Chapter 10

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Aidyn's POV

I took the boys downtown to a local place called Kerbey Lane. It was one of my favorites, and I knew that they would love the pancakes they had there. Perfectly fluffy, with rich flavors, but not too sweet... I went there so often that the owners knew me by now.

I forced them to let me drive, seeing as how they hadn't let me drive my baby back to my house. We hopped into the generic black van and sped off, headed to one of my favorite places in the world.

"Okay... we're here." I said, waving with my hand in a 'see? look at how magical' kind of way. They took off running towards the long benches, already beginning to chase each other around and chat. Yoongi, of course, collapsed immediately and fell asleep.

"You guys wait here, I'll go get us a table." I said, walking inside towards the hostess stand. "Hey Jenny, table for eight, please." I smiled at the blonde woman.

"Okey-dokey. Say, you got some friends or something in town? I usually see you with like one other person, or you're by yourself." She said, her green eye shadow momentarily distracting me.

"Oh um, yeah, something like that." I replied, taking a peek through the window to see them all hanging out on the benches, except for Taehyung. "I'll--I'll be right back." I said, beginning to panic a little.

I ran outside, looking around wildly for Taehyung. "Where did Tae go?" I asked. Jin just sighed and pointed up, and that's when I saw Taehyung. In the tree. ¨KIM TAEHYUNG! GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE THIS INSTANT." I shouted, looking up at him threateningly.

He looked shocked, and would have fallen had his legs not been wrapped around a particularly thick branch. He squealed out, and climbed down with the agility and stealth of a cat. Immediately he ran to my side, and everyone else followed suit.

I led them inside to see Jenny laughing her ass off and trying miserably to conceal it. I gave her a slight glare as I was no longer in the mood, and she sobered up immediately, leading us over to a cluster of two tables, each with four chairs at each.

At one table sat me, Jungkook, Taehyung and J-Hope, and at the other was Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin. I was a little frustrated, but only because I was a little tired and extremely hungry.

¨Hello, my name is Tali-- Wait Aidyn is that you? And... BTS? Oh my gosh I think I'm going to faint." Talia said, and I couldn't help but launch myself out of my chair and grab onto her arm, gently sitting her down on my chair.

"Ack. Please don't. We're trying to be inconspicuous... sort of." I said as I looked at the boys who were struggling to read the English menus. "Do you guys want some help with that?" I asked them. Everyone nodded their heads vigorously, except for Namjoon and Yoongi, one of which was sleeping with his head on the table. I'll let you figure out which one.

"Okay. Well do you guys want pancakes and breakfast stuff, or do you want lunch?" I asked, as it was nearly 11.

"Breakfast! I want breakfast!" Yoongi said, his head shooting off the table with an excited look on his face. My eyebrows shot up to my forehead and I couldn't help but laugh. He gave me a dirty look, but I shrugged it off.

"Okay, breakfast it is. Now, there are a lot of options..." I proceeded to tell them about the different meals and various types of pancakes, Talia sometimes chiming in with some new input, like the pancake of the day, which turned out to be red velvet.

"Okay. So yeah. What do you guys want?" I 'borrowed' Talia's notepad and wrote down what everyone wanted, which turned out to be... a lot of food. But not more than I expected from the seven many boys. "I'll be right back," I said as I proceeded to walk into the kitchen, leaving Talia behind to chat with her idols.

"Yo, Jamie. Aidyn's back here again." Martin shouted to the tall woman at the counter behind him. Don't get me wrong, everyone seems tall when you're only 5'2, but Jamie was at least six feet, and practically towered over me.

"Hey Aidyn. What is it this time? I swear if Marie gave you the wrong pancakes again I'm gonna whup her ass--" She started, wiping her hands off on her apron as she came closer to me.

"No, no, no. Marie didn't do anything this time. I just wanted to give this to you personally since Talia is a little... busy, at the moment." I cut her off, handing her the notepad. She just nodded her head, turning back around and retreating further into the kitchen.

"Alright. Damn, who did you bring, any army? Whatever, I'll have it ready in ten minutes. You don't want it to go, do you?" She asked, already starting on our food. I shook my head and left the kitchen, going to take my seat back from Talia.

"Get out of my seat, bitch." I said, already beginning to feel my hangriness come out. She stood up, and left with a sigh, going to wait on her other tables once more.


We left Kerbey Lane feeling stuffed but content, happy at the food we just ingested.

"OH MY GODDD Aidyn, that was the best food I've ever had in my entire life!" Hobi shouted, practically jumping on me in excitement.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. Now, what would you guys like to do?" I asked as we piled into the van, me back behind the wheel once more.

"Erm, we could go to an amusement park? Or the mall?" Namjoon said, getting into the passenger seat beside me.

"Nah, that's way to cliche. It's always what people do in fanfi-- erm, stories. We should do something, fun, original." I shook my head. "Wait... I have an idea. Have any of you guys ever been roller skating?"

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, I've just had a lot on my plate cause finals and stuff. But since today is Christmas, I figured I'd give what few readers I have a special treat and update within the next 24 hours. Also, I've made some adjustments to this chapter cause I wanted some things to happen later. Okay, that's it. Merry Christmas my lovelies!

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