Chapter 11: Not Scared Like Most Girls

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Walking out of my final class with Billy's arm around my shoulders, we make our way to my locker "Oh thank god, I thought that History class would never finish. Mrs. White can go on forever." He snorts "It wasn't so bad princess." Stopping I look into Billy's eyes with a 'really ?' look "Billy you're the best student in our History class, you knew all the answers !" he rolls his eyes "That's a bit dramatic love. I'm not the best." Giggling and shaking my head, one thing no one knows about Billy is sometimes how modest he is or how much in denial he is. We continue walking again "You are, the best." I managed to say under my breath without Billy hearing what I just said. Shortly we stand in front of my locker, I start on unlocking it and Billy walks to my left side leaning up against the locker that's beside mine. "Hey, have you seen in the parking lot, the red motorcycle ? It was so sexy, I would kill for a bike like that." He starts moaning at the thoughts of my bike which makes me laugh "You like it that much ?" he looks at me with wide eyes "Are you joking ? Of course ! She's such a beauty, yet I'm surprised. I thought you would be the first one to moan at a bike like that." Billy's eye brow cocks up questioning my taste, which makes me laugh even more. His face will be priceless when I will ask him to ride it. Successfully opening my locker my hand goes for my helmet grabbing it and taking it out, Billy starts eyeing it up and down but before he can say anything I cut him off "Come on Billy, I have to go to Tommy H's to get my car." I grab his hand with my free one and we start sprinting towards the exit. Exiting the school we slow down and I turn to face Billy. "Billy, I wanted to ask you to come with me to get my car at Tommy's." he looks at me not catching on yet on what I'm coming onto "Yeah sure, my camaro would love to have you riding him." He winks at the slight comment he made, I giggle "Billy, we need to drop your car off because I'll need you to ride another vehicle." His eyebrows knit together confused "So how will we get your car then?" I take his hand in mine and we make our way to the direction of the bike, I look over my to my left to look at Billy's face. It looked like he was contemplating something, probably if the bike could be mine. Once we're standing with my bike in front of us I turn to Billy who is chuckling "Nice one princess, I give you props for joke. I believed you somewhat when you took the helmet out of the locker but who's bike is this really ?" I start laughing "Do you really think any other person than us would drive a bike, yet alone one like this Hargrove ? Billy Hargrove, meet ruby number 2." I move closer to him and whisper in his ear "Plus, why would I lie when you wanted me to tell the truth ? Remember, I have to do everything you say." he immediately stops laughing once he really puts the pieces together and knowing that I'm right. I take him out of his thoughts "I'll make you a deal. I'll let you drive ruby #2 if you let me drive your blue dream one day, but we have to drop your car off at your place." His mouth drops open ready to jump on and ride away from this shit hole town, but he hesitates "Can I be honest with you ?" confused I nod my head edging him to continue, nervously he scratches the back of his neck and starts looking at the ground "I don't know how to ride one." My face brightens in seconds at the side of Billy I'm seeing now "How about we go to your place, and I'll teach you there how to ride one." He straightens up, a big smile on his face showing me how excited he is. We hear yelling from the distant, we both turn around and hear the commotion coming from the middle school. We see the fiery red haired girl I saw with Billy on the first day of school stomping away from Lucas Sinclaire. We listen in, but I noticed Billy's face change from happy to a nonchalant one. The red head turns around facing Lucas "You act like you want me to be your friend but then you treat me like garbage" she yells at him, poor Lucas. I'll remember to ask later what is going on, I doubt he'll yell out about Eleven or the monsters. Lucas replies back trying to keep his voice down but not enough "That's not true" the girl fights back "Yes it is, just go hide in the av club keeping secrets like we're in second grade or something. I thought you guys wanted me to be in your party." She scoffs, Lucas was quick to reply "We do but its-" the girl questions Lucas further, she's quite the curious one. Reminds me of a certain someone. "But it's what ?" Stuttering I notice Lucas trying to pick the right words to say "There, there are just some things, things we cant tell you alright for your own safety." Lucas's voice sounded like it was laced with worry for possibly losing his new friend. "My own safety ?" She replies back yet again scoffing not believing what Lucas is telling her. "Yes !" Lucas yells back "Is it because I'm a girl ?" confused Lucas speaks "What ? No !" Their fight went very quick fighting each other back "Did you keep secrets from Elle ?" he turns quiet for a few seconds, oh shit how does she know this. Maybe it's someone else she's talking about  "How do you know about Elle ?" the immense shock on his face tells me maybe they aren't talking about someone else. "Did you ?" stuttering again Lucas desperately tries to convince her "That was different trust me, it was just different." At this point their conversation gets quiet and we cant hear what they say after this, suddenly she stomps away her face matching her fiery hair with rage as Lucas calls out for her "Max !" she yells back at him "You still stink by the way." I see Lucas smelling his jacket and probably curse, knowing him and the boys sadly it's a bad habit they caught onto. The red head skates away on the road beside the cars and I look at Lucas who walks away but stares at me and Billy. "I'll meet you at my house I have to talk to Max in private." I nod my head not wanting to interfere with what Billy wants to talk to Max about. I get on my bike keeping my helmet in between my legs "Get on, I'll drop you off by your car so we're not wasting time." He gets behind me getting really close to my body but doesn't hold onto my waist. I make my way over to his car speeding a little bit which caused him to hold onto my waist tighter at the sudden jump start. I stop beside his car and he gets off, he walks over to the driver's seat "I'll see you at mine soon." I nod at him, thankfully I remember where he lives from when he picked me up from Maysville. I put my helmet on and reviving the engine zooming into the distance dodging people and cars on my way there. 
Once I arrive to the Hargrove residence I pull up to the front of the house beside the curb, I turn off my bike and take my helmet off placing it in my lap. I look behind me and don't see or hear Billy's blue car anywhere. I take this opportunity to lean my head back trying to soak in the sun on my face while I wait. Finally as minutes pass I hear loud rock music and tires screeching in the distant, I turn around to see Billy speeding like crazy I was about to turn on my bike and get out of the way but I was hoping Billy wouldn't crash into me. Trusting him not to crash into me I stay sitting on my bike watching him, thankfully he comes to a screeching stop just a few feet away behind from my bike and me. I get off my bike kicking the kickstand up, placing my helmet on the seat and stand facing Billy. He looks furious, his knuckles white from gripping the wheel, Max gets out slamming the door of the car running towards the house that's on my left. Billy gets out of the car, Max turns around at his loud mouth "Hey shit bird, don't slam the car door !" Billy yells at her, at this point I intervene, she's just a kid "Hey Billy, don't yell at Max. I'm sure she didn't mean it. You wouldn't like it if I called you names and yelled at you." Loud enough for her to hear, which made her head whips back at me when I said her name and I then smiled at her. With my left eye that Billy cant see, I send a wink in her direction as a sign that as long as I'm around I have her back. She smiles at me and opens the front door disappearing inside, I turn my attention back to Billy who has a nonchalant face still. He walks up to me slamming his car door obviously frustrated "Billy, if you want to watch out for her you have to be nice to her. Yeah she seems tough, but tough love doesn't always work. Especially after what happened with Lucas earlier you don't want to make her day worse." He groans rolling his eyes crossing his arms over his chest "I was taught to respect those who are older than me, and she doesn't do that Kat. She just doesn't listen." I scoff and look into his deep blue eyes not impressed with the way he's acting right now "Well Blue eyes, I was taught that no matter how old you are to respect everyone around you and they will respect you back." He sighs breaking his mean bad boy façade, looking down then back up to me looking a little sad "It's the only way I know how to act, it's the way I was treated when I was younger. My older brother treated me that way." I walk up to Billy and hug him, I whisper in his ear "Oh Billy, I promise you she will hate you for treating her this way. At least for me, be nicer to her." Then something in him snapped, he pushed me away "You aren't my girlfriend, I shouldn't have to do anything for you." I half heartedly bitterly laugh "Yeah you are right, I'm not your girlfriend." my laugh drops and I look at his eyes with pure fire "But you know what? People don't have to be in relationships to do something nice for someone." I turn to my bike "You kick the kickstand up, get on, turn on the bike like this." I walk over to the front part of the bike, Billy follows behind watching me. I feel his breath on my neck, I show him how to turn it on. My hand goes over to the clutch "You hold this to break" my hand goes to the hand grips "You turn this to go faster once you let go of the clutch." I cross my arms over my chest "Get on I'll get behind you, if you need help I'll guide you." He puts his hands out and takes both of my arms by the wrist pulling me to him, he lets go of my wrists and his arms wrap around me. I feel his face snuggling into my neck "I am so sorry, I know I'm a terrible person for the things I do." His voice is literally dripping with sincerity, his voice is low but you can still hear how genuine he is with what he's saying right now. I sigh into his chest, my gut in this moment is telling me he's sorry for more than what I know. "I would say it's okay, but it's not Blue eyes. I do know I'm not your girlfriend or your mom, but from experience I know that tough love will not work. Let's go Billy, it's getting late." He snuggles deeper into my neck sniffing my scent he mumbles an okay which tickles my neck. He leans back to look at my face, his deep blue eyes search mine longingly. One hand stays around my waist but the other one comes up to my face caressing it before leaning in for his lips to meet mine for a sweet peck. Our lips separate and he leans back letting go of my waist and my face, his smile brighter than the sun showing off his pearly whites from his grinning smile. Billy hands me the helmet, lifts a leg over getting onto my bike and I place the helmet over my head and follow behind him. I see him putting his sunglasses on that he took out from his jacket pocket. I place a hand on his shoulder using him to steady myself as I kick my leg over, my hands find their way around his waist. Peeking over his shoulder, satisfied I see him doing exactly everything I told him to. "Hold on tight princess. I don't want you to slip off while riding." I smirk at his dirty mind "I never slip off while riding Blue eyes, give it your all." He revives the bike as it comes to life. Just like that Billy takes us away to Tommy H's house where we were, only two days ago partying. Wow two days without my ruby omega, how did I survive. 
With the bike ride being pretty great actually, which makes me think that he's either a natural or makes me think Billy has done this before. With the speed Billy is going with we arrive in no time, seeing as Billy lives pretty close to Tommy H's place and that he's dodging obstacles with ease. Billy comes to a stop by the curb in front of the Hayes house, my car still beautifully parked in front of us. I get off of the bike and take my helmet off placing it behind Billy. I run to my car hugging the back of it, my hand goes up to the side caressing it missing my baby "I'm back baby, I'm never leaving you again !" I hear chuckling behind me but I ignore it to investigate my car to make sure no damages were done in the series of two days. I walk around my car slowly checking out every nook and cranny, satisfied I don't see anything out of the ordinary besides the one small scratch but that was from Mike a while ago. "I'll be right back. I have to get my jacket and my keys. I left them here the night of the party." Billy nods his head, I start walking and hear Billy yelling to me just enough for me to hear "Give me a shout if something goes wrong." I turned around when he was yelling and see him lighting a cigarette. From the look of the driveway it looks like Tommy or his parents are home, when I used to hang out with Steve and Tommy I always saw that Tommy shares a car with his parents. I walk down the path that leads to their front door, Tommy lives in a pretty big house similar to my house. Stopping in front of the white door I knock three times knowing that their doorbell never worked. I look over my shoulder to see what Billy is doing. He is still sitting on my bike smoking his cigarette as he's leaning back, both of his hands behind him on the seat supporting him. He's soaking up the sun like I did at his house, I guess we're more similar than we thought. I hear foot steps making their way to the door and I whip my head around seeing Tommy opening the door. He's a little nervous but he's trying to cover it with his cockiness attitude "Hey Kat, what are you doing here ?" he leans his shoulder on the door frame changing his face from cockiness to even more cockiness by smirking "Or did you finally come to realize to ditch Billy for me ?" scoffing I reply "Keep dreaming Tommy, I forgot my jacket here the night of the party. By the way, aren't you still with Carol ?" crossing my arms in front of my chest curious to know what hes going to say. "Come on in, I haven't seen it so I don't know where it could be." He moves to the side letting me walk by him, getting inside Tommy closes the door and I remember that I left my jacket upstairs when me and Billy were in that room. "Hey Tommy, is anyone home ?" he walks in front of me smirking "No, just me and you." I roll my eyes "Okay" I walk past him making my way to the living room to where the stairs are located, running up the stairs I open the door to the guest room walking inside I don't see my jacket on the floor where I left it. Weird. Walking to the closet beside the door I open it and see it empty, I walk over to the dresser opening all the drawers but nothing. Turning around to face Tommy who is still by the door I spot my red plaid jacket in his hands "You looking for this ?" squinting my eyes cautiously I ask what his intentions are "What do you want Tommy ?" he walks closer to me but as many steps he takes forward I take back "Isn't it obvious ? I want you." He throws my jacket on the bed, turning around I hear him closing and locker the door. Oh my god, I have to think fast. Thankfully I been in situations like this way too many times from being a Siren but I know how to escape. Tommy has a pool in the back that's deep enough that if I jump I should be fine and isn't too far to jump into, I look at Tommy while walking over to the bed grabbing my jacket keeping my exposure calm. My hands find its way into the pocket and feel the keys there with the box of cigarettes beside it, okay at least I have what I came here for. I make my way over to the doors that lead to the little terrace that this room has, I lean up against the door where the lock is keeping it out of Tommy's sight. Seductively I bite my lip while looking at Tommy up and down tricking him into thinking I want him however behind me one hand flicks open the lock on the door. I take this opportunity to take off Billy's jacket keeping my eyes on Tommy and placing it over my left arm where my plaid jacket rests. Moaning out his name I speak up "Tommy, I like the way you think but you have one flaw in your plan. You still think I'm like the rest but I'm not scared like most girls are." In a blink of an eye I turn around pushing the sliding door to the side, I ran like my life depended on it once I stepped foot on the terrace, I threw the jackets over the railing hoping that it would land beside the pool. As I ran towards the railing I lifted myself and jumped over it closing my eyes and held my breath, looking down as I was falling I watched as I thankfully landed in the pool. Swimming up to the surface I came up taking a big gasp of air, I look up seeing Tommy who is leaning over the railing watching me, his face beat red from his plan failing. I smile and run my hands through my hair trying to brush it back out of my face, with speed I swam over to the edge of the pool wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. Once my hands reached for the edge I push myself up and out of the pool water, not even bothering that I'm completely drenched I walk over to the jackets that thankfully landed in front of the pool grabbing both of them in one hand I held them away from my body. I take a final look at Tommy who is still watching from the balcony, I wave at him with my free hand "Bye Tommy." Looking back down I start making my way around the house and to the front where Billy was making his way to the front door. He spots me and stops just a few meters away from the door to turn his body my way. His mouth dropped when he saw I was drenched and came running up to me, stopping in front of me he lifts his glasses up to the top of his head I see that his eyes are a light blue with specks of dark blue. "What happened ? I was getting a bit worried and wanted to come check in on you." I giggle and walk past Billy making my way to my ruby car. I take the keys out of the pocket of my jacket and once I arrive to my car I open it tossing the jackets in the passenger seat. Walking to the trunk I put my key in opening it, I push the trunk door up and then my hand goes to my top as I lift it up and over my head taking it off and throwing it in the trunk. I feel the cool breeze picking up so I take the towel out and place it on my head towel drying my hair, I turn around to look over to Billy while I do my hair. I caught his blue eyes wide staring at my chest but then he started smirking and kept his eyes on my eyes, or at least tried to. "It was really nice out I decided to take a dip in the pool." Sarcasm dripping from my voice but still smiling and giggling at him. I drop the sarcasm "Tommy locked me in a room so I had to jump out the balcony into the pool." I touch my hair feeling it's damp, should be okay now. I take the towel and wrap it tightly around my chest. Taking my slippers out of the trunk and dropping them on the ground in front of me then I bend over lifting my left knee up so I can untie my boots. Once I was done with my left boot I threw it in the trunk slipping my socks off and then sliding into my slippers then did the same to my right. Through the slit of the towel I unbutton my pants and slip them off, once they're off I throw them into the trunk. I close the trunk and turn my body towards Billy, I feel my body getting cold goosebumps littering my entire body. Billy was about to say something when I cut him off by sneezing five times. Rubbing my nose I begin to speak "Oh my god, the last thing I need is getting sick." Billy takes his jacket off putting it on top of the bike seat then he opens his arms wide "Come here." I walk up to Billy, once I was close enough his arms were quick to wrap around me and I instantly feel the warmth radiating from his body. A sigh leaves my body thankful for this warmth greeting my cold body. "Alright we should get going, can you handle riding the bike alone back to mine ?" he sheepishly looks at me grinning "Babe I have to tell you the truth, I was lying about not knowing how to ride one. I used to ride one all the time back in the West coast." I aha'd him pointing my finger at him "I knew it ! You were way too good for 'not knowing how to ride one' !" He held his hand up in defeat still grinning "You got me princess, I kind of wanted to show off and have you show me how it's done." Giggling and wanting to get clothes on I speak "Alright I'll meet you at my place Blue eyes, take care of my ruby number two. I'll kick your ass if you don't." He chuckles "I can take care of anything princess, but I can take better care of you." I roll my eyes, what a flirt. But I cant say anything because I'm the same way "Come on lover boy we don't have all day." All I'm thinking of is that it would be best if I take the back roads home it would be faster and Hopper is usually out at this time. I walk over to Billy grabbing my helmet from behind him "Do you want my helmet or are you too cool for this ?" he laughs "I used to ride all the time without one, I'll be fine." I shrug and in a melody I sign "Finee, but if you get hurt don't come crying to mee." I wink at him before I get into my car get into my car shutting the door behind me and turn on the car riding away.

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