Chapter 12: Not An Ordinary Hawkins Girl

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Arriving before Billy did I pull into the driveway of the Harrington house, stopping the car in front of the garage. Turning off my car I take the keys out and get out of my car, closing the door behind me I make my way over to the garage door pulling it up. Suddenly I hear the loud unmistakable sound of my ruby number two getting louder and louder as seconds pass by. Finally I see Billy as he turns around the street corner, even from down the street I can see he's not in the mood. I walk down the drive way all the way to where the curb is and step on it waiting for him to stop in front of me. Billy zooms through the street, riding my ruby like it was his. It really does suit him, I can imagine him driving through the beaches and the town of California on a bike. Finally Billy comes to a complete stop beside the curb, cutting the engine off. He takes his sun glasses placing it on the top of his head and looks over at me, giggling I hop down the curb now standing beside the bike "Let me guess, the coppers got you ?" he groans and rolls his eyes "Yeah, a cop called Powell and his buddy Callahan stopped me for 'speeding'." A small giggle escaping my lips but remembering the time that those dumb coppers stopped me and almost landed me in a jail cell. "Ouch, you got pulled over by the dumb duo. Well let me guess they gave you a warning ?" he nodded his head looking into my eyes with such a 'done with this' kind of mood. "Yeah, anyways lets stop talking about those dummies." Then immediately his mood changes as his eyes traveled my body that's still covered by the towel I'm wearing, I also catch a glimpse of his bottom lip disappearing under his teeth as he bites his lip. "So where do you want me to put the bike, princess ?" I motion my head in the direction of the garage "Just in the garage, you can place it anywhere by the left side beside the wall." He gets off the bike and stands beside it taking the bike by its handles to push it into the garage. While he puts the bike back I go over to my car walking over to the passenger side, I open the door and take out my plaid jacket and the one Billy lent me. I also lean over the passenger seat to grab the helmet that I threw back there when we left Tommy's. I make my way over to the garage door that leads into the house, opening the door I look behind me to see Billy staring at the bike longingly "Billy, I'll be right back." He looks over at me taking his eyes away from the staring contest he's having with ruby #2. Continuing to speak now that his attention is on me "I'm just going to throw this stuff upstairs and put on some clothes. Feel free to hang out and be comfortable." He nods his head letting out a 'okay'. I leave the door open in case Billy needed anything from inside, walking to the staircase I speedily ran up the flight of stairs bolting my way to my room. I go to my closet throwing the helmet inside on the floor that's already covered with clothes which saves the fall of my helmet. With the jackets in my arms I reach inside carefully I slip the jackets on the hangers one by one, with success the jackets don't fall of the hangers and I close my closet door. Turning around I walk over to the dresser, once my hand was in reach I opened the top drawer my hands rummaging through the tops and my eyes searching through the drawer for a appropriate shirt. Coming to an agreement I take out a plain white wife beater throwing it on my shoulder then my hands go to the drawer underneath the top one. Rummaging through the second drawer finally my hands found a pair of blue jeans that goes with my white wife beater. Almost forgetting about a change of undergarments I go to the bottom drawer taking out a set with new socks. Closing the drawers satisfied with the outfit I have I take off my towel throwing it in the corner with my already filled hamper, following the towel was my undergarments. I quickly throw on the dry clothes on starting with my socks and continue until I put on the last thing that completes my outfit which was my wife beater. I walk back down the steps but as I was going down the stairs the door to the garage was still open but from my view I couldn't see Billy. Finally stepping down from the last step onto the ground level I make my way over to the garage door. I walk inside and turn around to close the door behind me, turning back around when I hear the clicking of the doors meeting each other I look over to the open garage door down the driveway and notice a figure smoking by the end of the pavement road that meets the street road. I'm guessing he heard the door closing because his eyes immediately went to the direction I'm in. I walk just outside of the garage then turning back around to pull down on the garage door pulling it down. The door makes a soft thud as it collided with the concrete underneath it. I whip my head around to face Billy and I see him throwing the cigarette down on the ground then his face looks back up to face me, I motion my head over to my car "Get in loser, I have to take you home and I still have to come back home to get ready for work later tonight." I smile thinking of bringing Billy home. He crosses his arms over his chest "Hey! I'm not a loser." Suddenly something comes over him but before I could realize if it was something good or bad Billy rushes over running faster than anyone on our school track team. In a blink of an eye Billy picks me up around the waist spinning me around. In between laughs I manage to speak "Billy ! Put me down !" he then starts to spin me harder "No can do princess !" my stomach hurts from laughing so much and my head starts to hurt from being spun so fast for so long. This moment is so rich, Billy spinning me round and round neither of us with a care in the world. Both of us laughing till our hearts content, for a moment I forget about school, my family and about my job tonight. For a moment I'm just a normal teenage girl with a boy she likes, just for a moment I forget I'm not all so innocent and sweet, that I'm not a ordinary Hawkins girl. 
Billy places me back down my feet meeting the ground once again, we're still smiling from being happy in this moment. My hands hold onto the biceps of Billy's arms trying to steady myself still feeling dizzy from the roller coaster ride named Billy "Never-Puts-Me-Down" Hargrove. You should go on that ride sometimes, it's sooo much fun best coaster in this entire country ! You would be in for the ride of your life with this guy.
Feeling my senses coming back my eyes travel to the light blue ocean without hesitation. "You okay there little one ?" blinking to take myself out of the trance his blue eyes always put me in. Wait- did he just call me that ? "What ?I'm not little ! I am shorter than you but I'm not so little !" My hands leave his arms and instead cross my arms over my chest, huffing and pouting my lips not happy when anyone calls me little. Steve knows that from the tough lesson he learned once. Billy comes close to me and I instantly feel the heat rise in my cheeks from the sudden closeness. "You might not be so little, but you are little to me. You'll be my shorty." I roll my eyes and push him off me "Sure Hargrove, sure. But just for your information, no one owns me and no one ever will." I turn my back to him walking around my car from the passenger side to the driver's side, opening the door to my seat but before I can take a seat inside I put my attention on Billy who is walking over from where I last spotted him to see him beside the car opening the door. His eyes not leaving mine but his attitude thankfully still cheery, of course if he wasn't I would put him in his place whether he's a friend or a guy I like. He looked as if he liked a challenge, however little did he know this was a challenge that had a iron wall, with lava surrounding it to protect the little bit of heart I still have. The little bit of my treasure heart that hasn't turned all black, at least not yet. I swing myself into the seat ready to drop him home, I know fully it's not Billy's fault whatsoever for my heart being broken and turned into a black soulless pit. Slamming my door I hear Billy lightly closing the door behind him, once both of our seat belts were on I pull out of the driveway fast and zoom through the streets like I always do. I still have to head out to buy a new outfit for my job to impress the big guys, knowing them they will pick either two targets; one weak and one mildly strong or just a strong one. Either way I will be ready. 
"Hey princess, I have been thinking about something for awhile now."  I turn my head over to Billy taking my eyes off of the road to see what has been running through this bad boy's mind. "Yeah, and what is that Blue eyes ?" Keeping my main focus on the road but glancing his way every so often, I notice he's really contemplating whatever it is. He turns his body towards me and tries getting more comfortable by leaning his arm against the door. "No one is home yet, and I wanted to ask if you wanted to come inside for a few minutes ?" I instantly start giggling but stop as soon as I see that he's completely serious and start feeling bad "Oh my god, your serious I'm so sorry. I just didn't think you were the kind of guy to ask a girl to go to your house." He laughs kind of scoffing as he did "Well you are right there." Surprisingly we didn't talk the rest of the way to his place. It wasn't exactly a awkward silence but the air was getting stuffed in the car even with the windows down to cool us down. 
We arrive to the Hargrove house looking exactly the way it was when I last saw it few hours ago. I pull to the curb in front of the house but behind Billy's car that's already there and un-touched. Stopping and turning off the car I get out of my ruby dream closing the door behind me. As I walked around the front of the car to the passengers side from the side of my eyes I see Billy's face crack into a smile as he watched me from inside the car. Stopping and standing on top of the curb I pretend not to see that he's happy that I'm coming inside his house for the second time. I put my full attention on him as soon as I hear the door close of my car. Billy walks over to the front door without waiting for me or turning back and I jog to catch up behind him just in time for him to turn around to see if I was following him. Giving him a sheepish smile I start speaking "Well I don't have all day Billy." He smirks cocking his eyebrow up keeping his blue eyes connected to mine "Hey, that's my line princess." in a low seductive way he spoke. I roll my eyes grab both of his shoulders turning him around "I can use your lines sometimes Blue eyes, don't get mad at me for that." Light heartedly I spoke with my laughter peeking through my words. I hear Billy unlocking the door, I followed his steps into his house and I took the door from behind me and closed it. Billy turned his body about half way looking back to me, his eyes made his way down my body until it stopped by my hands by the sides of my body. His right hand reached out taking a hold of my left wrist and pulled me behind him with urgency. He took me through a room with gym equipment, from there all the way to the back of the house to where the side door is in the kitchen. We took a right where there's a hallway that leads to a lot of doors. Suddenly the pull of his hand lets go of mine but his feet keep moving forward to the last door on the right. Billy puts his hand in his jean pocket taking out what sounds like keys. Reaching his door that I now see has a lock on it that I didn't pay much attention to the first time I was here. Now that I think about it a lot has changed since I was last here. Billy's facing a white door and is unlocking the lock. He opens the door and steps back to let me in first like the first time I came inside the Hargrove household. I walk into the middle of the room doing a slow 360, taking in his room fully this time thankfully not being in too much of a rush today. I hear Billy close his door and walk a few steps before I felt his touch from behind me as his hands come up from the sides of my arms. Feeling his hands stop by my shoulders he turns me over to face him, now facing the blue ocean of eyes he has, I get lost yet again for the millionth time since I met him. His big hands find their way on my body one goes to the side of my face and the other one on my waist both staying there for a few minutes. I close my eyes leaning into his hand that's caressing my cheek, I haven't had any affection or anything like this in the longest time so it feels nice. Opening my eyes my eyes land on Billy who is only a few centimeters away from my face. He was the first one to make the move by colliding his soft lips with his, and that was the beginning to what seemed like no end. It feels like an addiction, once you get started you can't stop. You don't want to stop. My hands were quick to wrap around his neck, giving into the passionate needy kiss I felt my legs begin to tremble and wobble. Billy probably noticed this because his lips went from mine to trailing down my neck getting lower but stopping at my chest. As I was about to say something he took me by surprise from his hands grabbing me behind my knees lifting me up in a quick motion. Once my legs were wrapped around his waist his hands stayed on my butt supporting me. "Hey Billy I'm home ! Who's car is that in the front ?" we heard a female voice ringing through the house, Billy let go of my ass and I was quick to unwrap my legs letting go of my hold on Billy. Jumping off of him thankfully landing on my feet, I look up to see him at the door opening it just a little bit for him to yell out "I have a friend over Susan !" he then closed the door and locked it. I see him facing the door running his hands over his face, then as if nothing happened he turned around his body facing towards me. Walking over back to me in a low voice he starts speaking "What if we made an arrangement, a deal if you will. I can tell you want more, you have needs and guess what princess. So do I."

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