Chapter 31: Illusions

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Kats P.O.V
I ran, it seems like its all I been doing in my dreams and in real life. I tried to outrun them, but they were faster. Much faster, so much that they finally caught me. I wake up and I'm struggling against the ropes that not only tie but burn my hands together behind my back with another set of ropes keeping my legs tied to the front legs of the chair. “You fucked up my little Angel. Now you remember that I hate lying and there are always consequences. So let’s play a game!” His voice so cheery which I knew would break any second with the temper I knew he had. “ I don’t want to play any of your sick games!” he darkly chuckles at me and I heard a few chuckles around the room laughing with his. “But I know you like games too, I mean you inherited from your dear mother. Sorry, dead mother.” I felt my heart burst “You leave my mother out of this!” he laughs so loudly and with pure evil “Oh Medusa, she was quite like yourself you know. Do you know why they called her the Medusa ? She could put anyone under a spell, they would turn as still as a statue and no one ever knew how she did it. However the only person she couldn’t put under her spell was your father.” I get angrier than I was before, my siren rage getting the better of me “You asshole shut the fuck up! You don’t know jack shit!” I screamed at him but this only caused him to darkly chuckle “Like you know your own parents better, little girl? Do you know how your parents met? Or do you know your true name? Maybe you know what you were born to be? No? None of those? Well I guess I know them better than you ever will little Angel.” I quietly respond before looking up into his dark soulless eyes. “I may not know the answer of any of those but I know that I wouldn’t use anything against them. I know that they will always be there with me regardless of what my name is and regardless of what I was born to be because in the end you too shall receive the wrath of the Angels rage like hundreds before you.” I finished before I felt my eyes turn into a fiery red like my rage. This even managed to scare him before the door busted open causing me to wake up for real this time. I wake up feeling my head aching, did I drink that much last night at Tina’s ? I try to move my hand to my head but it got restricted. I open my eyes and realize I'm in a chair, yet again. However unlike my dream I was cuffed to a table. The room was brightly lit up, I look around and notice I'm in a hospital crossover with a police confinement room. The lab. I start rustling the chains and start yelling “Get me out of here!” with that the door opens revealing none other than Dr. Owens which surprises me. Last time I saw him was at one of Will’s appointments when I had to take him once. “Kat, please. Sit down, please calm down.” He sits in front of me and all I can do is talk through gritted teeth. “How do you expect me to calm down. I'm fucking chained to a table after being kidnapped by your men.” He takes out a key showing me while speaking “See, I can unlock your chains but you have to show me that you can behave.” I take a deep breath trying to relax myself. “What do you want Owens.” He lets out a small chuckle “Well as you know my men have been trying to get you to come to the lab to ‘visit’ us. You however keep running away and go into hiding. All I wanted was to talk to you about is your last visit with Will. We never spoke to you about keeping everything you see in this lab a ‘secret’, if you will.” I scrunch my eyebrows together “So that’s the only reason why your men were after me? That’s why Greg Harrington called your men on me, they chased me down with damn guns! Wait, that doesn’t make sense.” I look at Owens in the eyes “Do any of your men have daughters? If it’s anyone who knows, it’s you.” Owen’s eyes narrow at me before he unlocks my chains “Come with me into my office.” Why did Angel say that he’s waiting for me, who’s waiting for me. If this is why I was called to the lab then where’s my real dad. Why is he playing a game of cat and mouse with his own daughter after so long….
We made it into Owen’s office and I sat patiently while he typed into his computer. After a few agonizing minutes he turns his chair towards me “Kat, I just checked all the files. Every man whoever worked in this lab including the previous one, not a single man had a daughter. Most men we hired were all with no children or partners.” I nod my head as he continues to speak “As for our conversation before, I trust every single information about this lab is kept a secret miss Kat.” I nod my head “Like the lab doesn’t exist, Owens. Kept sealed shut.” He smiles “Oh great. Alright where should I have my men escort you to miss Kat?” I shake my head as I think where to go. I guess now I'm safe from the lab’s men but I'm still not safe. I bet Billy is with his best friends, I can’t go back home “Escort me to home to the Harrington’s.” He picks up a walkie talkie and speaks into it. “I need men to take miss Kat to the Harrington residence.” Not soon after I hear “We’re on it sir.” With that he stands up which I know to stand up as well. He leads me out of his office and down to the elevator. I get inside while he doesn’t, his hand reaches in to press the 1st button and gets out to look at me. “My men will meet you downstairs. Farewell.” He waves and smiles. I wave and smile but my smile drops as soon as the elevator doors close. I take a deep breath. I can only go home and demand the truth from Greg and Denise, Greg can’t do anything now because the lab came to me. The doors open revealing two people, one old male and one young female, both with guns. “Miss Kat.” The lady spoke as I nod my head “That’s me.” They escort me out of the building and towards a green two door jeep. “Mr. Harvey is in the jeep, he’ll escort you home.” I nod my head and walk towards the jeep. I get inside closing the door behind me and buckling myself in. “Long time no see Kat.” I look towards the voice to see none other than David from last night. I was about to do something when I looked down seeing the gun jabbed into my gut. “Scream or do anything I don’t like and I’ll shoot.” He turns puts the car in reverse and backs out of the Hawkins lab parking lot. I nod my head and try to relax in my seat. “I don’t want any trouble David, you and that blonde can have Billy all to yourselves. I just want to go home to my family and I wont say that I know you or what you have done.” David lets out a chuckle “Oh that’s exactly where I'm taking you. Oh, and I trust you wont say a word about anything to anyone. If you do, just know there’s always consequences when you don’t play by the rule of the games.” The rest of the way we don’t speak a word, and he takes me home within a few minutes. He stops in front of the Harrington household, he turns off the car as I unbuckle my seat belt. “Angel face, I have connections that will not hesitate to kill anyone. Be wise.” I look at David in his face. “Why did you and your buddy hand me over to the lab?” I demanded, nothing right now seems to make sense and I need my answers. David chuckles, “We heard from a little birdy that the lab wanted to speak to you and well there was money they were offering to whoever handed you to them. Now go, before you anger me.” I nod my head and quickly get out of the car and away from that creep. I don’t know his motive but something isn’t adding up and I cant figure out what. I run into the house not bothering to knock, I spot that asshole of a man who I dared to call father, sitting on the couch that he always seemed to be on. His eyes go wide at the sight of me but quickly a sly smile made an appearance on his dumb face. “Well, well, well. The asshole of a father anyone could ask for.” I jump on the one seated couch and make myself comfortable. “You bitch, you dared to show your face here after I called the lab on you?” “Kat?! Is that you my little girl?!” I heard the shouts from upstairs that I immediately recognized as my mom. I stay still in my place keeping an eye on the devil in front of me “I'm down here mom!” Out of the corner of my eye I see her running down. I get up to hug her, again keeping my gaze with the devil’s eyes. Thankfully he doesn’t move or does anything I don’t like. I let go of my mom “Denise, there’s something I have to talk to you guys about. Please sit down.” I see her nodding her head as she turns around to sit down beside Greg on the long sofa. 
“Hopper talked to aunt Sarah and her husband. Sarah’s husband doesn’t have any siblings and neither of them know where you got me from. Apparently all they know is that you guys told them you got me from an orphanage. As well Hopper told me that there hasn’t been any car accidents into the Hawkins lake in the past 20 years so I need the truth. Oh and Greg, after this I'm packing my things and leaving so you don’t ever have to see me near your family ever again, before you try and call men with guns on me again.” Denise looks at her husband in complete shock before she smacks his arm “Excuse me Gregory Harrington! Who do you think you are treating our daughter like a..-like a hoodlum! She may not be our blood but we took the choice of taking her in and treating her like our own.” Greg gets up trying to reason with her “Den, Denise baby. She’s a black sheep, she should of never been apart of our family!” Her mouth drops open as the tears furiously run down her cheeks, I can see the heartbreak in her eyes. “I don’t even know who you are anymore, your certainly not the man I married. Get out, I don’t want to see you until you know how to treat our family.” She looks away at him while pointing at the door. When he doesn’t move towards it she starts yelling even louder “I said get out!” with this she pushes him out of the house which makes me take a sigh of relief finally feeling safe in this house. I hear the locks of the doors and the pitter patter of footsteps. Denise takes a seat across from me, she pats the seat beside her while giving me a soft smile. “Come sit beside me sweetie.” I practically run to her side and just cry in her arms letting out everything that has happened. “There, there love. Your alright now.” I keep crying, it’s almost like the tears wont ever end. Denise pets the top of my head in a soothing way while humming, something that I remember her doing when I was a child when I was terrified of a nightmare. Finally after what seems like forever I take a deep breath trying to relax myself and wipe away my tears. I look at her in her eyes and take her hands in mine. “Denise. I need you to be honest with me. What’s the story, the real story of me and my parents.” She took a deep breath and exhaling, her eyes held regret and sorrow. This is not a bed time story that she can ease my darkness and fears with, at least not this time.
“Well, once upon a time ago there were two teenager. Teenagers who were madly in love. They knew that their love could never be but they did what any teenager would do, they rebelled against what was forbidden. They eventually eloped and well had a daughter. In the beginning they really thought they could out scape the dangers but I guess they never really knew what dangers would unravel because of that very decision. You know Kat, there were many dangers waiting in the dark for them. Many waiting to overthrow their kingdom. But only then did they really know of the true demons and evil that hides in the world. Kat, they were apart of a world that was too dangerous for their little princess. A world of gangs and monsters.”

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