Chapter 26: Devil Was Once An Angel

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I wake up with a migraine, lifting my head up and opening my eyes I spot Charlie sprawled out on the floor in front of me. I look around and spot Angel beside me on the love seat that we fell asleep on last night. I look at the clock on the wall that I noticed every room in this house has. It's 6 in the morning, I get up taking the blanket off me and leave the room. I go to my room grabbing clothes and go to the bathroom that Charlie showed me last night when I had to use the toilet. I take a shower getting ready. Once I'm done I go downstairs and cook some pancakes. I'm midway done cooking the pancakes when I hear Charlie "That's weird, it smells like pancakes. Maybe I drank too much at race night last night." I turn around and spot Charlie just as he opened the kitchen door. He's wearing black jeans and a wife beater finished with a jacket with his name on the back. I grin and spoke in a cheery voice "Good morning Charlie." His eyes go from still sleepy to shooting open. His eyes go from mine to the pancakes on the island behind me "No way! You made pancakes!! If I loved you before this I love you even more now!" He immediately goes to grab one of the plates on the island that I put out for us and starts stacking pancakes on his plate. This causes me to laugh "Do you want a drink with your pancakes Char?" He shakes his head as he's midway stuffing his mouth, through his stuffed mouth he lets out a muffled "I only like pancakes." I start roaring with laughter but it's cut off when I see the kitchen door open again. I see Angel with a black t-shirt, black jeans and black boots entering the kitchen. "What's all the commotion?" His eyes just as sleepy as Charlie's was when he first walked in. "Morning sleepy head, I made pancakes. Want some?" His eyes go to Charlie's instantly as he eats and then goes to mine. "Yeah sure. Can you bring me a plate of pancakes please." He goes to sit down next to Charlie but out of the corner of my eye I see something that catches my eye. Charlie's eyes go wide looking at Angel, "What's wrong Charlie?" I ask however I see Angel elbowing Charlie 'under the table' but I saw it. Angel whispered something under his breath that I didn't hear but Charlie turned his attention towards me "Kat, don't give him pancakes they're all bad. I'll eat the bad ones." I burst out laughing shaking my head I grab a plate for myself as well for Angel and pack it with pancakes. I bring it over to Angel and sit beside Charlie. So we sat there in silence all of us eating until Angel was the first to finish and then he spoke first "So I'll meet you guys by the barracuda. Thank you Kat breakfast was great." Me and Charlie nod our heads as he walks out. I stop eating and look at Charlie "What was that back there Char, obviously you wanting to eat all the pancakes is not the reason why you were elbowed." I lift an eyebrow up with a straight face daring him to lie "I don't know what your talking about Kat." I roll my eyes then sigh "Okay I guess you don't want the chocolate pancakes that I'm making tomorrow." His eyes go wide then he looks around to make sure no one is here. His attention then immediately goes to me "Okay, I was just surprised that he wanted to eat something. Angel isn't the type to have breakfast in the morning." My eyebrows scrunch confused by this information.  "I just honestly find it weird that Angel, who is known to be a lone wolf is no longer lone. He took you out to race night which is official gang members only, took you in the passenger of his car to race night and even ate breakfast when he never has in the past 5 years." Charlie started stating the facts one after another. I stared as he spoke but once he finished I looked down confused "I'm not calling you a liar Char, but why would he change for me and under 24 hours? I doubt anyone would change that fast and for someone they don't know." I clear my throat and grab Angel's plate, Charlie's once he's done and mine. Charlie looked like he was about to speak but quickly shut his mouth I walk over to the kitchen sink and place the dishes in there. I write a note after finding a notepad and a pen 'Please leave the dishes for me to get to when I get back xxSiren'. "Hey Charlie can you wrap and put the leftover pancakes away? Thanks." Charlie stays quiet but does as I asked without a word. Out of nowhere Charlie speaks up "You know, you changed Billy as well." I heard a but coming however it never did. Charlie left the room leaving me with my thoughts. 
Billy broke me even though we never been together to begin with which was my fear in the beginning, and Charlie thinks I'm changing Angel. Well everything has a time and place, if it's not the time nor place then it isn't right. 
I walk out of the kitchen and make my way to the garage. I spot the two guys talking but quickly shut up once I stepped through the door. I see a silver barracuda that the two guys are leaning against. I close the door behind myself and walk towards them, without a word Angel goes to the passenger side with Charlie behind him. We all get inside, Angel turns on the car and with that we speed out of the garage on our way to school. 
We make it to school with some time to spare especially with how fast Angel was going. He parks closest to the entrance which feels foreign to me seeing as me and Billy always used to park the furthest away. Getting out of the car and closing the door behind me my eyes immediately go to Angel's as he takes out a pack of cigarettes. I practically moan at the sight, really craving one. Angel puts one in between his teeth as he lights it he's speaking to me. "Sorry I didn't want to smoke while you were in the car with us." I shake my head walking towards him as he leans on the front of the car. "Actually I been dying without my daily dose. I'll have to actually ask you to stop by the store so I can grab a few packs." I giggle lightly but smiling brightly at him. Angel's hand goes out to grab his pack in his pocket and takes one out handing it to me. I smile cheekily at him "Oh you're a life saver, you really are an angel, Angel." I spot a blush coming to his cheeks but I see a change in his mood. He hands me a lighter as soon as the cigarette is in my mouth, out of nowhere the wind starts blowing like crazy. "Awe shit, stupid wind." I try covering the flame however the wind is blowing from all sorts of directions. "Here let me help." Angel comes up even closer than before and cups his hands protecting the flame. I watch him but quickly shake myself out of my daze and finally light my cigarette. Once it's light I smile and put his lighter in his hand, "Thank you Angel for feeding my addiction." I grin yet again and this causes him to laugh "Well Kat, I'm just feeding the demons you hide." Mentally I tilt my head however trying to keep the mood light I laugh "Yeah your right." I look over at Charlie but don't see him anywhere, Angel must of saw my concerned face and spoke up "Charlie went to the office to get me and him registered so we can be with you at all times." I nod my head "Kat? Angel?" we both whip our heads around and see the source. Steve Harrington. I throw my cigarette to the ground and run to him jumping in his arms from excitement. "STEVE!" Thankfully my brother catches me, he twirls me around. "Oh Kat, where have you been? Dad said that you been staying with Billy, but obviously that's not true." He places me back on the ground as he spoke, just as he said 'that's not true' he nodded his head towards Angel. "What are you doing with my sister, Angel?" I heard the demand in Steve's voice "Steve, listen to me. Your dad lied. What I never told you was that mom told me that my real dad was apart of the government as a spy or apart of the lab. Well your dad called men from the lab on me when I last saw you." Steve gets even confused "So why are you with Angel?" I shake my head "It's not like that dear brother. I went to see John and well he offered me to stay with the Grim Infernos. Angel here is my bodyguard so I can still go to school and do normal things." Finally I see the 'I get it' look on his face which causes me to laugh but instantly stop when a thought comes into my mind I cross my arms across my chest while giving him a wtf look "Wait, how do you know Angel?". Then his hand goes up behind his neck to scratch it "Well, I'm apart of the Grim Infernos, so I met him at one meeting." I put my arms down and speak "Oh okay. But you can't tell your dad you saw me." I see him nodding his head. "Got it." With that the bell rang and I knew we had to go. Steve comes to hug me "Be careful, don't trust them too much. The devil was even once an angel." I nod my head not trying to make a scene in front of Angel. Steve lets go of me and looks back as he walks away "Bye Angel take care of my sister or I'll kick your ass!" I giggle at my brother. Angel and I walk towards the school. At the entrance we spot Charlie flirting with the office assistant, me and Angel lean against the wall watching all of it going down. Charlie speaks "Oh thank you so much Ms. Valerie." She nods her head blushing "Just call me Michelle, Charles." She sends Charlie a wink and he sends her one back. 'Michelle' leaves leaving us trio. Me and Angel start bursting out laughing. "Okay Kat we have all your classes with you except your last period you only have Angel with you." I nod my head as Angel pats Charlie's back as we walk to my first period "Good job Charles." Angel mocks poor Charlie "Oh shut it Angel." Charlie rolls his eyes and with that we start our school day.
Finally it's last period, this day has been oddly boring. Yeah because Billy isn't sitting beside you to keep you entertained. I sigh as history class pulls around. Me and Angel sit in the back furthest from everyone. Angel has been hit on at least a thousand times today, not that I'm counting or anything. We sit talking about cars before the teacher comes in when all of a sudden Carol walks up to Angel and sits on his desk facing towards him. "Well, you're the new guy, Angel right?" Angel nods his head "Yeah, and you are? Oh wait, Carly." I try to hold in a laugh however failing miserably. Carol snaps her head towards me but calms down turning her attention back to Angel "I'm Carol and I think that we should get to know each other more." Angel scoffs "I don't even know your name and you want to get to know me more? Sorry but my girlfriend won't appreciate me getting hit on, especially if it's in front of her." Carol rolls her eyes annoyed "Who's your girlfriend?" I listen to this curious if he's being serious about having a girlfriend. Then deadpan said "Kat." Carol whips her head towards me "You?" before I could say anything Angel turns towards me. "Babe, did you not tell any of your friends that I'm your boyfriend?" I clear my throat oh god "Um babe, I just don't want anyone to take you away from me. You know how I get when I'm jealous." I put on my best acting but obviously a little shook at this piece of information Angel threw at me. Angel grins seeing how uncomfortable I am with this. Carol growls and walks away obviously pissed which makes Angel laugh. He turns his attention towards me "Your cute." I stare at him shocked at this. Maybe I am changing him maybe because he likes me. "Your-" then I get interrupted "Kat. I need to speak to you." I turn my head towards the front of the class where Billy is standing. "Billy." I look at Angel "Um, I'll be a minute." I stand up from my desk but Angel gets up as well. "If your going, I'm going. I'm your bodyguard remember?" he whispers the last part to me so no one else could hear us. I walk out of the classroom with both boys following me. Billy closes the door behind us "I said I wanted to speak to Kat. Not you, you asshole." Angel gets up in Billy's face "Well I'm her bodyguard, anything you want to tell her, you can tell her in front of me." Billy's eyes get red with rage "Well you're a piece of shit." Angel starts laughing which I know hell will come with that laugh. "Your trying to blame me for something you fucked up with Kat." Angel fights back but Billy was quick to speak back "But you did fuck it up. If you weren't here right now we'd still be together." I was about to speak up however Angel was quicker "You ruined all of this on your own, you shit. I was the one who comforted her when you left her. You know how long she was crying with all the pieces you broke of her heart? Unlike you I picked up those pieces because I care about her. So no you ruined it yourself. You took her for granted, you pushed something you didn't have. She doesn't want you Billy, if she did she wouldn't be with me!" I felt the tears running down my face "Shut up, both of you just shut up!" this caused a silence far greater than anything I think I ever heard but as quick as there was quiet, there was chaos. "You see you made her cry you dirt bag." Billy roared at Angel but this caused Angel to snap which made him tackle Billy to the ground continuously punching poor Billy. Everyone came out of their classrooms including my brother and Charlie. Everyone was chanting 'fight, fight, fight', Billy flips them over so he's on top punching Angel. They both get equal amount of punches and equal amount of bruises that is yet to come. "Stop!" I cry out not caring that the students who never saw me cry, vulnerable or weak saw me. Steve and Charlie both weave their way through the thick crowd of drama hungry students. Charlie manages to pull Angel off of Billy who is now under Angel. As quickly as Charlie pulled Angel, Steve did the same with Billy. "Principle!" everyone runs, including us. I try to go with Billy but Steve was pulling him the opposite direction and Angel was pulling me along with him. "Billy!" I cry out for him a final time, the purple bruising around his eye was quick to make an appearance. He watches me but limps away with the help of my brother. We ran outside to the barracuda and left the school, with Charlie driving us. I look outside the window trying to contain my anger. What were they thinking! I just god, I wish I could leave this place and not be tied down. Leave with nothing holding me back. "Kat, he never deserved you." I heard Angel speaking lightly to me "I don't give a shit Angel!" I whip around unleashing all of my anger which actually scared Charlie. I look at Angel unweaving my anger at him "I don't give a shit if he deserved me or not! It's not about what he wants or what you want Angel! It's about what I want!" I whip back around and look out the window "I'm not in the mood to speak." They both granted my wish and kept quiet through the entire ride, thankfully. We made it back to the mansion and I made my way to the kitchen to was the dishes I left this morning. I open the kitchen door and look over at the sink expecting it to be full like it was this morning but I didn't see anything. I walk over and instead of dirty dishes I see a note. 'I ate the rest of the pancakes so I washed the rest of the dishes as a thank you. -John' I laughed, this note made my entire day. I made my way up to my room and decided that I should sneak out. I have to check on Billy, it's a risk I have to take. I go to Charlie's room and enter. I see him sitting on his bed on the phone, he looks at me and then speaks into the phone. "I gotta go bunny, I'll call you later. I love you too" Charlie then hangs up the phone. "Charlie, I need to ask you a favor."

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