Chapter 24: Race Night Is A Heartbreak Remedy

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“Billy….” I see his eyes roaring with rage as if I betrayed his trust. “What are you doing here Princess?” His eyes and voice daring me to say one wrong thing. I look at Angel “Is there anywhere I can talk in private with my friend?”  his eyebrow raises up at the word friend obviously not trusting my words that contradict Billy’s. Regardless he nods his head “Yeah follow me.” Angel walks out of the kitchen “Come on Billy we have to talk.” Regardless of his rage he kept his calmness and walked behind me as I followed Angel out of the kitchen out to the main room with the stairs. We walked upstairs and the room across from Angel’s was the room he was taking us to. “This will be your room if you need anything I'm across the hall.” This seemed to tick off Billy “You better not lay a hand on her.” This made Angel turn back around to face us again, I see that smirk “For however long she’s staying with us I will be her bodyguard. Orders by John to keep her safe, so if that bothers you at all. Better talk with the boss about it.” He turns back around and closes the door behind him. Billy whipped around after closing the door to my room. “What the hell are you doing here Kat. I went to your place to see if you were okay and made it home safe. When you weren’t there I asked my dad and he told me you were here so I came as soon as I could.” I saw the stress in his eyes which softened me up, then the thought came to mind of Isabella. Try not to get close to him Kat. He’s fated with someone else. “Yeah there was trouble. I didn’t know where else to go so I went back to the B.B and thankfully John was still there.” I spotted the worry in his eyes and he softened “What trouble princess ?” I walk by Billy and sit down on the bed, I run my hands through my hair “The Hawkins Lab was called on me.. My real dad is apparently apart of the lab and Steve’s dad called them on me as soon I got there to pick them up from the hideout…” I felt Billy sitting down on the bed beside me “You could of came and stayed with me.” I look at Billy in his eyes “Billy, your meant to be with Isabella I can’t if anyone knew they’d think that you’re trying to overthrow them. Plus your dad threatened me saying that if any harm comes to you or Isabella that I would be dead.” That’s what lit the fury in his eyes “Son of a bitch.” He quickly got up but I was quick to grab his jacket sleeve pulling him back “Kat stop. I have to deal with this once and for all. They can’t decide our future for us.” My heart breaks at this “Billy stop! They can and they will do this to us. You can’t just punch or kill people because your angry about it!” I cried out to him but Billy whips around angry and hurt evident in his eyes “You don’t care, is that it? If you really cared and loved me you would fight for me too like I am!” My heart breaks further as the tears ran down my face “I do care for you Billy, I just. We can’t do anything. If we run away they’ll find the best men to chase us down, we cant hide because there’s no where to hide in the gang world or in the normal world!” Then something in him clicks and his face rids of all emotions even the ones for me and in a oddly calm voice he spoke. “Well. Then there’s no point in us. I’ll make it easier for you, whatever this is. Is done.” He turns around ripping his arm out of my grasp, opening the door and stomps out of my room. My mouth dropped from shock and I try to run after him “Billy!” I cry out for him as I spot him just about to walk out down the stairs however he doesn’t look fazed and doesn’t turn around. I fall to the floor in the middle of the hallway crying from this heartbreak that I was trying to avoid from the beginning.  Some things I guess can’t be avoided. I hear a door opening “Oh, babe.” I heard a male voice speaking softly to me and I then heard light foot steps walking towards me. I felt an arm draped over my shoulders, I look up at the comforting stranger and see Charlie. “How about we go to my room and maybe we can talk about it?” I shake my head and through sniffles I spoke “No it’s okay Charlie.” I wipe my tears away and take a deep breath letting it out. “Thank you for your offer but I'm okay.” I half heartedly smile at him but I can see that he sees through me. I stand up and he stands up after me I make my way to my room and close the door behind me. With my back up against the door I slip down sitting my ass down on the floor. Before I start crying I heard a door open and a voice speaking “Charlie, is she okay” I then hear Charlie speaking “Yeah.” He sighed and continued speaking “It’s our turn in this chess game. Everything is going the way you planned Angel.” I scrunch my eyebrows hearing this however I hear footsteps walking away and another pair of footsteps walking towards me. I hear soft knocking “Hey, can I come in?” I tried to speak calmly and to show him I'm fine however my voice quickly betrayed me as I spoke because my voice cracked “Go away Angel.” I heard his soft voice yet again “Come on, lets go for a ride.” Well it would be nice to go for a ride but it’s a school night. Oh fuck it. I get up from the floor but I hear Angel’s voice interrupting my thoughts “There’s the closet, get changed into your usual Siren attire. Where we’re going you will want to fit in.” I look over to the closet and call back behind me to him “One minute Angel.” I walk over to the closet opening it’s door revealing a massive walk in closet. I pick out a black lace bustier top and black leather pants paired with black pumps. I walk out of the closet and put on the pants then pumps, once that’s done take off my top and put on the bustier top. Midway of putting the top on I hear the door opening, “Kat-” I whip my head over my shoulder to the source and spot Angel there. “Oh shit I'm so sorry.” However I spotted his smirk trying to peak through on his face I laugh and shake my head “One second Angel.” I quickly put the top on and once I'm complete I spin around for Angel. “Is it Angel approved?” I giggle knowing that he’s trying to cheer my up, and its working. He puts a finger up to his chin “Not quite. Oh!” he turns around and jogs to his room across from mine. I walk out of my room closing the door behind me, I hear footsteps. I turn around and see Angel yet again however smiling broadly “Close your eyes.” I do as I'm told giggling “Are your eyes closed?” I keep giggling “Yes!” I heard him shuffling and something heavy placed over my shoulders “Okay you can open your eyes now.” I do as I'm told and I look down seeing a black leather jacket that’s over sized on me. I look up at Angel “It has my name on the back so you should be safe tonight.” I blush knowing that no guy in the gang world would give his prized jacket with their names on them to anyone. “Alright let’s get this party started.” He turns around and walks down the hallway with me following behind him “Race night Grim Infernos!” he yells out loud for everyone to hear even from the furthest parts of the world. I heard some cheers after Angel spoke, we walked down the stairs making our way through the house. Angel opens a door and flicks on the lights, the moment the lights turned on my jaw dropped at the beautiful sight in front of me. A garage filled with the fastest most beautiful cars in front of me. Angel must of seen the shock on my face because I heard him laugh “Gorgeous isn’t she?” I nod my head and spotting a rare beauty “No way, please tell me I'm seeing a Porsche 906.” I make my way to the furthest end of the garage walking towards a silver Porsche. “This is my baby, not only is she one of 30 in the entire world but the only one that’s been upgraded to go faster than the rest.” My jaw drops again at this information “She’s also known as my race night car.” I look at him and jump on him screaming, thankfully with him catching me but spins me around “We get to ride her!” I yell happily at Angel, he puts me down smiling at me with his gorgeous smile and laughing as well “Yes. So get in loser we’re going to race night.” He  takes out a set of car keys and presses a button that opens the doors upwards which makes me grin even more so. I run inside of the car on the passengers side and watch as the car door closes by itself. Angel turns on the car starting it and backing out of the garage that I didn’t notice Angel opening earlier over my fan-girling. As soon as we’re backed out I spot everyone else including all the girls except Nat, getting inside the cars being paired up with one of the guys who were in the driver’s seat. They all pull out in various cars and Angel then speeds off with everyone following behind us. It takes about an hour drive by the time we pull up to a huge abandoned warehouse and at least 500 people here. We hear cars reviving their engines and cars of all types. My eyes light up “Oh my god I haven’t been to a race night in years!” Thinking back to my street racing days however it wasn’t anything like what’s in front of me. I look over at Angel however he’s looking up ahead biting his lips. I start admiring Angel, obviously I would be lying if I said he wasn’t an attractive guy but something feels off about him, especially when I heard him and Charlie speaking about a ‘chess game’.  I shake my head and turn it to the direction of the night life around me. We pull up in the lineup that the rest of the cars are in and everyone just gawks at us. I put my hand on the door ready to push it open however Angel takes my hand which causes me to look at him. “Kat, I need you to stay by my side tonight or by Charlie, Skate or Nate. This is an invite only race which means that there will be dangerous gang members here tonight. I need to protect you.” I kind of groan knowing I am more than capable to take care of myself but then thought that I know John told Angel to take care of me so I stopped feeling annoyed . “Oh yeah, cause John told you to protect me and to be my bodyguard.” I told him in a semi monotone voice “Yeah, John told me to….” However I felt his words had more meaning in it than he wanted to show. We both get out of the car with everyone’s heads whipping towards our gang. Girls and guys wanting to either be with us or to be us. We all walk towards the front of our cars, Angel looks at the rest of his gang before putting an arm around my shoulder “Welcome to the night life.” Angel leads me as we walk towards the big crowd in front of us. I look behind me and spot everyone side by side following with us in the lead. I put my attention back in front of me just in time, everyone spots us from a mile away and splits open creating a walkway for us. In the middle of the crowd was a gorgeous black Stutz Blackhawk which made my mouth water. There was a Spanish looking guy with long curly black hair leaning up against the black Stutz. I spot the gang on either side of Angel and me before the guy on the Stutz started speaking “Well, well. If it isn’t the Grim Infernos.” I see the anger and fury and each one of their faces “What are you doing here, Mike.” Angel was the first who spoke up from our gang. Mike started laughing “Still a sore loser Angel? Well I guess if anybody went through what you did in one night who wouldn’t blame you. Losing your wife and most prized car in the same night. But I see you have a new bitch, maybe I’ll take her like I took Bella.” This made Angel tick, I got in front of Angel trying to get him to focus on me which thankfully worked “Hey Angel, forget that asshole. He’s nothing but a low life piece of shit.” Then I heard something that made me snap, I also felt Angel tense however the fire in me couldn’t be contained. “Damn a body like that, why don’t you come over here baby girl and I’ll show you a good time. Leave that little boy and be with a man.” I whip my head around with fake lust practically dripping from my eyes, I bite my lip as I strut my way over to this asshole. I could see his eyes undressing my clothes as I made my way over to him but I heard Charlie’s voice behind me “Don’t worry Angel, trust her.”. I smirk hearing this but this guy thinks I'm smirking at him. Once I finally reach him I sling an arm over his shoulder and my hand goes up to his face “What’s your name baby?” His face comes awfully close however I keep my distance, I giggle at his question. “I'm Kat.” I bite my lip looking at him with doe- like eyes. “What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl.” I giggle “Awe well you deserve a kiss for that comment.” I see him immediately closing his eyes and this is the point where I grab him by the crotch as hard as I can which makes him wanting to double over however I stop him with my body “Well Mike. I'm also known as the Siren, so if you would like to keep your dick I recommend you not fucking with the Grim Infernos. Oh and to apologize to Angel.” I heard him struggling but I started squeezing which caused him to groan making me stop but still keeping my hand secure “You fucking bitch. I’ll never apologize to that pig.” I laugh and asked him in a innocent voice “You sure? Never say never.” Then started squeezing tighter than before which made him quickly change his mind “Okay, okay!!” I slowly let go of the amount of pressure on his crotch. “I'm sorry Angel.” I awe’d “I don’t think he heard you baby boy. Louder and tell him what your sorry for.” I demanded from his sorry ass. However when he wasn’t responding my hand went to go squeeze again but action made him speak louder for everyone to hear. “Angel of Grim Infernos, I am sorry for stealing your car and your girl.” I turn my head over to look at Angel “Hey Angel, was that a good enough apology?” but instead of Angel’s voice I heard this bastards “You fucking bitch.” He growled at me but I squeezed hard “I'm sorry, I'm sorry! So sorry please forgive me!” he quickly yelled out then I heard Angel’s voice “Kat, as much as I'm loving this you should probably stop. I think he’s had enough.” I heard the excitement and happiness in his voice so I did as I was told and left Mike’s side to be with the Grim Infernos yet again. As I walked to the Grim Infernos I saw everyone had smiles and were looking at me proudly.

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