Chapter 32: Poison Rotten Apple

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"A world of gangs and monsters." Denise finished telling me the story. I try to take it all in but I was still in shock. My parents were in gangs, they couldn't be with each other but they were anyways and now I'm what remains of their forbidden love. I guess if I really wanted to be with Billy I could now because I come from gang blood but that's not important right now. "So why did you and Greg lie?" I can't look at her in her eyes so I just look at my hands in my lap as she spoke. My hands were shaking with nerves and anxiety. "We couldn't tell you until the time was right. We didn't want the chance of anyone finding out you're their daughter. That's all I was told, I wasn't even told of their names because of how dangerous it could be if the wrong people found out this information. You're a big deal in that world, its mainly why I restricted you from going to the bulldog bar or any gang activities." She lightly chuckles at herself which causes me to look up at her in confusion as to what is so funny to her. She spots this and shakes her head "No, I was just thinking about how thankfully you listened to me cause god only knows what would of happened to you if you did join gangs. I mean I did allow you to go to the bar but thankfully it wasn't enough for you to be known." I look down into my lap "Yeah thankfully I didn't join any gangs or was at the bar too often for them to know who I am." How reckless can I be, but how would I of known that I am the most wanted couple's daughter and I shouldn't join any 'activities'. I hug her knowing this is probably the last time I'll see her. I just have to leave into hiding. I am not safe here in Hawkins. I hear footsteps and I immediately look around thinking that Greg came back but instead I find Steve. I unwrap my arms from Denise and run to Steve as he hops down from the last step. I jump on him wrapping my legs around his waist. "Little booger, I missed you! Where were you?" He whispers the last part in my ear as I give a tight squeeze before I feel him squeezing me back. I whisper back in his ear "Hawkins Lab, they had to talk to me so someone set me up and a white van took me to them." He looks at me with wide eyes but before he could say anything Denise speaks up "Come sit down kids, I need to speak to you two." We both turn to look at Denise like curious little kids. I hop down from Steve and we walk sitting down beside each other with Denise now standing up in front of us. "Steve, I kicked your father out. He has been behaving really nasty with your sister and won't be back until he fixes that. I need both of you not to allow him in, if he shows up and I'm not here call Hopper but if I'm here I need you to call me. I don't want either of you being near him right now." Steve's eyes go wide but his attention softens once his gaze is on me. "Did he hurt you?" I shake my head sending him a soft smile while I lean my head on his shoulder. "I'm good Steve." I look up at Denise seeing her smile and awe'ing at us with both of her hands over her heart. "Alright kids I have to go now, Hopper called me in to go over some paperwork. I'll be back when I can." We both nod our heads and with that she leaves us in the house. "Hey sis, Bill-" Before he could continue his sentence I spot Steve out of the corner of my eyes looking down at his watch. "Oh shit. Hey, Kat I got to go. I'm meeting up with Nanc tonight." I roll my eyes but get off his shoulder regardless as he stands up ready to leave me I speak up "I don't know why your going to meet with her Steve. I could practically feel her being distant with you, Steve." Steve snaps around with what seems like anger as if I'm trying to destroy his toy. "Unlike your boyfriend, I try to be the best boyfriend I can to her. I'm still trying to make up to her about you spilling the drink on her from the party. You know what you're a real bitch. You know I love her and you fuck up any chances I have at happiness. It's probably best if you just stay away from us." I look at him astonished, then I scoff taking in this information. I scrunch my face up in anger and practically spat out my next words. "Fuck you Steve." I take my keys and run out of there making it to my car and driving off faster than you can say stop. I make my way to the Bulldog Bar not giving a fuck about Greg coming for me, not giving a fuck about anything in this moment. Fuck my parents, fuck Billy, fuck Steve, fuck everything. Just fuck it all. I stop my car in the front of the bar and start balling trying to release everything however it just angers me even more because I'm letting it get to me. I take out the keys stashing them in my pocket and go inside. I immediately see Bones at the bar serving. I grin at her when she spots me walking towards her. "Siren baby! You look in dire need of some hard liquor." I could just nod my head as I sit down on the bar seat. "Yes, give me everything you got. I need to forget everything." I giggle, she sends me a smile however I can tell that deep in her eyes she sees something is wrong. She doesn't say anything but instead gives me what we call knock out. Even a grown man with a high alcohol tolerance can't handle more than 3 shots of this stuff. Bones gives me the bottle and a shot glass giving it to me immediately. "I cant drink tonight, but cheers girl." I take one of my favourite poisons in the world in my hand. You know, everyone needs to choose their poison in this world and it just so happens I have a few. I lift up the shot glass raising it up as I look at Bones "Cheers friend." I smile before pouring the burning liquid down my throat. Funny thing with this special drink is that you don't feel it hitting you at first, which is why everyone tries to drink more than 2 shots. It's also why rumor has it that it has caused so many deaths that they stopped manufacturing this drink. People drink too many thinking it doesn't do anything and end up driving or end up doing something getting them killed. It's also why at most bars that have this drink, the bartenders don't pour it for you so they aren't held responsible if someone died. I only had one shot of this stuff before and it made me feel like I was drinking for 24 hours straight. Bones comes in my view and begins to speak "I'll be right back I have to grab some more supplies girl." I smile at Bones "Alright Bones. I'll be here." She walks out of the bar area and into the back. In need of a buzz I pour myself another shot without subconsciously realizing what I was taking until I already downed my second shot. The realization struck of what I just done. I start getting nervous but then I think no one cares about me however I immediately think of Billy. I didn't like the way we left things off, I don't care if he has another in his heart or mind. I need him and I know he secretly needs me too. Whether its Isabella or his ex, I don't care at this point I just need my best friend back. Just like that it hits me, I start getting woozy and dizzy but all I had was one thing in mind. I get up from my seat "I need to go apologize to Billy." I quickly leave the bar and get into the car making my way to his house. As I'm driving I grab my new Siren phone I bought from out of my glove box and quickly dial Billy's house. One hand holding the phone and the other holding the wheel. After two rings someone picks up. "Hello, Hargrove residence. Susan speaking." Her voice was pretty cheery. "Hey Susan it's Kat. Can I speak with Billy?" I could practically see her smile "Oh hey Kat. Yeah one second." I hear her voice as she calls out for Billy. 'Billy, phone.'. With that I hear the voice I been craving to hear. "Hello, it's Billy." I start crying out of nowhere letting my emotions get the better of me. "Billy it's me. Just listen to me. I am so sorry, I know I been a horrible person to you and I deserve the worst but Billy..." with that I start balling losing my vision slightly and everything becomes hazy and blurry. "Although I know we can't be together, I at least want my best friend back. I love you so much Billy. I am going crazy without you." I can hear him taking a deep breath but before he could speak I let out a scream as the black Chevy truck coming straight for me. I swerve out of the way however collide in a tree instead and my mouth lets out an ear piercing scream. Not long after the Chevy smashes into the rear end of my car which causes me to groan in pain. All of it happens way to fast for me to fathom what is happening. All I hear is the crashing of my car, wheels screeching and glass breaking and that continues on repeating in my ears and head. I slowly open my eyes however it's still all hazy and blurry. I just see that half of my body is through the windshield as I'm drenched in my own blood with my head aching and the pain in my body reaches unbelievable excruciating pain. "Kat! Kat, what happened! Are you okay?!" I heard the angel's heavenly voice calling for me. Billy. Oh god Billy. I am so sorry. "Billy, I love you." With that everything turns completely black for what I was thinking was the last time ever. The voice that basically sends chills down my spine for what feels like the last time. "Angel, Angel, Angel. Your going to the safest place for you, its in heaven with your parents." I fall into the darkness like a poison rotten apple I am, falling off the apple tree.

Billy’s P.O.V
I groan and turn myself over on my bed so im laying on my back looking up at the ceiling. I got Susan to call the school telling them im sick and cant attend, so here I am waking up from my slumber. I groan once more and get up finding a plain white t-shirt putting it over my bare chest. I walk into my bathroom did my business and cleaned my teeth. I have to go find her. God only knows where they took her and who took her. I heard the ringing of the phone in the kitchen but immediately heard Susan answering it. Then shortly after I heard her calling for me. “Billy, phone.” I walk into the kitchen giving Susan a sad smile however she returns it with a happy one. I put the phone to my ear answering it “Hello, it’s Billy.” However instead of a usual ‘hi’ I heard someone sobbing into the phone, then I heard her voice. “Billy it’s me. Just listen to me. I am so sorry, I know I been a horrible person to you and I deserve the worst but Billy…” Oh princess. She starts to cry harder which breaks my heart into even more pieces. She continues speaking to me her voice kind of slurring but I mainly heard her heartbroken voice. “Although I know we can’t be together, I at least want my best friend back. I love you so much Billy. I am going crazy without you.” I took a deep breath but just as I was about to answer I heard the swerving of a car and following the sound of a car crashing I heard a scream that broke my soul. I hear another crash then Kat groaning, This is where my entire body unfreezes and I begin speaking “Kat! Kat, what happened! Are you okay?!” Instead of the ‘im okay’ I was hoping for I heard those words that crushed every last bit of my heart. “Billy, I love you.” My heart dropped to my stomach and soon after I heard a voice that completely drained my face of color. “Angel, Angel, Angel. Your going to the safest place for you, its in heaven with your parents.”. It can’t be him. I thought he left this town a long time ago.

Mystery Man’s P.O.V
We spot her leaving the Bulldog Bar looking a bit drunk. Perfect. She gets in her Red Omega car and drives off. “After her. Do not lose her, she’s in her most weakened state.” I yell at my driver. Through the back of her car I see her beautiful face in her rear view mirror. Beautiful as she is dangerous. “Speed up, pass her by and crash her car.” I ordered my driver, he spoke back “Yes boss.” And then did exactly what I wanted him to. She’d be too drunk to notice us passing her by. We speed and passed her by, my driver speed up until she was further behind us and gives us enough time. My driver turned around and speeds up the Chevy truck. Soon enough we spot the red Omega. Perfect. “Swerve in her direction with intentions of hitting the car.” And just like that our Chevy swerves in the other lane, however she swerves her car to our left smashing it in the tree off the side of the road. “Hit her car from behind. Now!” I practically screamed at him, this is our only chance and I will not have anyone mess it up. Our car crashed in the rear end of her Omega just as fast as we hit her car. I start to laugh, I finally have her. Little princess, your mine. I get out of the truck and make my way to the driver seat of her car. As I walk up to the drivers seat I spot her body through the windshield of her car and her blood pooling around her. “Angel, Angel, Angel. Your going to the safest place for you, its in heaven with your parents.” I pick her up, taking her and place her in the backseat of the Chevy truck. “Let’s go home.” With that we sped off into the distance leaving the only evidence of Angel which is her car. I look over into the backseat seeing her face paling as seconds go by, I place a hand on her cold cheek. “Don’t worry Angel, you’ll be home soon.”

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