Chapter 13: Perfect Timing

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I'm on my way to this shop in downtown Hawkins to buy my outfit for tonight. All of you must be wondering what happened when I left Billy's. Well when he brought up an idea of us being friends with benefit I told him I would think about it and get back to him on it. I just know this will end in one of three ways and I don't know if I'm ready to lose a friend by fucking around, literally. I met his step mom Susan, she has red ginger hair, blue eyes and pale face with freckles. She was actually really sweet and nice. Anyways I stop in front of the shop called Lucy's Lace. I always get the weird stares from people who see me walk in there, but who cares. Closing the door to my car and locking it, I throw my cigarette on the ground and walk to the front door. Opening the door the bell rings however all I hear is a lady saying "I'll be right with you." I walk over to the cash register to see a middle aged woman named Lucy who owns the shop, her back is facing towards me counting money on the counter. Plopping my elbow on the counter I start speaking "Hey Luc, got anything new ?" she turns around immediately from hearing my voice she screams and runs around the corner to give me a hug "I haven't seen my favourite customer in years! How is my little Siren?" we both start laughing happy from seeing each other again since we last saw each other from forever ago. "I'm great Lucy, I need a new outfit for a job tonight. Something new, something sexy. The usual Luc." Her eyes brighten and widen "Oh I got new shipment just this morning, this is perfect timing love! Come on I'll take you to the back." She makes her way through the isles of the store with me following behind her. "I haven't opened these boxes yet but the person I bought it off from said these are exotic and said her shop sold out in days of these." We went into the back where there's a hallway that leads to two rooms a stock room on our right and down the hallway a door leads to her office. Going into the room on our right, Lucy opened the door and turned on the lights. I close the door behind me and follow her to the side of the room where there is 10 boxes unopened. She takes three boxes out of the 10 and pushes them my way "Open them up sweetheart!" I take my switch blade from my pocket and open all three boxes then putting my knife back before diving into the one in the middle. The first dress I take out is a dress with a white corset top and tulle black skirt, being in love with it I find one in my size and put it over my shoulder and continue on to what's left inside. I see there's only one other dress in this first box which is a dress that's similar to the first one I took out but it's a black top with a white waist and as red tulle skirt. Putting this one over my shoulder as well, I push the box to the side and move onto the next which is on my right. Digging through this one I see this one has black leather dresses in it, I take one out seeing it has a zipper that goes from the top of my breasts all the way down to the bottom of the dress. This one would be perfect for those special jobs I have ever so often. Finding the right size I put this one over my other shoulder and go back into the same box to see what the other dress looks like. I take out a dress that has a fancy strappy top but the bottom of the dress is plain, seeing the size is right I put it over my shoulder with the other black dress. I was about to stop here but Lucy begins to speak "I think you'll want to check the last box Kat, here let me take those to the front for you." She walks over from where she was sitting on a chair to me "Thank you Luc, and I'll check this one out." She takes the dresses and leaves me with the last box, I push the right one out of the way and pull the one on my left closer to me. I open the flaps and see the gorgeous tulle, I take out one dress and falling in love immediately with the corset fit of the dress. Wow this is completely gorgeous sexy but still elegant, the size was right so I just put it over my shoulder and picked up the second dress which was similar to the first one however had lace all over the dress. I put it over my shoulder and pushed the boxes back to the side of the wall where they were before. I walk out of the back excited with all these dresses I have, I meet Lucy at the front of the cash register and see she already placed all the dresses in the big paper bag for me. I place the two dresses I have on my shoulder on the counter "Your right Lucy, these two are my absolute favourite but these will be a big hit in your store. Everyone in town will go crazy for these!" she smiles at me putting everything in a bag for me "I know these kind of things sweetheart." I give her the money calculating the regular price of everything, I knows she would normally give me a dress for free and discount everything but I never accepted the kind offer knowing well that, that wouldn't pay her bills. I take the bags and walk to the door "Thank you again for your help Lucy, you're the best ! See you next time!" she was about to change up the money but I wave cheekily smiling at her. I was quick to get in the car and from the through the store window I see her shaking her head smiling at me. I put the bag in the passenger seat starting the car up and driving with speed home. 
Arriving home I park my ruby car on the side of the road, I take the paper bag from beside me in my hand and get out of my car. I walk to the front door, opening the red door I step inside and kick the door closed behind me. Running up the stairs I make my way straight into my room thankfully no one stopping me on my way. I take out the black corset dress placing it on my bed, then taking the bag putting it in my closet from there I take out my black high heels. Placing the heels on the floor beside my bed I walk over to my drawers I take out a clean pair of undergarments and throw those on my bed. I make my way over to the window sitting down to take a smoke before I start getting ready. I take a cigarette from my pack and a light, I open my window getting comfortable I sunk further down nervous for tonight. I take a puff hoping a cigarette would calm my nerves, usually it does work. However for some reason it doesn't stop the knot forming my stomach. Something doesn't seem right, I have a bad feeling. Taking a deeper puff each time my relaxing session ends faster than it normally does but that doesn't matter because I sit up to put out the cigarette in my ash tray and push myself off of the comfort of my window seat. I walk out of my room closing the door behind me and over to the bathroom. Locking the bathroom door I begin to strip and start the shower. 
Done in the shower I turn it off stepping out of it, I step onto the small piece of carpet in front of the shower and I grab the towel on the wall beside me. Whipping my head down I wrap the towel around my head, slowly I lift my head back up then grab a second towel from the small rack we have on the wall on top of the small bar that was holding the towel I now have on my head. I gently pat dry my body then wrap the towel tightly around it, once the towel was secure I lean over to grab my clothes off of the floor. Clothes in hand I make my way over to the door unlocking and opening it, turning off the lights I leave the bathroom walking to Steve's room. Knocking on the door I hear a soft 'come in', I open the door slightly and peek inside. I see Steve on his bed sitting criss-cross "Hey, you okay ?" he looks up at me and I see him smiling "Yeah, yeah I'm great." Letting my soft side out I let out a sigh wanting to give into awe'ing "Your thinking about her, aren't you?" he nods his head his smile widening as he does so. He throws his head and body back onto his bed, Steve grabs his pillow holding it tight to his chest "She makes me so happy, I'm glad she took me back after the horrible things I've done. She's the little piece of happiness I have and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost that piece." leaning my head on the frame of the door I feel myself getting a little bit heartbroken at this sight in front of me. I don't like seeing my brother so, so vulnerable..., he deserves all the happiness in the world not just a little nibble of what he thinks it is. I open the door wider and tip toe to the edge of his bed, sitting down I start speaking "Teddy, you are such a gold hearted person. Everyone has mistakes and things that feed their demons inside, but all that leads to lessons to learn from. Remember, it's a new year bro. Anything can happen." He sits back up staring at me smiling wide "Thank you for always lifting me so high up sis." giggling I speak "Don't need to thank me for being a awesome sister Steve. Anyways I'm going to go to sleep now I have things to do early morning tomorrow. Goodnight Teddy, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love ya." I get up and start walking out "Goodnight Kat. Love ya too." I walk out of his room, turn around smile at the gold hearted boy I grew up with. I close the door and make my way to my room locking the door behind me once I enter. I go over to my vanity taking the towel off of my head giving it one last pat down before I start with my makeup which consists of foundation, a dark brown smokier shadow, mascara, black eyeliner on the top and bottom of my eyes and some blush. Lastly I move onto the last thing that completes my look, besides my outfit which is my lips. However because I'm working tonight, it is always a cherry red lipstick on a Siren night. Appeased with my work I whip my towel off my body throwing it on the floor and move onto my body. I lather my foreign cream that mom got me when she was on her trip to France with dad for business. Lathering it on my body starting on my legs and moving up onto the rest of my body then putting my undergarments on. I then slip on the black corset dress I laid out on my bed earlier, that thankfully isn't a lace up corset which makes it easier for me to slip into. Once my dress is on I spray some perfume on that came in a set with the cream, spraying it in the key spots that always gets my victims. On my inner wrists, crook of my neck and bodice. Looking in my mirror I take a look at myself seeing that I look smoking hot and ready for the task in hand tonight. I feel that my hair has now dried up mostly so I take my brush and lightly tease the roots of my hair giving it a little bit of volume. Winking at myself I know I'm now ready so I take the heels that's on the floor beside my bed in my hands by the stiletto of the shoes. I walk over by the door flicking off my lights that light up my room and make my way over to the window that is still cracked open. Before going out through the window I grab my car keys and slip them into my bra. Getting on the window seat kneeling I turn my body on it's side then stick out a leg, the bottom of my feet meeting the small rocky feeling of the material of the shingles on the roof. Lifting and pushing myself I carefully poke my head then the rest of my body through the window. Standing on the roof now with heels in hand I walk over to where the edge is. I throw the heels on the grass knowing well that I wont be able the climb down from the roof or walk on the grass in them. Seeing them land perfectly on the fluffy lush grass, I turn around get on my knees locking my hands on either side of me then pushing myself slightly back until half of my body is over the edge. One by one I put my hands on the corner edge and push the rest of my body off of the roof. With my the tip of my toes pointing down I feel the tip of the bench and feel around to make sure I don't miscalculate my fall and once I was sure my hands let go completely. Thankfully I didn't fall too far so I was still standing when my feet touched the seat of the bench. I jump off the bench onto the grass grabbing my heels that landed in front of the bench I'm on, heels in hand I walk towards the side walk beside my car. Stopping where the grass meets the concrete I put my heels on the cement and slip one foot into my shoes, then my other foot following close behind once the first one was done. Straightening myself back up I walk along the paved sidewalk until the driveway meets the street then walk out onto the street making my way over to my car. Taking the keys out of my bra I open my car door, get inside and close the door behind me. Putting my keys into the ignition my car comes to life, I immediately drive slowly out of the street trying not to be spotted but once my car gets to the end of the street, my ruby car roars to life speeding as if our lives depended on it. I didn't put any music in my cassette player being nervous as is I know music would only distract me and cause me to get in a car crash. I instead tried to hum a soft tune to myself trying to keep myself calm and collected. Upon arrival on the street to the Hawkins night club I slow down my car and see the side door entrance is occupied by the two men in black gentlemen that were with Neil and John yesterday. I pull into across the street of the night club where the general store that Joyce works but drive into the alley way beside it that leads to the back of the store. I look down at my watch that I left in my car and see that the time is 1:45 am, 15 minutes until I meet Neil and John to discuss my task. I lean over to the passenger side and reach under the seat to grab my little black purse that I hide under there, in my purse I keep a small switch blade, money, a duplicate of my red lipstick that I have at home, a small mirror and my newest fake I.D. with my fake name "Catherine Lewis".  I straighten up taking my keys out of my car and put my purse over my shoulder, I get out of my car locking it and walk to the back of my ruby where I keep tarp. Unlocking my trunk I take the tarp out and close the trunk back up locking it afterwards. I open one of the headlights in the back and put my keys in there, it's a place I created to keep my keys safe. I swing it back and it locks in place, I take the tarp from my hands and throw it over my car pulling it to adjust it in a few places. Taking a few steps back I look at my car pleased that it's covered and hidden. I start walking over to the club making my way across the street straight towards the two buff bodyguards, I stop in front of them their sunglasses covering their eyes from me but even through the glasses I can see them checking me out. "Siren Kat from B.B Bar of Hawkins, I'm being expected precisely at 2 am sharp tonight for my initiation by the two big guys." They nod their head and the one of the right of me takes his walkie talkie out speaking into it "Siren Kat is here." I hear Neil's voice "Let her in, boys." He smiles opening the door for me, letting me in. "Thank you boys, have a good night." I wave behind me knowing well they're staring at my ass. I walk down this creepy run down cream colored hallway towards the only thing it leads to, a metal staircase that spirals up. Getting to the stairs I walk up step by step timing myself for 2 am sharp. Getting to then end of the stairs to what I think is a second floor I see a opening that leads to a brightly light room, similar to the B.B Bar's second floor but obviously more lights lighting up the room. Stepping through the opening I see that on the other side of the room sat the two men waiting for me, both dressed in black suits. They were both sitting on a red velvet U shaped couch that was facing towards me. John had his arm out, the back of his wrist facing towards him watching the time and Neil was peering over his shoulder to look as well. Once they looked up and seen my face John's face still nonchalant however I saw the tiniest movement in the corner of his lips, Neil however jumped up from the couch obviously excited and happy that I arrived he claps his hands together and started speaking "Perfect timing Siren! We're glad you made it on time. Come over and join us, we have information to go over with you." I took a deep breath, I'm ready as I'll ever be. Smiling I walk over sitting on their left. Sitting down my left leg crossed over my right all lady like. "Lets get down to business, gentlemen." Tonight will be one for the history books. Tonight destiny will be in play, juggling what adventure my life will go on next.

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