Chapter 7: Big Bad Wolf

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We continue talking during the car ride about his friends from the west coast and the party last night, out of the blue Billy's eyes turn from playful to serious. "So what other things did you have in mind ?" confused about what he's talking about I questioned him back "What do you mean, what are you talking about blue eyes ?" his eyes a deep gray "From the party princess, you said you wish you didn't leave. That you had other things in mind." My cheeks begin to heat up thinking of the things I would of done if I stayed "Angel face ?" shaking my head to get the dirty thoughts out of my head "Oh nothing, just would have had more fun if I stayed." I look out the window mumbling a quiet "With you." "With what, sorry I didn't catch that." I look at him eyes wide surprised that he caught my words "Nothing, nothing I didn't say anything." He pulls the car over on the side of the road turning it off he turns to me in his seat laughing trying to be serious "I wont drive you anywhere, unless you tell me what you said." I laugh "Okay, I guess I'm walking home." I get out of the car and start walking, obviously I know we're still far but it's just a joke but hiding my laughter and smile better than Billy can. "Hey ! Come back !"I look back to see Billy running towards me I scream and laugh in a full out sprint now however Billy is really quick to catch up suddenly I'm lifted from behind up towards the sky screaming I yell "Put me down !!" laughing so hard I'm gently dropped down on my feet and face towards Billy smiling while his arms are around my waist. He leans in and I lean as well closing my eyes readying myself for the kiss however I'm being lifted instead, I open my eyes to see I'm on Billy's shoulder looking down I see his nice ass. I lean forward and successfully smack his ass "You have a nice ass blue eyes." I hear Billy laugh "Yeah, I know. But you do too princess." And I feel the smack on my ass which made me squeak but laughing as well I reply "Yeah, I know." Billy stops walking towards the car he leans forward putting his hands behind my knees and one on my back making sure I don't fall he puts me on top of the hood of his car. He comes in between my legs his hands finding their way on my thighs one of my hands snaking their way to the back of his neck where his long strands of hair are the other finding it's way to the middle of his chest. I bite my lip liking the view in front of me his eyes staring at me going back and forth from my eyes to my lips. I pull him in close really wanting to continue this from last night "So where were we last night ?" one of his hands finds it's way to the side of my face "Right about here." He replies his blue eyes turning a deep gray before pulling me in we start kissing, more so making out. I let out a few moans while kissing him, I been wanting this so much last night. My moans caused his hand that's on my thigh to find it's way gripping onto my waist, it makes me gasp and I lift my chin to the air by the sudden grip. Billy took this opportunity to start kissing, biting and sucking on my neck. Once I feel him biting it starts to make me feel fuzzy and warm I grab his face and smash our lips together not wanting to be apart any longer in this moment. We keep making out until we couldn't breathe anymore which is so weird considering we make out as if like we're air and we cant breathe. We lean our foreheads together trying to catch our breaths for a few minutes we stay quiet just staring at each other. "How about I take you home now ?" a thought quickly crosses my mind "What if we go to yours for a little while before I go home ?" his hand comes up to caress the side of my face "Yeah, sure. Come on princess we should get going then." Smiling he leans in for a last kiss that only lasted a minute then we both separated both of us making our way to get inside of the car. We're only about half way home to Hawkins so we get comfortable and continue our conversation from earlier "So, your friends from the west sound great. I'm guessing you all had girlfriends ?" he laughs at my curious side "Aha, well Aaron and David had girlfriends sometimes. I never had a girlfriend just always saw them as fuck buddies but I did have one girl. Crazy enough I fell for her, she fell for me too but she went insane. She would always get jealous when I'm with the guys or just flirting with other girls, I couldn't handle it anymore so we broke up." I listen intently "Was she a good girl or a bad girl ?" smirking trying to lighten the mood which thankfully worked when he chuckled "She was the kind of girl that would try to please everyone even if it meant hurting someone else, she was always in the library. That was the one side that she showed me, that I knew of her. Already pushing my luck I push it a little bit more "What other side did she have ?" I notice Billy's knuckles getting white from squeezing onto the wheel too tightly "She told me every day she was tired from doing homework all night long. What I didn't know until one of my friends saw her at a party, was that she snuck out every night. She was a liar, deceiving, most importantly when I fell for her I was convinced she wouldn't cheat on me. Well it wasn't the first time I was wrong." Taking a deep breath of air, I could tell he was holding this in for a long time. I slowly but firmly take one of his hands off the wheel pulling it in between us and hold it. It takes him by surprise "People are so stupid. It's also my reason for not having a boyfriend, too many lies and fake feelings. But hey, at least we got each other now blue eyes." Smiling that we sort of understand each other and that he trusts me with something like this which anyone can tell makes him uncomfortable. I can't wait to get back to his. One thing I noticed about Billy is that he's different around me, almost like he's himself, his true self. I love him more for that, he's such a great guy he's just a little broken. With the speed we are going at we'll most likely arrive soon, unless its on the other side of town. "We're almost there, just a few minutes Kat." I lean my head on his shoulder "Okay Billy." I doze off feeling peaceful with my life right in this moment. Being shaken up I quickly lift my head "I'm awake, I'm awake !" I hear laughter from Billy "We're here." I nod my head, we both get out of the car that I now notice is parked on the curb in front of a nice house we walk up the stairs to get to the porch it's a nice looking house, Billy pulls out his keys from his pocket and starts opening the door "No one is home yet, I came home for lunch when I got your call." I groan and face palm "Oh shit, I forgot completely about school. I'm so screwed when I get home." We walk inside I notice how homey it is "Hey don't worry it's just the second day of school." Winking he tries to cheer me up yet again today which does work a little bit. Giggling I reply "Yeah, your right blue eyes." We keep walking until we get to a door, Billy opens the door stepping aside letting me in first. I walk into the middle of what I'm guessing is Billy's room, some posters were up, I noticed the mirror and in front of it was a small table with his ash tray. I hear him close the door behind him "Sit down if you want." I walk over to the bed and sit down on the edge taking Billy's jacket off placing it beside me. Billy was honest with me earlier even if he didn't want to be, I guess it's time. I take a deep sigh "You said you could tell when I lied last night right ?" looking down preparing myself to tell someone about the abuse. He nods his head ready to hear what I lied about last night at the party. "I said I got into a fight going to the bank. I was home when it happened." His eyebrows cocking up, he comes to sit beside me on the bed, he grabs my hand his thumb caressing the back of my hand. "You were home ? Did someone break into your house ?" chuckling I look up at his eyes and I reply "I wish, it would have been a better scenario." I look back down not ready to see the look on his face when I tell him my secret "I, well. Lets start at the beginning, when my dad began his addiction." I glance over to see what Billy's reaction is mentioning my dad, he opens his mouth but closes it. His face motionless not showing any emotions which makes me take a sigh of relief thanking that he's not freaking out or going on a rampage.
When I told Mrs. Byers she held the most sympathy in her eyes of course I told her only because it was the only way she was going to allow me to buy cigarettes from her. However Pitbull went insane when I told him. He was not happy at all and even went as far as to go to the bar my dad goes to and pay him a visit. Well my dad came home complaining to my mom that he got jumped by a group of guys.
"He has always had a drinking problem somehow my mom stopped him, but for a short amount of time. Then the more time she spent away from home, the more my dad drank and took his anger out. I happened to be the one he took his anger out on. He finds ridiculous reasons to beat me and hurt me, at this point I'm just used to it. Being alone to fend it off. I tried telling my mom but-." Billy was quick to cut me off "He convinced her it wasn't true." I gasp and look up at him shocked how he knows this his eyes watering a little bit "How ?" he pulls me into his warm embrace holding me tight whispering softly to me "I guess we're more a like than we think." I let go of everything I was holding back yet again, unlike last night with Pitbull I now let go completely instead of just a little bit. I let out the emotions of losing my best friend, of being taken to Maysville, Steve and mom not knowing what happens behind closed doors to finally someone understanding what's happening to me. It gets harder to breathe the more I let the tears flow, I grip onto Billy's arms trying to hold onto something. He lifts me by the waist to place me on his lap so I move my hands to a more comfortable place from his arms to around his neck crying into his shoulder. Feeling one of his hands on the small of my back and the other rubbing my back in a soothing way, I manage calming myself down in seconds with the help of Billy. I lean back on his lap so I can wipe my tears away, when I'm done I look up into the oceans of his eyes. He's seen me as the badass racer and now the broken abused girl, "I guess you now know what kind of girl I am, with the people who really know me better than the rest." I let out a small giggle trying to lighten the mood which is what I always try to do. Closing my eyes I lean my head closer missing his touch for just only seconds after parting. I'm slowly leaning my forehead to his, I guess why I crave his touch is because I'm not used to this weird feeling of being in the state of vulnerability. In this moment I think he knows because I start feeling Billy's hand comes up to my face to caress my cheeks. I feel myself leaning into his touch in a daze not really noticing this, "Don't worry, everyone has a good side and a bad side Kat. It just depends on the person and which one they like to feed into. But you'll always be the kicking ass girl who won against me in a race. You'll always be my princess and no one will hurt you. Next time you think your going to be alone just come here. " looking in the deep ocean in his eyes, this side of me just comes out, but it's okay because he's vulnerable with me too. Feeling a lot better I lean back a little, realization hitting me that we're alone and if we get too caught up then there's a bed ready and I'm not ready for something so intimate again. My smile shining brightly and wide feeling way better than I was minutes ago from hearing what Billy said to me "Yeah but you also won against me too Billy. Not a lot of guys can do that here but I guess the west coast taught you well. I'll try to come around when I can but thank you so much blue eyes, I guess the big bad Billy does have a soft side to him too." Winking I see his smile and entire vibes lighten. If we could stay like this in this moment forever I would choose that in a heartbeat. A chuckle from Billy takes me by surprise "Yeah, I guess the big bad wolf does have a soft side." We laugh together, no one has really connected or talked with me this much, not even Steve. As I was glancing around I see a clock saying 6:00 I try to get up quick but I was quick to stumble and almost fall, I clenched my eyes shut and had my hands in front of my face however I felt Billy's arms were quick to wrap their way around my waist catching me before I fell. Pulling me back up on his lap not letting go of my waist just yet "What's wrong ?" I pull his arms off of me, he is definitely going to kill me now. My dad always hated if I ever skipped school or didn't come home after a party or without letting him know and I did all three in one night I'm so going to get some sort of punishment. I explained to Billy more about why I'm like this "My dad is going to kill me when I get home. I skipped school two days in a row, I didn't go home after a party and I didn't tell him about any of it. Billy, please we have to go now so it doesn't worsen later." We're both now standing up ready to leave, Billy leans over the bed to grab his jacket that I put there earlier. He puts his jacket back on top of my shoulders the feeling as if it's meant to be there. I run down the stairs and head outside, Billy was taking his time after me. We both walk side by side to his car and we get inside, his hand already grabbing mine and caressing the back of it in a reassuring way "I promise, I'll help." I gave him directions and we were off zooming in the distance. It didn't take long for us to get there, but all I could think of is if I thought last night was bad I had another thing coming. I see we're in front of my house I turned to face Billy to say goodbye but he already closed his door and is walking over to my side of the car. The door opens, I feel the chill of the slight wind picking up I see dad's car and Steve's in the driveway. At least I wont get punished yet I get out of the car, Billy closing the door behind me. We walk up to the front door in silence I try to open the door but it's locked. I knock on the door waiting for someone to open the door, then I hear the heavy foot steps from inside stomping then the door swings open revealing my dad and surprisingly Steve behind him. "Oh my god, thank god it's you Kat !" Steve comes out behind dad to give me a hug he whispers in my ear "Dad is pissed." I whisper a okay back. He lets go and I see dad looking at Billy then back at me, probably thinking the absolute worst. "Were on earth have you been Kat Angel Harrington ?" I reply standing my ground knowing cowering is just going to make it worse "I went to Tommy Hayes' party last night, there was a few people there including Jacob Jones and well there was a misunderstanding so instead of him taking me back to my house he took me to his home. In Maysville. Billy here came to pick me from there. That's it. I'm sorry it won't happen again." You can visibly see the red on his face and the smoke coming out of his ears. But before he can yell Billy cuts in putting his hand out to shake my dad's "Hi Mr. Harrington, my name is Billy. Billy Hargrove, I was going to take your daughter home last night however Jacob had told me that's where he was going. From what I knew Jacob was your daughter's best friend so I believed and trusted in him sir. It was completely my fault." My dad's face completely drops at the mention of Billy's last name "Your Neil's kid ? He's a very well established man. That's no problem at all Billy, thank you for getting my troublesome daughter and bringing her home. Would you like to stay for dinner son ?" my mouth was really quick to drop at what I was hearing, not believing it I went into little bit of shock for a few seconds but hearing Billy's laughter brings me out of my daze "No, it's alright Mr. Harrington. I should get back home my dad should be home soon. Maybe next time, and your daughter isn't troublesome at all. Anyways, I should go. Bye Mr. Harrington, it was nice to meet you." Billy puts his hand out yet again to shake my dads "Just call me John, Billy. It was great to meet Neil's son. See you next time son." Billy turns around winking at me while he does so and walks away, I just watch him as he walks away not sure if Billy had just made it better or what happened exactly. Billy looks at me one last time before he drives away "Come on inside sis." I heard my brother say. Shaking my head I turn my head around and nod, I walk inside and my dad closes the door behind us. My dad clears his throat we both turn around to look at him "Steve, can you go upstairs for a moment ? I have to talk to your sister alone." My brother replies a okay and heads upstairs not thinking anything of it, he probably thinks I'll get a lecture. My dad walks over to the couch and sits down, I follow him sitting across from him not trusting him at the moment. His face looking pale as if he's seen a ghost his hand running through his hair multiple times, he's thinking of something to say and in a few seconds he takes a deep breath and looks at me. "Kat, you have to promise me that you will stop seeing that guy." I laugh "I thought you liked him, you even invited him to dinner ?" He growls at me and I instantly stop laughing "It was only because if I told him to get out and to leave you alone. It will only go around to his father." Confused I asked "So what if it goes around to his dad ?" he walks over in front of me and gets down on his knees grabbing my arms "His dad is someone you do not want to mess with. His dad is apart of this group of men, very bad men. I don't want you to get any closer to him, don't bring him home ever again and don't talk to him." I get up brushing my dad's hands off of me walking away I yell over my shoulder "Who cares, I will talk and be friends with whoever I want. Plus we have a up coming assignment together, I can't just stop talking to him." This pisses my dad off, he forgets Steve is here and just as I was about to head up the stairs he yanks me back by my hair causing me to fall back. I felt the stinging when my back collided with the floor harshly. He grabs the front of my shirt pulling me up and slaps me. "Don't you dare ! I forbid you !" he screams and I hear Steve's footsteps running to the top of the stairs, I look over to Steve and he sees the red mark on my face and the sight in front of him. He was quick to act, running down the stairs once he was close he was pushing our dad off of me in seconds. He puts his hand out and I grab it without hesitation and he helps me up "Get behind me." I nod and get behind him feeling too weak from the fall to fight my dad in this moment. Steve gets in his face "Stay away from my sister. If you ever touch her again Hopper will be the first to know. Mom will be disgusted with the way your acting towards your daughter." He starts yelling "Stop calling her my daughter ! She is not my daughter." What ?..

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