Chapter 2: Let's Make That Bet

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I grabbed my notebook and sat up from my desk heading to my next class I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I was whipped around and pushed against the lockers too quick for me to comprehend what has happened, I glanced up to see Billy was the source. His hand just above my head supporting his weight. Grinning from ear to ear finally I can see he’s not in shock still from my stunt earlier, smiling at this seeing that I have this sort of affect on him “Princess, what you did back there was impressive. I have never seen any girl with that much confidence in themselves to be so bold. “ I tsk’ed a few times once he was finished speaking lightly shaking my head from side to side. You look up at the tall frame he has “Blue eyes, clearly you did not take my warning seriously.” Titling my head to one side and my eyes squinting curious to know what he has to say although a laugh from him was the last thing I was expecting, he leaned in closer to my ear “I stopped taking your threat seriously once you mentioned that you would beat me in a car race. Sweetheart, I won against hundreds of people back in the west coast in street races with the beauty I have.” You cocked an eyebrow at this but shrugging your shoulders and started walking towards your locker to grab your pack of smokes then the exit to the parking lot. You look back behind you, Billy looking at you like he has no idea what your going to do next “Where are you going Kat ?” he jogs up beside you “Well any louder Billy and the teachers will hear that we are skipping to race. But I need to grab my pack of smokes before we leave it’s in my locker.” You smirked as he beamed with so much happiness, much more than when he walked up to you after your threats to him in class. “Hey don’t worry about your pack from your locker I’ll let you smoke some from mine.” You nodded your head and then you both decided to skip next period to race as you were never the one to ever miss an opportunity to race. Exiting the building with Billy walking on my left side beside me, he offered a cigarette and gladly accepting it taking one out from his pack. He also offered to light your cigarette once he finished lighting his. I leaned forward to his hands that are ready to spark a light, his eyes never leaving your lips. Once you were all lighted up he took his stick away from his lips exhaling smoke to lick his lips while staring at your pink lips. Continuing your walk you take this time to tell him “We’re going to get into our cars and I want you to follow me. There’s a place not far from here that is perfect for racing. No one to block our paths, no coppers, nothing to stop us.” You smiled at his reaction when he licked his lips while showing his pearly’s off again clearly excited by this. “And to think I was going to be bored here.” You both got into your cars still finishing your smokes as you left the school premises to race. Once you got there it was a flat road with trees surrounding the gravel road, Billy took your slowing down as a ‘we’re here’ sign. Your car came to a complete stop and Billy’s stopping right beside yours, you both lowered your music’s volume to speak. “Billy, let’s make that bet. When I win you buy me a pack of smokes, you stop calling me princess and hmm.. You taking me to see a movie.” Billy looked over from you to the road in front of him smiling a truly happy smile then looking back at you shouting back “Princess you mean when I win, you can buy me a pack, I can call you princess whenever I want and I’ll make you scream my name because you won’t win this race before that happens. Deal ?” I grinned from ear to ear “Deal, the finish line is 2 kilometers whoever passes the red barn on the right hand side wins. Are you familiar with Iron Maiden’s Run To The Hills ?” He nodded his head “The go mark is after the word free just in the beginning of the song “Oh will we ever be set free”” I put in Iron Maiden’s The Number Of The Beast album playing the track. We are both reviving our engines smoke coming out from the back of our cars few seconds go by in the song as we are both preparing for speeding off. The lyrics finally came “But many come too much for cree, oh will we ever be set freee” and we both took off at the same time during the race we were matching each other’s speed one second me being closer to the front and another second Billy is. That goes on until we are getting closer to the finish line where I finally see the red barn on our right coming up and press even harder down on the gas which flung my car pushing it forward by a meter. It’s a trick I got my car to do, I wasn’t pushing down all the way on my gas pedal so in the last seconds I like to push down all the way. I look to my left to see Billy’s eyes popping out of it’s sockets mouth dropped open. Passing the finish line clearly in first place I screamed “I won !!” and slowed down to pull over to the side of the road Billy following soon after. I hop out of my car and he does the same with a nonchalant face not too happy about his loss, I come closer to Billy pulling him into a hug and he stiffens for a second then relaxes into the hug I pull away a bit still keeping my arms around him to look up at him grinning “You mentioned that you won against hundreds of people right ?” I asked jokingly to tease him, he rolled his eyes finally breaking into a grin “I guess the west coast needs you to teach them how to race. But you did get lucky.” You let your barrier officially down laughing full heartedly jumping up and down beaming with happiness Billy doing the same his eyes shinning with pure happiness and carefree. He decides to grip onto my waist lifting me up as I was jumping to spin me around. Looking down his curly blonde locks flowing after him as he spins both of us around, he finally lets me down my back facing his car and his hands not letting go of my waist yet. His blue eyes going from my lips to my eyes and back to my lips I start holding onto his denim jacket. He suddenly but lightly pushes me back, backing me to the hood of his car but finally making this situation go somewhere I firmly grabbed onto his jacket bringing his lips closer to mine. Billy’s a cute guy, yes I know he’s a player and will find another girl soon but in this moment that doesn’t matter I instantly forget about the next girl Billy will have around his arm. Feeling Billy’s lips it felt like they were melting into one with mine they were so soft and kissable it truly felt intoxicating, so blissful. He let go of your waist for a second and just above a whisper said “Jump” you did as you were told trusting Billy completely he caught your legs as you wrapped it around his waist. He gently placed you on top of the hood of the blue beauty you were drawing early today. His hands left your legs and went straight to the sides of your face trying to pull you in closer than before, without stopping the make out session you slipped your jacket off feeling yourself starting to get hot from this intensive affectionate kissing. You noticed Billy was also starting to feel hot as he started to peel off his jacket as well placing it behind me on the hood of his car. Starting to get a little tired and both of you needing air you push lightly against his firm muscular chest that you can feel through his white shirt. We separate both of our breathing pretty heavy I slump down a bit not needing to push myself further up in this moment like when I needed to meet Billy’s lips halfway. Studying this charming face in front of mine I start noticing both of his massive hands on my thighs and he’s still trying to regulate his breathing. Taking a deep breath he’s the first one to say something “You got a guy to stop calling you princess, also got a pack and yourself a date. We should make more bets in the future.” While his perfect white teeth make another appearance on his face again but in a smirk formation giggles escaping from my lips that in this moment I looked down and licked my lips to get some moisture back then glancing back up “Well Billy, we should make more bets in the future I agree. But maybe not with just racing because you need to win a few right ?” he chuckled at my words taking his pack out from his denim pocket and offering me, taking one out from the box I place it in between my lips and just like at the school he pushes his hands forward closer to the drag in my mouth to light it for me. Inhaling for a few seconds and exhaling with the smoke escaping my mouth and nose, Billy walks to my right his back facing his car as he leaned against his car also taking a drag from his cigarette both of our eyes gazing at each other “That was interesting, but we should get back to school I promised my brother I would bring him back home.” Inhaling the cigarette trying to prolong this as long as I could, not wanting to go back and face reality. I tucked the stick in my mouth both of my hands on each side of my thighs ready to jump off of the blue beauty however a hand on my thigh stops me mid way, Billy walks back in front of me taking his cigarette out of his mouth but still keeping it in between his fingers on his right hand I do the same keeping my cigarette in my left hand. Slowly he places his left hand on the side of my face, his eyes locking sight on my lips while he brings his lips to meet mine one final time. Staying in place like this for a few seconds we depart again I put the stick tucking it in between my lips again he does the same mimicking my movements yet he grabs a hold of my waist lifting me off the hood and placing me down on my feet again “How about we get ice cream before we go back to school blue eyes ?” as he glances my way all the smoke from his mouth blocking my view of his face for a few seconds then I see his cute face nodding “Sure but your paying since I lost this bet.” He grinned teasing him a little bit “Sure come on baby, maybe ice cream will make you feel better.” Sticking my lower lip out in a pout but cutting that off shortly after sending him a quick wink in his direction before turning around to get into my car. We both roar our cars to life as I lead the way with his blue camaro following right behind my ruby omega we raced to the closest ice cream parlor. Thinking for a second about what had just happened, I was just thankful for god that we took separate cars, it gives me some time to think about the knight in denim. I had my fair share of playing around with guy’s, so I wasn’t the type to get caught in feelings really fast or taking things like what happened seriously unlike the other girls here. I just have to be smart with this, it would be nice to be friends with this guy. No one is as wild and bold in this town as I am, up until he showed up. In a way he’s kind of my equal but even then you can tell he’s not used to this kind of thing. I’m keeping him surprised and guessing what will happen next with me but he’s still as wild and bold as I am. We arrive at Jerry’s Ice Cream Parlor and pull into the lot parking our cars right beside each other. We walk inside the small parlor, red leather booths all along the window wall, after school hours are typically the busiest here for dates and hang outs. We sit down in the booth closest to us. Billy sat down across from me getting comfortable with one arm hanging on the top of the booth seat. My family knows Jerry and I see him walking over with menus as well as a broad smile on his slowly aging face. “Hey sunshine, how are you ? It’s been a long time since I seen you !” I sit up to give the old man a hug, he’s like my second dad always been there for me and Steve whenever my parents weren’t. Jerry hugs me tightly and then letting me go and I slip back into my previous position pulling one of my knees up to my chest. “Jerry, this is my friend Billy. Billy this is Jerry, he owns this place and has been a close friend to my family.” Introducing the two Billy puts his hand out for Jerry and he takes Billy’s hand in his to shake. Jerry scans me and Billy sighing deeply crossing his arms in front of his chest before speaking “Okay I hate to be the parental figure here, but aren’t you kids supposed to be in school ?” pulling an eyebrow up questioning if I'm being a bad kid. Grinning I answer “Awe, Jerry you know I’m a good kid. My friend Billy here is new to Hawkins and was having a rough day, he even lost a bet so who was I not to help make my new friend’s day better ? I am treating him to ice cream and it’s the first day, the first day doesn’t ever count !”my smile widening as I finished talking showing him I'm really not as bad as I look, looking over to Billy a look of amusement plastered on his face. Jerry sighs shaking his head lightly chuckling “Alright alright kiddo, even if it was otherwise you know I wouldn’t tell your parents.” His genuine smile showing “I’ll give you time to tell Billy what we have here.” He walks away to the back I pay my attention to Billy now “So you’re a good girl huh ?” his eyebrow cocking up trying to stiffen up his smile so his laughter doesn’t escape “To be honest Billy, I only want a few people to see me as a good girl. But those who really know me, knows I'm anything but.” Sending a wink in his direction but suddenly something in his face changed, his smile dropped his eyes started looking devious he leans in like he did in class earlier today so I take this cue to lean in as well. His face just inches away from mine “The good girl gone bad. I wonder those who really know you, better than the rest what they get. A really good girl or a really bad girl ?” smirking I lean in just a bit closer and reply “I guess that’s something only the people who really know me, will know.” I lean back in my seat he does the same bringing his arm back up where it was on top of the booth seat, biting my bottom lip and I start telling him the stuff they have here his eyes not leaving my face “So pretty boy, they have milkshakes. The classic strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream in a cone. Then they have my special, chocolate and vanilla with whip cream finished with a cherry on top.” He lets out a smile and a low chuckle “ Wow, so many great options but I’ll have to go with what your having babe. Your special.” As he says special he scans my body up and down obviously with more meaning to that than he intended causing a light blush to my face. Jerry walks back over seeing that it’s been a few minutes he turns to me “Kiddo, would you like something different today or just the regular one one ?” I tap my finger on my chin “Hmm, Jerry. We’re both going to have the one one.” Jerry looks at Billy with surprise written on his face “Your having the one one as well young man ?” Billy taken a little back at this he speaks up “Yes sir, the same thing as the lady.” Jerry motions me to get up, I do and he leans into my ear to whisper “He’s getting the same thing as you, he’s the only one in this entire town that’s getting the same ice cream as you. Boyfriend materiaaal.”  He walks away jumping up to click his heels together laughing all happy, Jerry was always hoping I would get a boyfriend that I can introduce him to. I was going to sit back into my seat however Billy grabs my arm pulling me next to him, a little taken back by his action by the sudden pull I accidently fall into his chest. He wraps one arm around me light laughter erupting causing his chest to lightly vibrate underneath my hands that are still there “I didn’t think you would fall into my arms so soon baby girl.” Smiling I take my hands off his chest I was about to slide out from the booth to sit on the other side however Billy holds his arm around me tighter whispering one word that kept me there “Stay.” I nod my head and get comfortable next to Billy pushing my back up against the back of the booth seat. He keeps one arm hanging over my shoulder. A warm bubbly feeling bursting from the inside of my stomach at how close I am to him. Jerry walks back over with two cones in his hand for Billy and I handing both of us our ice creams “Here you go, enjoy guys. I have to go now get home to the wife and kids but it was great to see you again Kat. You should come back with Billy more often and it was great to meet you Billy. Take care kids !” he pats my head “Tell Patty and the kids I say hi !” he nods his head and walks away waving to us. The ice cream in front of us looking so perfect a plain cone with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the bottom and another scoop of chocolate finished with whip cream and a cherry sitting on the top. Glancing at Billy he’s looking at his ice cream licking his lips ready to dig in. “This looks great, why have a plain ice cream when you can have this ?” we both giggle and we both start eating our ice creams, glancing a quick look over to my side I notice Billy got whip cream on the tip of his nose. Laughing I tried to speak in between my laughter “Billy you got whip cream around your nose !” his eyes getting a little bit wide oblivious to what I'm talking about “Oh really ? Here ?” he wipes under his nose and I shake my head no “Close, wait hold on let me get it for you.” still giggling a tiny bit shifting a bit closer leaning my arm forward to help wipe the whip cream off. I wipe it off with my thumb successfully at getting it all off “There you go.”  I’m pulling my hand back ready to lick the cream off of my thumb but Billy beats me to it grabbing my wrist stopping me as I was pulling it back. He pulls my hand closer to his face opening his mouth taking my thumb inside, sucking the whip cream off of my finger while not taking his eyes off of mine. He finished what he was doing slowly releasing my hand go, my face reddening at his action. Taking my hand back and putting my attention back on my ice cream not sure what to do. While eating my ice cream I put my attention back to Billy with a smug smile on his face. “This might have been a battle you won this time Billy, but you won’t win this war Hargrove.” A devious smile fading into my face I might of won the race we just had but he’s winning at this teasing game right now.

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