Chapter 6

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We pulled up to some hotel that I had never seen before, and frankly, I was quite confused.

"Guys, why are we here? Shouldn't we be going back to the concert center?" I asked as they all unbuckled. Namjoon just shook his head, and I followed them out, not having enough energy to push further.

We walked down an elegant hallway filled with marble and gold accents to an elevator. Jin pushed the level 7 button and we began our ascent.

I learned that they had two rooms, both able to fit four people comfortably. We crowded into the room that belonged to Hobi, Namjoon, Suga and Jin, everyone squishing onto the beds or couches.

"So Aidyn. Who was he?" Namjoon asked when we were all situated. I was seated between Jungkook and Jimin.

"Wow, you really dont start off lightly, do you?" I joked. Nobody laughed, and my smile dropped. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Well, he was my boyfriend until he cheated on me. Again." I said. Tears pricked my eyelids, but I refused to let them fall. I was with my idols, not my friends,and I would not cry in front of them.

"What do you mean, again?" Jungkook asked. I looked down to see his fist wrapped tightly in the fabric of my sweater, knuckles white.

"Its not the first time. It is, however, the first time he's done it with my friend." I felt a single tear drop down my face, and I wiped it away quickly, taking in a deep breath.

"Aidyn... I'm so sorry. We should've I could've--" Tae started. I cut him off saying,

"No, no, no. You can't be getting into fights like that. Besides, you guys barely know me. Why are y'all so nice? Ugh." I flipped backwards on the bed that I was sitting on, flinging my arms over my eyes.

"That's true. We don't really know you. But we want to. I can't tell what it is exactly, but I feel drawn to you, connected in some way." It was Jimin that spoke this time, laying down next to me simultaneously with Jungkook.

The bed dipped, and I realized that what they were saying was true. Sure, they were my idols and I cared about them, but there was more to it than that. I felt like I belonged when I was with them, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Thanks you guys." I whispered. "Could I have a minute, please? I need a nap." I sat back up to see Namjoon already standing, ready to lead me to the room next door.

It was similarly made, with three beds and a couch, a long with a kitchenette and a nice bathroom. I went to one of the beds and slipped off my shoes, sliding under the covers.

"Rest here, Aidyn. I'll have a plan when you wake up." He said. I was confused by his words, but more tired than anything. So I slept.


When I woke up about an hour later, i was alone, and it made me uncomfortable. I pulled the sheets back and slipped my shoes back on, trying to make myself presentable enough to be seen by human eyes.

I opened the door and walked out into the hallway, ready to knock on their door. Then I heard their voices.

"Joon, I think we need to tell her. She deserves to know." Someone said.

"But does she? I mean, we've only just met her, and i dont know how good she is at keeping secrets yet." Another spoke up.

"Oh shut up, Yoongi. Don't try to lis, we know you like her." A third, deeper voice said.

It was then that I decided to stop snooping and just knock on the door. There was some scuffling heard, and I raised my eyebrows in a playful manner as Jin opened the door, slightly out of breath and fighting to keep his hyungs behind him.

"Hey Aidyn." He said. "Come on in." Everyone moves out of the way and I joined Jimin and JHope in sitting on the couch near the window.

I ignored all of their previous comments and just let Namjoon speak. "So Aidyn. Since it was the end of our tour, we got permission from our manager to stay here in Austin with you for a whole week. We figured you could show us around, take us to your favorite restaurants, show us the ropes of American culture." He said, waving his hands around.

"Um, sure. I can't on Tuesday or Thuesday for part of the day because I most certainly cannot miss Calculus, but yeah, I'd love to. I need a distraction right about now anyway." I said, smiling a small smile and nodding my head.

Cheers erupted in the room, and JHope gave me a lung-crushing hug. "Yay! Wait, how old are you? I don't wanna have to call you Noona, but I can if you want me to and I guess ooh should--" Tae began to ramble before getting cut off by Namjoon.

"What he means is, thank you Aidyn. I have a feeling that this week will be pretty fun." He said, his hand still over Taehyung's mouth. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, feeling happy.

"Ooh, hey! Maybe we curl stay at your house for a night or two?" Jungkook asked, his face lighting up, bunny teeth showing.

"Youd rather my house over a four or five star hotel?" I asked, scoffing and raising my brows when they nodded. "Okay, but you guys made need to pair up. My house is big, but we'll see how this goes." Jungkook smiled at me some more, and I felt my heart begin to melt a little, cause I mean, who wouldn't?

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