Chapter 9

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Aidyn's POV

I woke up on the roof. Again. It was the third time in the past two weeks, and from the scratching on my legs I knew that this slowly forming habit needed to be snipped at the bud. I touched my cheek gingerly, and noticed tears drying on the surface as I pulled my hand away. I sighed at myself. 

I stood up slowly, ignoring the pain in my neck from sleeping on such a hard surface and looked up. Normally I would find myself on the higher part of the roof that concealed that attic as it had a better view of the forest behind my house, but tonight seemed different. 

I don't know what it was, but I felt like staying where I was, just resting, right by my bedroom window. The sun was slowly rising, and I took it as my cue to climb down from the roof and start to get some stuff done. 

I made my way down through my window and into my room. I went into the bathroom to relieve myself and unplugged my phone from the charger. I grabbed my earbuds and then slid down the banister, not checking to see if anyone else was awake. I assumed they wouldn't be, as they hardly ever get a good night's sleep, and I was right. Nobody was downstairs.

I put my earbuds in, ready to blast BTS. I flipped through my playlist for a moment before deciding on House of Cards, one of my personal favorites. I made a quick queue, and then set to work in the kitchen. 

I started by wiping off the counters, taking out a rag and the spray Mom made of like... oils, or... whatever. I sprayed and wiped, sprayed and wiped, for what felt like hours until all of the counters and cabinets were cleaned off.

I swiped the sweat off of my forehead after throwing the rag in the laundry room and turned to face the dishwasher... my old enemy. "I hate dishes." I whispered to myself. I sighed and pushed up the sleeves to my hoodie, beginning to unload the dishwasher anyway, singing along to Lie as I went. 

I placed all of the dishes on the counter first for efficiency's sake, dancing around and singing as I went. I did a little twirl and kicked the door to the dishwasher closed, flipping the magnet to Clean. Sighing, I turned back around and began to actually put the dishes in their rightful spots. 

The song changed once more, and now I was singing War of Hormone. I opened up the cup cabinet, grabbing a water bottle and trying to put it up. Unfortunately, I was too short, and had to open the cabinet below and stand on it in order to get the water bottle up there. 

Just as I finished putting it up, I heard a laugh coming from behind me. I was so startled that I lost my balance and fell, landing square on my butt. I groaned and stood up, pulling my earbuds out.

Blanching, I noticed for the first time that all of BTS was standing there, watching me as I sang their song and put up the dishes. I blushed as they laughed at me, wanting nothing more than to melt into a puddle of goop and slide right through the cracks in the tile, down the pipes, and into the sewer where I belonged.

"Aidyn... you don't belong in the sewer." Jin said, coming closer to me and giving me a hug. Then I realized I had said it out loud and blushed even more, turning the color of cherries.

"But what are you wearing?" He asked, grabbing me by the shoulders and holding me at arm's length. Taehyung was still laying on the ground laughing, everyone else struggling to hold their laughter back. 

"Um? Pajamas?" I said, more of a question. The sleeves of my hoodie had fallen back down to my wrists, and I realized it was so long that you couldn't see the shorts that I was wearing. Even worse, my hair was probably a mess from sleeping on the room again. 

My hand flew to my hair to smooth it out, only to find it in perfect condition before going down to my jacket and pulling it down. Part of me wanted to pull it up and show them my shorts, but I had a feeling that it would seen weird if I did that.

"Hon. Go put on some pants. Unless you're wearing shorts or something, in which case, come help me make breakfast." Jin said, walking further into the kitchen to where the fridge was and peeking inside.

"Um. Uh-- so I am wearing shorts but they're kinda sorta really short so I should go put on real clothes. Also, I uh-- forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday, so we'll have to eat out somewhere for breakfast. 'Kay, bye." I said, stumbling over my words before pushing past the large group of boys blocking my way and running upstairs to my room.

I changed quickly, putting my hair into a bun and slipping into a pair of jeans. Technically, I wasn't wearing a shirt under my hoodie, but you couldn't tell really, and I had a bra on, so I just pulled on my high top Converse. 

I was about to run out of my room when I remembered what everyone else was wearing. Rethinking my decision, I changed into a black t-shirt and pulled over my green-and-grey Slytherin crop top sweater. You couldn't really tell that it was Slytherin unless you looked at the shoulder where the emblem was, and I liked it a lot. 

Deciding to forgo any makeup besides mascara, I quickly applied it, not wanting to make the boys wait for me any longer. I ran out of my room, grabbing my black purse as I went, sliding down the banister like I always did.  

Everyone was sitting at the kitchen table when I came down, waiting for me. When I landed softly, all conversation ceased and they all turned to face me. I noticed Taehyung held my gaze for slightly longer than everyone else, but shrugged it off. It didn't mean anything, right? I said to myself. 

"Okay. You boys ready? I'm starving." I said. And then we were off. 

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