my room it is 12:00 in the morning louis is still here we still have my bed attached so we could still sleep in it so. " why dont you spend the night louis?"i asked."ok where am i gonna sleep?"he asked. "well you are ever so wellcome in my bed if you want but i got to warn ya i do hit in my sleep i kicked off my mom off of her bed."i said. i looked in my closet to see if i have anything for him to wear to go to sleep and i found my dads old swetts and i tossed it to him he looked at me like i wore boys clothes."dont worry i dont those are my dads," i said. he went to the bathroom to change. while he changed i did the same thing after i was done i crawled right into bed a few minutes later i hear a big thump on the bed i turn around and i saw my ex boyfriend. he covered my mouth so louis wouldnt know but louis came out at the right moment he saw me and him and he got really mad when he saw his hand on my face i could tell in his eyes that he wanted to hurt him. after he looked at him he looked at me i could tell that he could tell the fear in my eyes. "leave her alone she is now engaged to me she doesnt want anything do do with you so leave before i hurt you."louis said. dalton got up and walked away after dalton walked out lauren came in asking,"who was that and is louis spending the night?" "yes louis is staying the night i dont want him to leave me louis your not leaving me here alone dalton might be waiting for you to leav so he can kidnap me or something,"i said."calm down sweetheart i wont leave you i will stay right here by your side the whle night now you and lauren needs to get some sleep,"louis said. lauren went to bed and so did louis when he got in he wraped his arms around me now i knew i was safe with his arms around me.when i fell asleep i had a dream that some dude tried to kill me then i woke up screaming. "what whats going on are you ok?"louis asked concerningly."yeah just  a bad dream thats all." i said. i took in a deep  breath amd went to sleep. the next morning i woke up before louis did which is pretty earlie because i couldnt sleep so i went into the kitchen to make some fried eggs and some bacon. he woke up when the smell of the bacon came out which was a few minutes after i started cooking it. he gets out of bed starts looking at me,"your up early why?"he tried to ask while yawning." i couldnt sleep and i thought i would cook you some breakfeast to thank you for helping me finish my room," i said. he came up to me and kissed me."you dont have to do this for me,"he said."yes i do your my fiance',"i said. after we kissed one more time i went back to what i was doing because the bacon was burning. after i was done cooking lauren woke upshe looked mad because i didnt cook for her.i set the food for me and louis on the table and i called louis in for breakfeast he came running in and started eating."wow someone is hungry this morning."i said sarcasticly."well i was thinking that you wanted tomove in today," ilooked at louis and i knew his house was closer to nandos because of niall."sure ok i guess so i still have to get midnight already and stuff but ok,"i said. we bothfinnished our breakfeast then we went to get my bunny midnight ready. "there we are all done why dont i say goodbye to maryk real quik,"i said when i was starting to leave i got a text from harry asking if louis is ok he hasnt heard from him."is your phone off louis because harry is freaking out?" i asked."yes they usually call me to wake me up but i figured you wanted more sleep so i guess i should go call him."he said."yes you should louis." i said then i went to maryk's house. i knocked on the door niall answered."heyy what are you doing here?"niall asked. "i leave next door i was just comming over to tell maryk that i was moving to louis's today what are you doing here?"i asked. he told me what he was doing there and then he went to go get maryk."heyy niall told me your moving today."she said"yep louis spent the night last night helping me with the rest of the packing i am just now leaving."i said while giving her a hug. i left after our hug i ran right to louis to catch up with him.we got into my car and we went to the house."is it ok for my rabbit to be indoors he will be in my room most the time sometimes i go and take him for a walk?"i asked."sure as long if you keep dusty away from him he really doesnt like other animals."he said. wefinnaly got to the house i unloaded everything the boys came out to help with everything.i got everything in my roomby lunch which is really good because harry is making lunch.i wasnt realy ungry but i also didnt want to hurt harry'sfellings so i ate a little bit.then i got up and went to my room the boys still wernt finnished when i got up he boys stared at me because i eat alot and stuff so they were really surprised. after louis was done with his lunch he came in and liad down right next to me and said,"whats wrong you usally eat all of you food." "ohh i am just not that hungry right now,"i said. i was really tiered so i fell asleep a couple of minutes after we talked so did louis so we were both on the same page. i woke up a couple ours later to the boys singing i looked over and louis wasnt there so i guess he was practicing with the guys. i got up and went out of my room and into the kitchen to get some coffee. when i wasnt looking louis ran up behind me and huged me of course i jumped and almost hit him in the face because of my past."whoa babe its ok its just me whats wrong?"louis asked concerningly."i will tell you later i just something that happened in the past AND I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW OK LOUIS," i yelled right after i did that i felt horrable i just ran out of the house of course louis was chaseing me i ran and ran until i ran into one of my old friend that i havent seen in a while elizabeth."hey whats wrong why are you crying?"she asked i guess i have tears running down my face."he asked ."i said "he asked what and who asked what?"she said confused." my fiance' did he asked about you know."i said louis finnaly caught up to me. "who is your fiance' cheyenne?" she asked."i am and who are you?" i am elizabeth."she said while turning around to see who it was,"OMG your...your...your louis tomlinson cheyenne had a crush on you for forever." she said while looking back at me. she smiled because she knew it was my life long dream to marry louis tomlinson. "your gonna be misses. tomlinson!" she screamed out."shhhhh," i said. i walked over to louis and gave him a hug and a kiss and said,"sorry for yelling at you i was freaking out thats all that happened i will tell you what happened in the past later ok love you.""ok love you to now come on i bet you the boys are doing something crazy."louis said."ok."i said so i said my goodbyes then went back home with louis it was now dinner time and i was hungry.when we got there i told harry i was cooking tonight and it was gonna be a surprise and that i need louis's help we went into the kitchen and made tacos. we were done in 30 minutes. harry was very excited because i made tacos.after we ate i decided to but my pjs on i was wearing my one direction t-shirt and my poc-a-dot pj bottoms then me and louis watched a movie called brave it was a very good movie.

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