Chapter 30: Im Human

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Billy's P.O.V
I walked into Tia's house for the supposed Halloween bash that's here tonight. I'm wearing my leather jacket with no shirt, black finger-less gloves, my blue jeans and my black combat boots. Don't even ask what I am besides looking good. I close the door behind me seeing there's quite a lot of people here tonight. Tia appears from the crowd and walks up to me "Hey hot stuff. Glad you made it, there's a keg out in the back, drinks in the kitchen and available rooms upstairs for any takers." She sends me a wink but before I could take her upstairs I hear the voice I was hoping not to hear tonight. "Tina there's a few guys who want to trash your bathroom!" Princess is here tonight. Tia looks at me up and down before she walks into the crowd disappearing. Oh well, Tia or Tina. Same difference. I spot my classmate Marco next to the staircase and I make my way to him. We start talking but my attention immediately goes to the two girls going upstairs. Tina stomps upstairs and then I spot Kat walking up behind her. I see her in all sorts of angles from where I'm standing but I know she hasn't seen me yet. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt or kill me when I told my princess what I said back in John's office. Since then I couldn't stop thinking about her, regretting every single thing I've said. I cant stop thinking of her running out of John's office and her words repeating in my head. "I hate you so tell me why I would want you to be in a happy loving relationship or to be with you! I would rather you stay with her and get fucked over Billy! I fucking I hate you Billy!" those words haunting me every second of every hour. "Hey Hargrove let's go outside to drink man!" I nod my head still dazed but continue on after Marco. 
It's my 3rd keg now as I'm doing a handstand on top of the keg drinking it upside down. Everyone cheers me on chanting as they count up. "21-22-" that's where I come down spitting as everyone cheers me on. Tommy comes up beside me "We got ourselves a new, keg king!" then everyone starts chanting my name this time. "That's how you do it Hawkins, that's how you do it." The chanting never stopped as I make my way inside the house, Marco, Tommy and a few other guys not leaving my side. I walk through the crowd and I spot Steve, ever since he helped me that day we got in a sort of fight. He heard me calling girls in high school cows and well we had disagreements since. I made my way to Steve with a pissed off look but also trying to show off but dumber 1 and dumber 2 beat me to it. Tommy spoke up to his ex best friend "We got ourselves a new keg king Harrington.". Then Marco spoke up "Yeah eat it Harrington.". After his girl walks away Steve and I  stare at each other before I spot a tall guy with curly hair wearing a black vest, a guy with platinum blonde hair and a blonde girl with the two guys. They stuck out like sore thumbs, they turned around and I saw David, Aaron and- wait is that, Lissa ? I make my way to them grinning. "Well if it isn't the keg king." Aaron spoke yelling over the music. I hug the two guys, I haven't seen my best friends in the longest time. After that Lissa practically jumps into my arms and she crashed her lips on mine which shocked me but everyone was cheering us on. She lets go and backs up giving me space before she started speaking "Billykins, we came to visit you! We knew how lonely you probably got in a shit hole town like this so I gathered your besties and we came to cause some hell. Like the good old times.". I look at her, she's changed so much. She doesn't look like the old good girl I knew, she looks like she might of joined David and Aaron in the gang. "Wow Lissa, you look great. You don't look like a gg." I grin at her, I loved this girl and if I can cause the same pain she infused in me, you can bet I'll do it back. "But what are you guys doing here, really?" David now speaks up "Well, your dad called us. He thought you might of needed your friends. But forget that let's drink and celebrate the trio being back together again!" without an answer they practically drag me to the kitchen and we drank. We kept drinking until we were laughing at silly shit that in reality wasn't funny. Now we were just leaning up against the wall, my arm around Lissa like old times. We were surrounded by everyone including Tina, Tommy and Marco. During a good portion of tonight Aaron was gone dancing with some girl I couldn't see. Then out of a blue I spot Kat walking up to Harrington and Wheeler. Her black leather jacket with nothing underneath just a lingerie top, fish hole stockings with a red plaid short skirt and black high heels. I felt Lissa's eyes trained on me as I watched the beauty walk by. I saw her yelling and grabbing a hold of Steve's girl's cup. They tug the cup back and forth until Wheeler harshly tugs at it making it spill all over her. The music stops and everyone now just stops and stares. I can see that little she devil smirking although her brothers girl is trying to kill her with her eyes. Kat speaks up "Should of listened 'Nanc'." I can see her containing herself so she doesn't laugh but Wheeler instantly tries to tackle my girl but before that happens Steve cuts in grabbing his girlfriend. Remind me to thank him later for protecting my girl. All of a sudden you hear her yelling. "You damn bitch!" Princess raises both of her hands up in surrender. "Nanc." We all hear Steve telling his girl in a way to calm her down but instead she stomps off with Steve running behind her. The music comes back on and I stop staring putting my attention back on Lissa. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Kat walking up to Tina speaking to her for a minute before she leaves the room. With this Lissa speaks in my ear "I'll be right back baby, bathroom." I nod my head and put my attention on David as we spoke. However after about two minutes Lissa comes back grabbing David and leaving. I don't think much of it and continue talking with the rest of the people here surrounding me. We're all laughing all too drunk to know what's going on but my face instantly drains when I see Kat running into the room but disappearing in the crowd. I had to fight the urge and looked the other way making it seem like I don't care. Lissa and David come back emerging from the middle of the crowd making their way beside me. But behind them I spotted Aaron and- Kat? My blood starts to boiling, fuck. Aaron needs to get as far as possible from her. Kat looks at me but she instantly turns around grabbing Aaron's face making out with him. What angered me even more was when Aaron grabbed my princess in ways I want to and practically crashes her back against the wall. Everyone starts cheering them on which makes me fume in anger. I look the other way and try to calm down. Lissa looks at me "Hey you okay? How about we go get some fresh air?" I nod my head "Yeah, that would be great." She takes my hand leading me to the side entrance. She pushes me up against the wall beside the door and smashes her lips against mine. I heard a faint voice yelling in the distance "We have to go inside quickly! There's bad guys in that white van!" then there was a muffled scream. I try to look away but Lissa had me pinned. "Don't worry baby there's just some kids fooling around outside." She held my face pretty firmly regardless I nod my head dismissing it but then a blood curdling scream echoed ringing my ears. There was also the sounds of an engine and a car door opening which without hesitation makes my whip my head in the direction of it all. That's when I spotted Kat in a white van with the side door open. They had her mouth covered in a rag. Chloroform no doubt. I start sprinting but the car was already on the move. I heard Lissa screaming my name but I didn't care and kept running. I started noticing no license plate was on the back and no model either. Out of the blue I hear the side door opening, I was hoping it was Kat however as quick as it open, it slammed shut. I can't keep up as it speeds up, my breathing became ragged and my feet were burning under me. Goddamn it. This wasn't the first time I let her go and this time I just did maybe for the last time. I stopped running and started throwing up as I cried. I heard a car stopping beside me and then I heard his voice. "Hey, you okay?" I look over noticing Steve. "Kat just got taken in a white van. I tried keeping up but I couldn't." his eyes go wide "Get in." I nod and hop inside. "They went straight ahead, after that I don't know where they went." He nods as he speeds off. "What the fuck happened." I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, one second I'm kissing my ex and the next I see Kat in the white van." We keep going down this road however we end up with nothing. Steve stops the car by the side of the road. "So you think you care for my sister but you do shit like this? Go make out with your ex girl but then run after my sister when she gets taken? What is your deal, John even told me that you two hate each other." I take a deep breath "I hate her so much, she always comes back like a lost puppy she always gets in trouble. I just hate her so much that I don't even hate her at all. I keep messing up all the chances I have with her and I just don't know what to do." Steve groans as he rolls his eyes. "That's my sister, and you keep hurting her. But, I see how much both of you care and love each other. I'll take you home but there's not much we can do about it now, we don't know where they went." I sigh knowing he's right so that's exactly what happens. Steve takes me home and I stayed up all night thinking of the love of my life that I lost tonight. I couldn't sleep a wink regretting everything I did, yes I did make crazy mistakes but I'm human. I start thinking of her cute smile, her love for cars and how we met in this life. Showing up in Hawkins after so many years meeting practically my other self that was a girl. I just wish I met her sooner, I just wish that I could of cherished her sooner. I cant let her go. I call Marco and he picks me up shortly after. We start our quest going all over town searching for a white van but funny enough we didn't find a single van this night. We eventually stop our search around 6 in the morning when Marco pointed out that there was literally nothing. He even asked me if I imagined the whole thing. Maybe I did, but maybe, maybe I didn't.

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